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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Other · #2205116
Ell had a rough upbringing, but it all changed when a young man gave her the gift of sight
"Don't let anything happen to these sweetie. Without them you can't see."
I feel something be put on my face behind my ears. "This is as strong as glasses can get." The doctor tells me, and i could hear the pity in her voice. I blink a few times, trying to adjust my eyes to the new lenses. My heart leaped in my chest.
I see someone standing in front of me. The doctor. I couldn't make out her face, but i knew where her face was, and that she had light colored hair and eyes and wore a white coat that hurt my eyes.
"They look big.." mom says with a grimace."like bug eyes. Are you sure you can't adjust them more to look more...normal?"
"They have to be. If not then the lenses cant be transferred to different frames as she grows older. They are custom made just for her. Unless you want to pay for a new cut each time she grows."
I look around and am overwhelmed by my surroundings. My heart felt like it was trying to escape out of my chest to explore with me.
I never saw colors before. It wasn't clear but it was better than only shadows and only when it was bright. At sunset i couldn't see at all back then.
I was only three years old when they gave me my first pair of glasses. I didnt want to crawl or move until then. I hated running into things, gettting bruised and scolded all the time. Losing everything and constantly struggling just to tell if I was alone or not.
My special glasses got me picked on in school. I wish my parents did more to warn me instead of encouraging me everything would be fine.
"Hey bug eyes." They would tease, just like my mom said in the doctors office. I wasn't a fan of bugs, and I didn't like bathing either because i didn't want to take them off. That got me another nickname.
"Go away smellouise. You'll attract flies." A student teased, pushing me away from them, my balance lost.
My real name is Ellouise, in case you didn't get the play on words.
These are some of my earlier memories.
I was told to start keeping a journal from this day forward. Might as well explain who i am.
I'll get you caught up.
My name is Ellouise. I'm currently 19 years old. Four years ago the worst thing i could imagine happened.
My father did...adult things to me. I woke up in the middle of the night to feel my father on top of me. Not having glasses for that three years i knew my fathers scent,breathing and muscle tone. I felt terror rush through me, but without being able to prove it, he got away with it. 'Did he talk to you? or did you actually see it was your father?' With the bath he forced me to take, it was all washed away.
Two years after that my glasses were broken, the glass part. I couldn't see at all and I couldn't replace them at all. I had a job at a mejier as a greeter since i could barely read, but it just wasn't enough, my parents made me pay rent as soon as I got the job, and I had to pay for my own food, clothing and even sanitary products like toliet paper. They had a special box in the bathroom that was locked and full of their soap, shampoo and conditioner, towels, toothpaste, etc. They were borderline abusive.
That's how i ended up in this situation. I wandered the streets trying to get as much money as I could to get the expensive lenses. I begged for money, just like in those movies. I could hear coins be dropped in the money box I bought from work, the kind with a lock and made of plastic, to keep my parents away from it. My father had become an avid drinker, and stole from me and anyone else to hide his habit from his wife.
I don't know what happened but i ended up hitting my head. Now thinking about it i think i was hit by a bicyclist who I probably wandered in front of, it wasn't the first time I've done it.
I woke up in a dark room. My eyes stung and i felt like I was blindfolded. Nothing felt familiar, except the crinkle of the paper under me. Just like when you go into checkups at the doctors office. Did someone find me and take me to a hospital? Did I really hit my head that hard?
"Stay still.." I heard a male voice tell me from a little ways away from me. His voice is light and has a British accent to it. Even if it was light it still rung with authority, so I stay still instead of removing the cloth. I had no reason to fear him, he was just doing his job. But, where were my parents? I don't smell my moms prefume or the stale smell of ciggretts from my father.
"Who are you?"i ask. My voice was rough from thirst and wonder how much time as passed.
"Don't ask questions." He tells me as he takes the cloth off my eyes.
"They hurt.." i tell him, wanting to press my palms to them.
"Keep your eyes closed for now. Im sorry for the pain, but it'll go away."
I listen because I had no clue what he would do if I did and that i couldn't afford to see less than i already did. I could just barely see objects or people and i couldn't tell one from the other.
"Lights. Standby." He speaks. "25." I see a bit of orange.
"Open them...slowly..Alright?"
"Im not going to listen to a stranger!" I snap at him, feeling scared.
I snap removing the cloth to defy him but don't dare open them quickly.
"I'm a doctor." He tells me in a more soothing voice." You can trust me."
"A doctor?"I guess that makes sense why my eyes hurt.
"Yes. You are Ellouise Ellen. You were born nearly blind and you had 2 previous eye surgeries but they weren't successful. Your blood type is O+. Your insurance is laughable. Your birthday is december 1st 1978 and was born at 12: 54 Am.I found you and took care of you." He tells me."now open your eyes and let us see if it worked well.
I do as he says and see the shadow of a boy. This time i saw that he had white skin and a thin body build.
"Lights. 45." The lights got brighter at his command. My eyes see more color. His blue shirt,dark denim jeans and brown hair. His facial features match his voice. Sexy. High cheek bones, rounded nose that points down,kinda feminine actually.His jaw line is soft too but the jaw itself looked strong. His eyes gentle yet alert. Skin clear from what I see. His bangs criss cross across his forehead and his hair covers his ears and nape of his neck.
"Lights. 65." They respond again. Now everything is clear now. His clear blue eyes stared into mine."They aren't as red as i thought they'd be.. your eyes took well to the treatment." He says looking directly into my eyes.
"W-who are you?" I ask.
"Xavier Avery, you probably heard of my mother and father since they are usually recommended to the deaf and blind.I'm going to give you an eye exam. Is that alright?" He goes straight to business.
"Uh.. sure?" I didn't know what to think of him.He's a little odd. One he moves his hands a lot,two we are in the middle of California but he speaks with an accent and the Avery family is born in California. Three, operated on me without my consent, though who would say no with results like this? I can see! For the first time i could see clearly. Even with my glasses i had to sit front row in class to read the board in a special seat that was literally next to the teachers desk. I'm no longer legally blind!
"Yay I can see! I'm a normal girl!" I cheer loudly. He ignores my outburst which I'm glad for since I blush scarlet after.
He goes by an eye chart. "Read the first few lines for me." Xavier speaks. I felt excited to be able to see the big E clearly. I usually can't see anything on the chart from this distance.
"E, S, D, Y,P..." I continue to read until the second to last line. I couldn't tell if it was a B or D..
"Very good.." He murmurs pleased with the results. He doesn't seem to be lying about who he is. I watch him type on his computer. I look around the room seeing high tech equipment I've never seen before.
Avery...Avery is the top eyes and ears specialists in the world. Well his family.
"Thank you.." I get up and hug him. He flinches at first but hugs me back.
"Don't get the wrong idea love, this means you owe me." He sounds happy with himself.
"But my family has no money.."
He shakes his head and smiles to himself.
"I'm just going to keep you until the debt is paid. Don't worry though. I won't hurt you unless you misbehave." He winks. I feel myself flush red and try to change the subject.
"So I'll be like a house maid? Cooking and cleaning and landry?"
"Among other things yes." He smiles to himself seeing my reaction.
Other things? I can't help but blush again. He might not even be talking about That but that's exactly where my mind goes. I've never had a boyfriend before.Tristan
I look at the young man before me. He can't be older than 23 by the looks of him but he did just to major surgery on me.
"How old are you?" I ask.
"22. But I've been studying eyes since 11 and have done over 1000 surgeries so don't worry."
My eyes widen at the number of people.
"Will you be mine then?"he tilts his head watching my mouth.
"Yes." I had no choice and I couldn't help feeling attracted to him. I was okay with this. I had no where to go and he's got enough money to take care of me.
"Good girl. Now let me show you the room I set up for you. First, put this on and never take it off." He takes out a beautiful choker. A black stretchy material that feels like velvet though velvet isn't stretchable. It has about 2 centimeters of thickness. It has what looks like a light blue at least 3 carot heart shaped stone. The hanging lightly colored stone stood out against the black material.
"It's beautiful." I loved it. The thickness probably gave it it's elastic property.
It snaps on with plastic material. Kinda like a collar. It's hard to explain. He snaps it on me. The material is skin tight but not uncomfortable.
He shows me a mirror. I feel like Cinderella wearing it. I smile at myself.
"Now let's go." He takes my hand and takes me down the hallway.
"Won't your parents question where I came from?"
"I can just tell them we've been together for a while. They don't know my love life." He shrugged.
He takes me to a pale blue and black room. Very large in size. A queen sized canopy bed. Black metal with blue orbs that reflect the light making patterns on the walls.
A black dresser and a light blue vanity with a black brush and comb along with the light blue book I'm writing with that I'm writing with a blue feather pen. A fountain pen not a quil. I can't write with the quil very well.
The dresser was empty but is now full of clothes that he let me pick out at mall but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll go back to when I first saw the room. I stepped into the black carpet and looked around my room.
"Do you like it?" He asks.
"It's like what I dreamed of when I was little but black instead of white.. I love it."
"Well it'll be more personalized as you stay here. You are allowed to pick out things for your room you just can't change the walls carpet or get rid of furniture."
"That's okay. That stuff is expensive i couldn't imagine someone changing that just for me."
"Money is never a problem here. "He tells me but for some reason he didn't sound smug.
"Sit. It's time to lay down the rules. "
I sit on my bed and he sits next to me. I'm a little frightened but I don't see him as a dom. He has gentle eyes and a sweet smile.
"First rule i told you. That necklace i gave you must never come off unless I'm the one doing so. This is the most important to follow. If i find you without it there will be consequences far worse than if you break any of the other rules. Understood?"
I nod. "Yes. I understand." I didn't get it but the seriousness in his voice almost frightened me
"Rule two. You will only do things and see people who i approve of. That includes what you wear, the length of your hair, and who you go with."
This rule i don't really like.. but i accept it with a curt nod.
"The last rule is that whatever we do stays between us. Not just the bedroom but whatever we talk about. Stronger then a doctor's oath to secrecy. Even if there is something wrong you shouldn't report it. I don't think it'll ever go into that situation but it's only precaution. If something that's life or death happens I guess you could call my father if you are that concerned."
"I can't even talk to my friends about it? Like just that I'm with you?"
"No." He says in a voice that shows no room to argue.
"What if someone wants to know my location?"
"That won't come up. As of now everyone thinks your in comatose. Until I train you, by that time I'll have enough information to decide which of the people i know i can trust."
"Fine.." with being in his debt i don't have any choice. I can't put this on my parents. Well, my brother.
And that's how i became his house pet.
I thought I would be a house maid but he has a staff to do that. A maid, a chef, and a clothes designer. The chef buys whatever they wish to cook, the maid chooses what supplies she needs and the designer chooses the styles and materials he just chooses the color.
I can only wear the colors i stated earlier and sometimes a blush pink.
He taught me the way he wants me to speak, which is no using Like, in the way some people use um, which isn't allowed. I cannot curse in front of anyone who is not an equal or lower to me unless it's in the bedroom.
I'm not sexy i am gorgeous or beautiful. I must make eye contact to who I'm talking to unless the situation calls for you to watch their hands. I guess this is a rule because of the field he's in.
I must say things that are more proper but not like having to say exquisite instead of cool but things like the word sweet isn't allowed unless it's to say how a food or drink is, so i guess it's a rule against slang. I have another notebook for notes.
He taught me how I should greet people though he says he will teach me the proper way to greet certain people when the time comes but it makes me curious. Why would it be different to greet others and why does he want me? He could of forced me to have sex with him, but all we've done is annoying lessons.
It's fun when I've been good though. I've only been here for five days now. The second day we went shopping for temporary clothes until the designer finishes the clothes he asked for. He's a great sketch artist. He has me taking drawing lessons and I really like them. He also has me reading at least 6 chapters of any book in his library. I chose a book called the bluest eyes. It's really odd. You'd have to read it.
"You finally decided to write?"He doesn't knock when he enters my room.
"Yes. I think I finally adjusted to not seeing my friends or family." I try to jab his emotions by using my cutest soft voice and sad eyes. Sadly is immune to my cute voices and puppy dog eyes since he brushes me off and goes into a messenger bag he's carrying. "I'm looking into that, and acting cute won't work on me. I didn't exactly come in here for small talk either." He sets some papers and a lab top in front of me. It's black with blue swirl patterns cross the front.Tristan
"I brought you this for your studies. You are doing well but you have a far way to go still. I want you to know at least basic sign language. First, did you ever learn Braille? And if so is it both writing and reading or one or the other?"
I heavily sigh. My studies got more advanced. I should of expected that though.
"I can read it somewhat,but i can't write it at all. I always messed it up. I usually just had large font books since I got better at seeing through the fuzziness than I was at memorizing the bumps."
"Well you have to. I want to teach you to teach Braille. Then you can can have something other than reading to do and have extra spending money for things I won't but you."Xavier says, Then goes through the papers he brought." This is the Braille alphabet, from now on if you want something you must ask for it through Braille." Xavier places a box on my desk.Inside the blue box with a black lid,to match my room no doubt, is a Braille slate and stylist,a peg slate,something which looks like a fancy keyboard with Braille letters and a lesson book.
"I'll be your teacher as well as you studying freely. I will teach you both Braille and sign language but keep in mind since you already started Braille before I won't keep it simple for you. Now, for your new lab top. It's set to only allow what I approve. It's directly connected to my computer so trying to use a proxy will just send an alert to my computer and make yours crash. Those sites enclude social media, pornographic and gaming sites. This is for study, contacting me, and artistic use." Xavier opens the laptop. It's customized on the inside just like the out even with my name in the right hand corner in fancy lettering.
He gives a gesture I guess is hello. I do it back and he seems pleased.
He moves both of his hands this time. I didn't understand it. The last movement was pointing at me. I decided to try to mimick it, thinking that's what he asked. He hit his pointer and middle finger to his thumb and signs the first sign again. I notice I missed a step and guess the last sign was him scolding me. I try again. This time I did it correctly.
He teaches me for about an hour. I had the signs, hi, how are you?, my name is(I was really bad at the alphabet so i can't do my name.) I'm hungry, thirsty, restroom, water, milk, cat, dog and a few others. He said some are baby sign language. I took it as an insult. He said he will teach me to sign as an adult when I learned 25 signs on my own. He said we would of studied more but he had an appointment to go to.
I open the laptop and explore it. It had Photoshop, sign language and Braille apps, novel apps and a writing app that's for journaling and one for story writing. There are several more, but those are the ones i use. I study signs with the app. A lot of them look easy but some are complex. I learn swear words just like most do when they first learn a language. Bitch is my favorite. You just angrily hit your hand to your chin with a B sign. I learned A-E in sign. F is hard for me. I started to look up Fuck you to see if it'll help me learn F but Xavier returns.
"It's dinner time Ellouise." I loved how his accent made my name sound. He takes my hand and leads me to the dining hall.
It's really beautiful. It has a large red oak table with golden patterns carved into them. Large oak leaves were on the corners of the table and the back of the chair.
There's a large chandelier that's also decorated with gold. I really like to watch it sparkle. I never saw anything so beautiful. There is also a bouquet of dark yellow and dark red roses on the table. They are replaced daily and have a great smell.Xavier told me snow is more beautiful than the things in his home when the sun hits it and makes it sparkle like thousands of diamonds. He never talks about his personal life, he usually tells me about sights we can see, places we can go once I've studied to his liking and showed him i could follow the rules properly. He does more teaching than small talking though.
I look in front of me to see a lovely lamb chop dinner with fried whole potatoes, corn, and a large roll already buttered for me. A glass of sparkling grape juice in a fancy wine glass is also on front of me and cream of mushroom soup is next to my plate.
I start with my soup and work my way through the sides. Xavier goes straight for the meat.
"Why must you always watch me eat?" Xavier speaks and I blush not knowing how to answer without sounding stupid.
"I just have a question on my mind and didn't want to disturb your eating."
He places the fork he was holding down and looks at me with his mischievous eyes.
"Oh? Well then ask. I can wait."
I feel my whole body freeze up and try to quickly think of something. Something that is worth interrupting dinner, though all i could come up with would make eating dinner together awkward since personal questions directed towards him does that.
"I want to know when I get to make my favorite dessert!" I blurt out.
"If you want to use the kitchen you only have to ask. I'm sure miss. Marisa will not mwind sharing. She will probably enjoy your company."
I've never met miss. Marisa. She must be the head chef. I met a boy who takes the list of ingredients for the meals I want. I think his name was Mr. Mauro. He's a shy boy who doesn't really talk much. He's probably wmy age. Now that I think about it the only one I met that wasn't around our age is the head house maid who is named Miss. Dara. She's probably just barely old enough to be my mother.
I wondered why, but i guess everyone has their preferences.
"That's great! I'll make us some of my mom's famous lava cake!" I memorized it by her reading it out loud to me. It's different than a normal lava cake since it's white chocolate.
I could also make it a strawberry, vanilla one. My mom is in love with lava cake. I can't help but to miss her.
"I'll be happy to try it." He says genuinely.
We each finish dinner and Miss. Dara comes to clean off the table and gives Xavier and I a sweet smile.
"Is everything going well in your studies?" She asks me.
"I was until someone added more!" I look at him with a hard pout.
Xavier innocently smiles.
"That's great. The more studies you have the closer you are to the goals Xavier has for you."
Wait? She knows why he took me in. "And what is it that he has in store for me?" I demand.
"Don't ruin the fun Miss.Daraline." Xavier orders her. Miss. Dara,who now i find out is actually miss. Daraline, curtsies to Xavier.
"As you wish."
Then moves her hands to sign.
He signs back to her and I immediately feel annoyed, since I wanted to know what was going on. They continue this for a minute or so then she leaves us.
"What was that about?" I ask, even though I know he's not going to answer.
"Personal matters." He answers invasively.
"About me?" I pry.
"No. About me. It's a separate matter all together. Now excuse me." He leaves to the bathroom. I briefly wonder if that is why he dismissed Miss. Dara. He didn't use the rest room sign. Actually, none of the signs he used seemed familiar and at least some should of.
He comes back and cocks his head to one side just slightly."what's wrong luv?"
"It's just that I didn't know any of the conversation." I look down expecting him to scold me, but all he does is laugh.
"That's because it's a different form of sign language. I know three types. French, American and British. I'm studying more but it's kinda hard to do. I seem to forget the right sign for certain things. Like certain letters." He finally gives me s piece of personal information. I'm kinda relieved that he has trouble with letters as well, but again it leaves me more questions than answers. More questions on his British background. I'd ask but before i could he already switched the subject."alright, time for your Braille lessons." I groan but accept my fate. I'm going to be doing a whole bunch of studying and even more wondering for just about the rest of my life.
"Miss. Ellen. It's time to wake up." I faintly hear a voice calling me, but I'm not ready to stop my dream. This was the second dream i had of this nature.
I'm in a silk blue night gown with black lace trimming and Xavier is in the silver chain i see under his shirt but i cannot see what it is, my mind only sees it as a blur since I have no clue what it is really. We are in what I guess is his room since it's similar to mine except it's a navy blue instead of ice blue. His bed was larger than mine. He was able to lay flat sideways, lounging like a model, unashamed of his naked body. I take off the night gown slowly as he watches me with those bright blue eyes.
Now I was naked before him. I shyly blush as i watch him grow hard. I move so my breasts bounce. He sits up to touch them, his thumb rubbing my nipple gently. I feel myself grow wet in return. He continues to tease me. Making me moan softly. His skin is so soft against mine. He takes the other nipple into his mouth and sucks it gently.
"Ellousise!" It was his voice now. I bolt up and look around seeing my maid Miss. Channa and Xavier standing before me.
"You wouldn't wake up for me, so I fetched Master Avery." She looks at me apologetically. I flush scarlet as I cover myself up, only being in my under garments, feeling the wetness down below.
His cheeks were flushed a pale rose pink as he tried to keep his voice controlled. I flush scarlet red in return wondering what I was saying in my sleep to make him that way.
"I'll come back in ten minutes, though I prefer you to meet me in the dining hall before it comes to that." He dismisses himself. Miss. Channa tries to follow after him but i grab her wrist. "I dont think so. I need to know what I said or did in my sleep."
She squirms away from my grasp blushing.
"You were making.. inappropriate noises followed by Master Avery's name.. before I went to fetch him it seemed like you were having a nightmare, I'm sorry miss." She apologizes with a low curtsey and a reddened face. I sigh and let her off the hook. It's my fault really. I shouldn't have those types of dreams in the first place.
"Don't tell anyone else about this, and tell me one thing about Xavier I dont know about and I'll forgive you."
She thought carefully about what to say then goes closer to me.
"Master Avery, has never taken in a girl before, or even had a girlfriend since I've been working for him, and that's been since he was 10. I used to be his tutor, so we spend a lot of time talking. I may be stepping out of line to say this but, maybe you need to give him a little push."
This information was very juicy. He was probably a virgin.
"You are forgiven." I dismiss her and get dressed. I put on my silky blue bra with a little black lace design and black straps and the matching panties that we got at Victoria secret and slide on my black tank top that hugs my body and my black skirt with blue beads embroidered imto the bottom in a floral design. I loved how they shined in the light. I slide on my flats and brush my hair quickly. I didn't want to be late. I run to the dining hall and see that breakfast isn't laid out.
"Are you ready to go then?" He's gained his composure back. He's leaning against the wall in his usual professional attire. Black dress pants that fit his legs perfectly, a black dress shirt and a burgundy and black vest with a black tie. He looked more sexy today though. His hair was styled different and his clothes looked like they were of higher quality and his shoes shine brighter. I now feel undressed.
"Maybe I should change first.."I rub my arm shyly.
"You look fine." He tells me."But, if you really want to then you got a few minutes. No more than four. Understood?"
"I'll just wear what I'm already wearing. It'll take me twice as long then that long to just choose some clothes."
"Well, then I'll use that time. Miss. Syria can I borrow one of your hair ties and a clip?" I watch a woman I never see before dig through her purse and take out what he asks for.
He makes me sit down then puts my hair up in a bun using the clip to pin down the stray hairs. I look at my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't like the buns you see a woman do when they quickly do their hair though. It was a more elegant and looser one. My bangs were freed for one thing, another is that it wasn't tight.
"Why didn't you tell me you can style hair? You could of been giving me cute hairstyles weeks ago!" I playfully scold him.
"And when would that come up in a conversation? Plus it's not something I'm passionate about so you shouldn't expect me to do so again, because the chances are slim." He shoots me down. Not even in a gentle way. I pout at him and fluff up my hair one last time before we go out the door. My first time leaving since I woke up in his private operation room.
His house is even more beautiful than I thought.
Beautiful brick of blue, white, burgundy and grey. The top floor has a balcony where I see a glass table and chairs sit. The house is lined with Burgundy and the blue curtains(a dark blue not my blue) shows behind them. The roof seems to have solar panels all over it. There was a patio deck at the side of the house, connected to a sunroom. The deck had a pool. A large in ground pool with a slide and a diving board.
The house was surrounded by colorful flowers. I can't even name them all, though doing so would be a challenge since I hardly knew any flowers by name considering I could never see them. The stone path which matches the house, is surrounded by only burgundy and blue flowers with a splash of white and black. It led to the sidewalk where a sleek burgundy car was parked.
Miss. Syria is already holding the door open for us, so I guess I'll have to take in all the sights later.
I go inside the car and feel Xavier slide in next to me. I blush for no reason. It's his car, he has a driver, and there's no privacy glass so he won't do anything to me. Why am I getting flustered? He's just a guy.
"What's wrong? Are you nervous to be outside?"
He doesn't even notice that sitting in the middle instead of by the other door is why I'm acting this way. His face shows he's genuinely curious.
"No. I'm not nervous. I'm excited." I look out the window at the scenery. It was first just to not smell the hint of cologne he was wearing and feel the warmth of his body against my right side, but it quickly turned into general interest. It was beautiful, all of the houses were large and well kept and we were by water. I could see it sparkling in the distance with boats gliding across it. The seagulls were screaming for food. I never saw a seagull before. I thought they were bigger with how loud they were.
People were walking their dogs, jogging, chatting among themselves and pushing their babies in strollers, and kids were playing ball, flying kites, building in the sand and much more. It was so much to take in. I can finally start putting an object to a name without having to feel it.
"What's that?" I ask Xavier.
He looks to where I'm pointing. "They are playing volley ball. The goal is to keep the ball in the air without it going out of bounce or landing on your side of the net." He always went out of his way to explain things to me. I thought he would start getting inpatient with all my questions by now.
"What's that?" I point again.
"That's a beach ball. It's mostly just to bat around with your friends but the goal is pretty much the same, don't let it hit the ground. Though, it's easier since you don't have to worry about boundaries, teams or it hurting if it hits you or you hit it the wrong way. It's full of air like a balloon but harder to pop."
I continue to ask him questions until I can't contain any more new information since his patience is too hard to break.
It's not long after that we reach our destination. It's a 5 star restaurant. A huge one that's bigger than my whole child hood home.
"I'm going to check how much of the information you've taken in actually went to memory. You are going to meet a dear friend of mine and his girlfriend. Are you ready?"
I feel nervous, but nod anyways. He takes my hand and enters the building as if it was his own home unlike me,who is gently pulled in. I wonder what his friend would be like. Mysterious like him? Or maybe more like me? Would he have an accent like he did?
We go to the hostess and he tells her about the reservation he had.

© Copyright 2019 J. J. Caline (cutemew151 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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