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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2204350

The Judgement Day Legends: Book One

Thunder of Darkness

The Judgement Day Legends:

Thunder of Darkness

Myths of Tutankhanum

The Last Demigod

The Heroes of Ragnarok

The Trojan War II

Tombs of WCKD:

Tombs of WCKD: The Burning Heart

Tombs of WCKD: Death of The Flare

Tombs of WCKD: The Next Level

Tombs of WCKD: Doomsday

Tombs of WCKD: The Final Game

The Gods of Paradise:

The Dragon Father

The Turtle's Crossbow

Mountain and Ocean


If someone told him he had ADHD, he would be fine.

If someone told him he was crazy, no problem.

Even if someone told him he had a minus F' for Maths, Newt would feel okay.

But no. Percy Jackson told him Newt was a son of Apollo.

It all started when Newt was having a perfectly normal day for a perfectly abnormal kid. Just like any other kid, Newt loved KFC although he knew that the food quality there was rubbish. But unlike any other kid, he owned a creepy-looking silver ring which could turn into a sword. And unlike any other kid, Newt had a sandy-colored bag which could turn into a set of bow and arrows whenever he wanted, for instance when Mr Boring gave him a minus F' for Maths. Newt wanted to beat the guy up, knowing that due to the fact he was the worst student at school, the mean teacher intentionally gave him low scores. The only subject that Newt wasn't bad at was a stupid subject: International History. His class had been studying Greek Mythology lately, and, unexpectedly, he had three consecutively A's. Nerd, his friends called him. Newt didn't care. But the Greek Mythology teacher patted him on the back that day. Something zapped him as the guy did so. Newt wondered how did he do that, but once he had met a guy with a name as stupid as Perseus who had the ability to control water and talk to horses, that didn't surprise him much. Nevertheless, it did surprise him when he was brave enough to shoot and arrow through his teacher's throat as the dude dissolved into yellowish dust.

"You never know who is a monster until you've encountered one," Percy had said.

"Does somebody who stops the flow of a river counts as a monster?" Newt asked.

Percy sneered, "Shut up, Newt."

A goofy guy with dark hair appeared at his house the day before after saving him from getting drowned at the river nearby. He introduced himself as Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon. Newt didn't believe him at first. But to think again, Percy might have a point. He did have cool powers and stupid ones. Just like Poseidon. He wasn't to close to horse but enough to show he talked to horse and he was an idiot. Just like Poseidon. Oh, and he dated Athena's daughter. Not cool, man. Newt couldn't imagine the sea god telling his son to break up with the girl named... Annabelle? Nope, take that out of your mind, he thought, Her name is Annabeth, not the scary doll. Percy will kill me if I mispronounced her name.

Newt was talking with Will Solace at Camp Half-Blood. He was claimed by Apollo right after getting into Camp. He met a crazy dude named G-man, a guy who loved drinking wine known as Mister D who had a son named Dakota that liked drinking red Kool-Aid. Newt was also a relative of Octavian, a blonde dude who wanted to crush the world and befriend the dumb Gaea (who killed her husband partly because he didn't wear a vest to their date). Beyond all of that, Newt met a funny-looking centaur who seemed to be Donald Trump the centaur version.

"Okey dokey, Newt," Will Solace grinned, "Now I'll show you Cabin Seven."

Newt nodded nervously, "To the unknown and, um, beyond? Is Cabin Seven like, um, I guess, Death Star or something?" he whispered.

Will Solace stared at Newt as he couldn't believe he had Newt for a relative, "Firtsly, no. Secondly, shut up and listen to me. Thirdly, both Death Star and Starkiller were destroyed by the same way. And Cabin Seven doesn't have beams that destroy planets."

"So what does your cabin have?" Newt asked anxiously.

"Um... Music and archery and... stuff, I think," Will shrugged.

"So you don't even know exactly what does your cabin does even though you're the... what?" Newt questioned doubtfully.

"Counselor," Will said, "C-O-U-N-S-E-L-O-R."

"Would've been helpful if I brought my diary," Newt whispered under his breath.

Newt West, someone in his dream said, I need you to free me, young child. I shall grant you anything you require, but I need freedom first.

Newt assumed it was a dream, so he simply answered back, Oh yeah, you've got the new model Predator laptop? 'Cause I really need one to finish the game Broforce. You know, the game which has Brodell Walker?

Dude, you're talking to a guy who had died before time became a thing, so don't expect me to know about Broforce, the voice replied, But I'd prefer Brominator.

The guy who can be immortal for a while? Newt asked, Wait... You had laptops before time existed?

Nope, the voice echoed again, I'm Ouranos, at Tartarus. It's not that bad, ya know. I mean, we still have Wi-Fi and stuff.

Uh... Is Ouranos the father of Kronos? Newt questioned, I thought it was Uranus.

Ah, yes. It used to be, uh... Ouranos kept talking.

Uranus? Well, I admit that it was a little bit touchy, Newt agreed, So why are you talking to me?

"Wake up, you Apollo pig!" somebody yelled at Newt's face.

"Perce!" Newt called.

Percy turned around reluctantly, "Yes, Newt?"

"Does Dionysus allow Clarisse call Apollo 'pig'? 'Cause..." Newt started.

"He also encouraged her to call Apollo a dog, a bastard, whatever she likes," Percy added cheerfully, "I'll consider that as a 'yep'."

"Oh yeah, there's also something," Newt nervously said, "They have Wi-Fi at Tartarus?"

Percy simply shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows?"

After discussing about whether the Tartarus had Wi-Fi or not, Percy started leading Newt through the forest. Newt also started the daily Camp activities. He was best at archery and worst at marathon. He reasoned that he was a person who didn't like 'exhausting activities which tires', but Percy simply laughed and told him he was lazy. Newt also loved G-man's music, but mostly because it made him laugh. Actually, the sadder the song was according to the satyr, the funnier Newt felt it was.

Now Percy was inviting him to a duel. Newt touched his ring as it turned into a sword. Percy uncapped his ballpoint pen and it turned into another sword, called 'Riptide'. Newt wanted to ask if Percy was doing a test but forgot to bring a pen, can the Riptide not turn into a sword? But Newt's opponent probably didn't have time talking. Percy's movement was fast. His fighting included slashing, stabbing and cornering. The slashing was Greek's style. The stabbing? Maybe Roman. But Newt had never seen Percy's ingenious cornering. He wasn't just confused, he was a little bit afraid. But Newt wasn't too bad as a swordsman. He was able to dodge most of Percy's attacks, and he was even able to give Percy a small bruise.

Percy started panting. He suddenly stepped into a puddle and jumped forward. The move was too sudden, Newt couldn't even react. Nonetheless, he could hear people jeering. Percy said that even if he lost the duel, people wouldn't disgust him. Still they did. But, after a while, Newt understood what happened. Percy was the son of Poseidon. He stepped into water, and his power increased. Clarisse wasn't mocking Newt, she was mocking Percy.

"Yeah, uh, sorry," Percy grinned, "I cheated."

Newt smiled, "Nah, that's okay. Sometimes cheating ain't that bad. But always cheating? I don't think that's good. For example, I had a minus F' for cheating two years ago."

"Wow," Annabeth Chase agreed, "That's really lame."

"All right," Percy interrupted, "Capture the flag time."

In capturing the flag, you must use your fighting skills and maybe your brain to win. The game was exactly what it sounded like: you've got to capture the flag. The Cabins were divided into halves. Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Hermes and Haepheatus with Morpheus allied. Ares, Aphrodite and the other Cabins allied to form another team. Newt wasn't afraid of Aphrodite's cabin. The only ones who seemed to be willing to fight were Piper McLean and Liam Mitch. Piper was sixteen, still, she was shorter than Newt, who was twelve. Liam was clumsy and whenever he had got himself involved in a fight, he hit himself more than he hit his opponent. The Demeter cabin was also not a big problem. Their counselor, Kate Gardner seemed to prefer growing plants to taking the flag from the opposing team. On the other hand, the counselors from Newt's cabin showed a different attitude. Percy Jackson seemed anxious to keep standing in front of Clarisse without kicking her butt. Annabeth Chase definitely wanted to show everyone that her nickname 'Wise Girl' was worth it. Travis and Connor Stoll seemed to be more interested in stealing stuff during the fight rather than capturing a worthless flag. Will Solace readied his medicines as he reminded Newt to carry wounded ones to him. Clovis kept yawning as he always did. Leo Valdez and his girlfriend Calypso (wait - a demigod can date an immortal?) kept talking about Leo and Calypso's Auto Repair shop without caring the game was about to begin. Newt didn't know why could Calypso get away from her island. However, he can kill someone without being in jail, she could escape from her island. Reasonable enough for Newt. Probably he would keep it in mind so that afterwards he would ask Percy.

But meaningwhile, Newt had to dodge Clarisse's deadly attacks. He didn't know her very much, so he didn't know what was up with her. Probably it was because she inherited it from Ares. However, Percy confirmed that not everyone who was a child of Ares was a badass dude, for instance, Frank Zhang. Newt thought it was a rather stupid name for a Canadian, but Percy explained that his friend Frank had Chinese blood.

Suddenly, Clarisse made a genius move. She swung her spear at Newt, but before he was able to draw his sword, Clarisse switched her target to Percy. Percy, who was shocked after he'd gotten himself hit by the war god's violent daughter, passed out almost immediately. Newt tried to approach Clarisse, but he wasn't as fast at her. The only thought he was having was to slow his opponent down - even a little bit. If only she stopped moving for a second, maybe Newt can attack her and find her weakness. Sadly, he started to wonder if Clarisse actually had a weakness. In daily activities, Clarisse always favored Chris Rodriguez, her boyfriend, but in capture the flag she definitely didn't like to spare anyone. Then Newt knew he wasn't going to defeat Clarisse - at least not in a fair fight. Wait - fair fight? Newt grabbed a packet of milk from his bag and let Clarisse have it.

Anyway, Newt didn't pay much attention. Although he was able to slow Clarisse down a little while when he was busy helping Percy get up from the ground, Liam Mitch was right next to his team's flag. Percy was still calming down. Annabeth was trying to get Clarisse's flag in full desperate. Clovis, who was supposedly guarding the flag, was having a nap. Without a second to waste, Newt whispered in his mind Stupid quiver and bow. His bag transformed immediately. Newt charged his bow and fired an arrow. Unluckily, he missed because Liam suddenly dodged Clovis attacking from underneath. But having the experience of having an arrow which was far from his neck only about two inches. Liam Mitch fell down and laid unconsciously right after.

"Punk!" Clarisse shouted in Newt's face and hit him with her spear.

After the game, there went the feast. Percy told Newt that his glass would fill up whatever drink he wanted. Newt was suspicious at first, but after he ordered carrot juice and, surprisingly, it did appear, he knew it was true. G-man grinned and begged Newt to let him drink carrot juice.

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