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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2206663
A strange man shows up at the tower and Selena's master goes to greet him.
Selena hurried down the smooth stone steps to the ground level of the tower. Guests had apparently arrived and Dyruf, her teacher and guardian, had gone down ahead of her to greet them, leaving her to clean up their experiment. Having someone stop by the Guardian Tower was a rare occurrence, so Selena had also taken a quick moment to stop and change into a nicer dress, this one more loose fitting and colorful than her normal clothes. However, now she was concerned that she would be scolded for being late, so she took the steps two at a time. She tried to catch a glimpse at the visitors through the windows as she ran, but couldn’t see anything other than the dreary misty sky that threatened to bring a thunderstorm.
Selena’s foot snagged the corner of her dress on the last step, but she was able to catch her herself and breathed deep to catch her breath as she walked to the large heavy wooden door that Dyruf had left slightly open as he went outside. She stopped to peek around the door before she continued into the courtyard. Standing at the foot of the short staircase was Dyruf leaning on his staff in his long grey robes which had been pulled up over his head to keep dry as the mist threatened to turn to rain, and standing in front of him was a tall man wearing a dark colored hooded robe that was covering most of his features other than his silver hair that fell to either side of his face.
The man looked up to Selena as she stepped around the door and stood at the top of the stairs, before his gaze turned back toward Dyruf. Dyruf glanced back toward Selena before continuing his conversation with the man.
“From Duncord you say?” Dyruf said in his soft voice. “Well even more the reason we should get in out of this weather. Selena and I haven't had a Duncordian join us for a good while.” Dyruf reached out his hand toward the man silver haired man.
“So there are just the two of you here?” the man said, as he reached out to take Dyruf’s hand.
“Yes, just the two…” Dyruf’s voice trails off as Selena watches the back of Dyruf’s robes billow then pull taunt as the sword point tears through them, dripping with dark red blood. The sword tip slowly disappeared back into the Dyruf’s body as he began to fall.
Selena’s eyes widened in shock as Dyruf’s now lifeless body crashed to the ground in front of her. Her mind stopping for a moment. She stood frozen in fear as the silver haired man locked eyes with her, the sword in his right hand dripping red blood.
“M..M..Master Dyruf?” Selena hoarsely whispered, her voice lost before it left her lips. Dyruf didn’t move on the ground. The silver haired man stepped over Dyruf’s body and lifted is left hand up into the air.
“Master Dyruf!!” Selena found her voice as she screamed toward the man, as she took a step forward. Her fear and shock beginning to mix with rage and anger. The man’s outstretched hand began to glow with a bright light, and as Selena watched long tendrils of dark blue energy lashed out and affixed itself to several points on the tower above her and the outer wall behind the man. “What Have You Done To Him!?” Selena screamed.
The man continued to stare at her. “Death” he said, as he brought down his hand, and the tendrils of energy pulled back into his hand, and the stones and bricks they had been attached to exploded out of the walls with a loud thunderclap. Large sections of the perimeter wall came crumbling down, as did a large section of the tower.
The chunks of wall and tower hit the ground with a heavy crash, throwing up a wall of dust as they hit. Selena was knocked to the ground and slightly down the stairs with the impact. She rose to her knees coughing as the dust enveloped her, blocking her vision temporarily. Slightly dazed she tried to get to her feet, only to slip on something and fall back to the ground, her hand hitting a wooden staff as she fell. She grasped the staff in her hand, and began to stand again. Through the settling dust she could begin to see the silver haired man again, standing now mere feet away, as the impact of the wall had sent her down the stairs.
Under one of the chunks of wall Selena could see a corner of grey robe and a bloodied and broken hand as she realized the staff in her hand was Dyruf’s. Her eyes flitted from the staff to Dyruf’s hand and back, tears beginning to swell in her eyes as she clutched the staff close.
The silver haired man took a step forward, Selena could see his silver eyes gleam through the dust. She turned and started to run up the stairs, dodging the large chunks of stone that now lay in her path. A stone caught her foot at the top of the stairs, causing her to stumble into the heavy wooden door. Regaining her balance she looked up just in time to see the silver haired man right behind her, moving at an inhuman speed, the wind knocking the hood from his head.In the moment as he drew close to her preparing to strike she noticed that he was not human, pointed dark ears parted his silver hair, and his eyes were so white they seemed to have no pupil. His skin was also a deep black, as dark as starless sky.
As the man raised his sword to strike, another piece of the tower came crashing down between them, so close it tore off pieces of loose fabric from Selena’s dress as the man took a step back to dodge. Selena used the time to duck around the door and slammed it shut behind her. She quickly lowered the latch and as she did the door shuddered from and impact from the other side. As she ran for the stairs going up to the rooms, a very unnatural wolf cry sounded from outside.
Selena ran up the smooth stone steps as fast as she could, tripping on her dress halfway up. She ripped the troublesome part of the dress off and scrambled up the rest of the stairs. As she reached the top of the stairs, the whole tower shuddered, and a gust of dusty air came rushing up from the first floor. She kept running, down the hall and to the ladder that led to the roof access at the end.
Selena quickly scurred up the ladder and through the trap door, shutting it behind her. “Maybe he won’t come up here” she thought to herself. She quickly looked around her. A large section of the roof and side of the tower was missing, and dust rose from down below the hole. Selena looked down at Dyruf’s staff she still had clutched in her hands as she stood there, unsure of what to do next.
Then the floor under her and around her exploded and side of the tower collapsed, carrying her down with it.

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