To the Village of Ver-Dunn,
Greetings my friends, word has
reached my ears of your great acts, and I'm eager to express my
gratitude on behalf of the miserable Undead people. They are often
shunned because of their unsightly appearance, and often, the rot is
overwhelming. Some of your own citizens have expressed concerns about
hygiene and, we have heard, the children are terrified. It seems, not
many will take in the undead.
I've written to assure you, the
undead are living out a curse for being less than respectable in
their former lives and were sent back to their corpses after the
first judgment of the unknown God. It was his pleasure they be forced
to atone. Some of these men and women were killers, others refused to
keep lanterns lit on their wagons and carts causing accidents. An
unrepentant heart in life must find its atonement in death. I am
unsure of why it is the rest of us must make atonement as well as we
are the ones who endure the site and smell of the undead.
I would be remiss if I did not point
out the usefulness of these people living out their atonement. Undead
are adept at jobs the living are not keen to perform. Clogged
privies, the drainage pits where fish are prepared for market,
washing the feet of Dwarven citizens who refuse to wear shoes. The
undead, as you know, have no sense of smell. They are the best choice
for jobs that have a stench that rivals an open grave, or, an orc
with bad breath (very much the same to many).
Since you have done this selflessly
and with no complaining and with happy hearts, I have allocated funds
from the coffers to rebuild your illustrious public toilet and
execution stage.* It is a small token of our thanks for your outreach
to those of us who would choose, as it seems, to keep at several
arms' length. Please, use these funds to rebuild and expand for
your annual execution season which I will be sure to attend.
As to the
matter in which you recently communicated regarding the storage of
Ragweed Bourbon. I'm flattered that you seek my expertise! As a
aficionado of fine spirits I'm happy to give advice on this topic.
It all depends on the grade of the Bourbon, and the type of Ragweed
used in brewing. Most experts agree, if it is Skunkflower Ragweed, it
is best to store as cold as possible as the slower fermentation will
surely make a smoother blend. If we speak of Wildbloom Ragweed, that
is a warmer malt, not stored in much cooler temperatures than your
average root cellar. Remember the cork must be re-secured with a
metal latch and to open with caution: Many accidents that lead to the
grave were the mere popping of a Ragweed Bourbon cork. That one
gentleman years back from Breckwood suffered greatly as the cork went
straight through his eye socket and exited from the back of his head.
The wound itself was not fatal, but it is my understanding he can now
only count to 3 and communicates with a series of exaggerated
gestures and random lyrics from Gnomish folk songs. Be very cautious,
my friends.
I hope this was all helpful and I
sent my warmest regards.
