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Travelers seek refuge from more than just the raging blizzard outside. |
Snow swept aside our troubles that December. Cold feet and tired paws marched somberly into the only shelter we could find. The hollowed shell of a colossal turtle would offer little cover from the blizzard without some quick renovations. We gathered giant leaves from the surrounding forest to cover all the holes aside from one. Their flimsy structure kept the snow at bay but faltered at the slightest breeze. Our weapons and armor helped support these makeshift doors along with the sticks and pinecones and anything else we could find. The five of us and our wolf fit comfortably around the growing fire. A large crack in the top of the shell let smoke filter out and gray snow pile in. We built our fire away from the crack, knowing our tired bodies would have to move again to avoid the relentless weather. Even with the holes and those patchwork, leafy doors, the inside of the shell grew hot enough that our huddle had to spread out away from the fire. Some of us even visited the cold of the uncovered hole where the turtle’s arm once protruded. We’re all quietly thankful for this beast’s thousand year old shell, its death ensuring our survival. “Imagine if it had found us when it was still breathing.” Kate said during our watch. “I doubt it would’ve attacked us. They’re usually vegetarian.” I told her, quietly sharpening my knives. “Usually!” She shouted. I shushed her and she continued at a whisper, “I bet it was a carnivore for it to grow so big in this forest.” “Everything grows big in this forest.” I explained. “Even your wolf would be considered a runt out here and he’s twice my height on all fours.“ “Don’t listen to her, Sebastian, you’re no runt.” Kate reassured him as he kicked in his sleep. “What about that snail we saw? It was almost as tall as my hip! I’m not sure what they eat, but I can’t picture one posing much of a threat to another animal. If something like that can grow so big, why not a vegetarian turtle?” I said. “You’re short, Erica, you have short hips. That snail will probably get eaten before it’s anywhere near this size.” Kate’s eyes scanned the shell and stopped at the crack in the top. “I am scared to run into whatever did that.” “Just another giant animal, I’m sure. A bird or something.” I said to dismiss her fears. “Samantha can scare off any creature with her lightning and Marcus will shield us from any attacks.” Kate smiled, “And Trevor would steal Sebastian from me to ride into the fray and throw one of his flasks, the crazy brat.” “It would have something like pee or rotten fish in it to run off whatever’s attacking us.” I added. “That kid knows too much about weird stuff like that.” Kate rolled her eyes. A monstrous noise echoed in the distance, like a child wailing while a tiger growls. Screams of men followed after. Then silence. My body trembled more violently than it had in the cold. The quiet, attacking from all sides, was somehow worse than the screams. “But, Trevor won’t be of much use in a real fight.” Another voice chimed in. Kate and I nearly jumped out of the shell, we stood so fast. “Oh, Sam,” Kate said, calming us both, “How long have you been up?” “Not long. It’s my turn to watch with you, right?” I guess so. I’m not great at telling time.” Kate admitted. We both sat. I furrowed my brow, “You’re a hunter, Kate. Don’t you need to tell time to know how long ago tracks were made?” My body still wouldn’t stop shaking. “I didn’t say I was a good hunter.” Kate shrugged. I stifled a laugh, feeling much better, but still shaky. "I wish you were the one looking for us, Kate.” Sam said, walking to the arm hole and peering into the raging blizzard. “Then we might be able to escape.” “Hey, I’m a good hunter! I was kidding.” Kate defended. Scraping noises came from the opposing arm hole from where Sam stood. It sounded like a desperate animal trying to dig its way to the warmth inside the shell. “At least the snow is covering our footprints.” I said. “That will only hide us for so long.” Sam looked over her shoulder at me. “They have other ways of finding us.” I glanced down at my mother’s necklace, weighing heavily on my chest, for something so small. “We’ll figure something out.” I assured her. “Like what?” Sam turns back toward the storm. “What will you do?” I noticed that Sam was shaking too. “I’ll get stabby!” Sam confusedly turned to see me thrusting my knife at the campfire. Sam shook the forming grin from her face and joined us by the fire. “Go to sleep already, you’ll need your energy for tomorrow.” “For stabbing?” I joked. “Let’s hope not.” Sam said, her mind miles away as she stared at the side of the turtle that the scratching came from. I put away my knives and sharpening stone, laying near where I was sitting. After a long silence, I said, “We’ll survive, Sam. I bet my mother’s necklace on it.” The only noise filling the turtle shell was the soft crackling of the fire. I nearly drifted to sleep shortly after Sam whispered, “Deal,” but that same, blood curdling scream echoed out once more. It was closer now. I shook violently once more as I forced my eyes shut. Snow only swept aside some of our troubles that December. Word count: 940 |