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Rated: GC · Fiction · Emotional · #2215219
Alcohol can lead to rather... peculiar ways of bonding.
Don found himself in the living room reading the newspaper after a rather busy day of work he spent answering phone call after phone call regarding Haruka's next matches and other things. The headline at the front page read "possible vampire tigress spotted in small town, case yet to be confirmed due to lack of evidence".
"Don-chan?" said Haruka as she walked into the room.
"Yes, Haruka?" replied Don before yawning and stretching his arms. His relationship with Haruka only got better as time went by, to the point that she allowed him to call her by her first name rather than "Ogura-sama" as the rest of her underlings did.
Tomorrow was Don's day off and he was getting ready to head back home to have dinner and watch TV until he fell asleep. As much as both him and his boss enjoyed eachother's company, sometimes everyone needs time for themselves, including Don.
"Kaede and Nakamura have already left. The only one left here aside from me, obviously, is you".
"Yes, that much is true. I was planning to watch a marathon of animated movies on TV while I eat".
"Ah yes, I heard about it too. They were going to show amongst many other the movies of that green character... Cherc, I think that was his name?".
Truth be told, remembering data about american animation wasn't exactly in Haruka's talents, as she would often end up mispronouncing titles and character names or straight up forgetting them. Although she didn't mind Don correcting her from time to time. Of course, he did so with kindness and understanding.
"But, changing subject. You see Don-chan, today is a very special day for me" said the sumo canine rather joyfully.
"Oh? Is that so? Why?".
"You see, this exact day a few years ago I won my first sumo match in my whole life". Haruka sighed happily after saying that phrase.
"Ah, that match you had against Maki Shiraishi back in high school?".
"Precisely. So, since this is a very special ocassion, I was wondering if you... cared to celebrate with me?".
She then proceeded to hold up a bottle of one of her most expensive varieties of booze. Don gulped a bit as he knew what she wanted to do.
Usually, whenever Don and his enormous employer celebrated, he ended up drinking so much sake that he wasn't even able to stand up straight. This was because Don was very bad at measuring how much alcohol he drank, usually losing count after the fifth glass, bottle or can. So after those kinds of experiences, he promised himself to leave sake and all sorts of booze for a while.
"Sorry Haruka, but I'll pass for now. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with you, but I don't want to drink more than I can handle like last time".
"... Oh".
The deal was this. Haruka never really got to spend this day with anyone other than her parents after she moved out to her castle. Turns out that being the world champion and a crime lady didn't guarantee that she would have many friends to drink or hang out with. Part of her rage issues stemmed from the fact that she felt lonely. When Don came into her life, she no longer felt alone. She felt like she finally had company. A soulmate. A shoulder to cry on. So when Don declined her request to drink with her on this very special ocassion she felt heartbroken. She almost wanted to cry, but managed to hold the tears.
"... I-is that so? You don't have to drink if you want, you being there is all I need", said Haruka with her voice cracking slightly.
Don took notice of the shift in her voice, so he started to think the situation over. This obviously was very important for Haruka, so deciding to be the better man, he put her before himself.
"Pretty please?".
"... Oh, alright", said Don with a chuckle.
"Yay! Thank you, Don-chan!".
She then gave Don a big affectionate hug, which was just tight enough for it to not keep him from breathing.
And so they both went towards Haruka's room in order to start the celebration.
As previously stated, Don did not drink a single drop of alcohol, instead deciding to drink a couple of cans of iced black tea.
Haruka, on the other hand...
Haruka by this point was down to her fifteenth glass of sake showing no signs of stopping soon.
She also found herself drunkenly singing her favorite anime songs out loud while Don sat on her bed and sheepishly cheered her on.
Once the song was over, Haruka bowed to her "audience" as Don gave her a round of applause.
"Thank *hic* you, Tokyo! You've been a wonderful audience! I would like to thank *hic* my favorite cat Don-chan for being present tonight!".
This wasn't the first time that Don had seen his boss drunk. However, this was the first time he saw her this way without being drunk himself. Turns out your perspective of the world changes a lot when you're sober.
Satisfied with her performance, Haruka stopped the music, although it took her a while to find the pause button of her music player due to her current state.
"Thanks once again for *hic* being so good to me, Don-chan. I can't freakin' stress this enough".
"Well, I'm your right hand man after all".
"N-nonsense! You're much much much more than *hic* that. You're my friend, my bud, my pretty kitty, my favorite feline, and for that... I think you deserve sssssomething, hee hee hee".
Don was a bit nervous, but also curious. What could someone with this many booze on them give him? He was soon to find out, and let's just say the answer was among the last things he would've expected.
Haruka slowly took off her kimono while she "seductively" swayed her hips from side to side.
"H-Haruka?! W-w-what are you doing?!" shouted Don while blushing beyond belief.
"Hussssssssh now, Don-chan. You talk *hic* too much, just relax and e-enjoy".
The situation for Don had gone from a little bit awkward to absolutely awkward in a matter of seconds. He had never seen a woman undress in front of him before, but the fact that it was Haruka of all people made this even worse.
Now clad in nothing but her underwear, Haruka turned around so that her enormous rear was facing the skinny blushing feline.
She was wearing a pair of purple panties, but her colossal rump made it look more like a thong despite being the largest size available.
But it didn't stop there, oh no, alcohol made Haruka do a myriad of questionable things, and what she was about to do was one of them.
The gigantic shiba pulled down her panties until they reached the floor, so now she was effectively mooning her assistant.
It was impressive how Don's blush managed to intensify by the second, since at this point it was so bright that one could easily mistake him for a traffic light if he were to stand in the middle of the street during the night.
"W-why are you doing this again, Haruka?".
"Because *hic* you didn't laugh at me".
"Laugh at you?".
Now this was interesting. Why would she think Don would laugh at her? Was the sake making her say nonsense? Did she have a reason to think that? Only one way to find out.
"W-why would I laugh at you, Haruka? I would never do that".
"I know but... you know, ever since I was a *hic* puppy I liked singing my favorite songs to myself because I always thought that *hic* someone would make fun of me if they heard me. But you... you didn't do that, Don-chan. And this is *hic* my way to thank you".
Just then, a growling sound resembling that of a beast was heard. But this was, in fact, not a beast. Unless one were to count Haruka's stomach as such.
"Ooooooh~ my butt wants to sing too".
Just then, Haruka let out a powerful gust of flatulence from her rear end towards Don. The smell alone was bad enough, but the sheer force of the blast sent Don flying backwards until he hit the back of Haruka's bed. This impressive feat of power gave everyone reason to fear Haruka's toots.
As Don was fanning away the remains of Haruka's "song", she got onto the bed and started backing up towards the siamese cat with her butt still facing him.
Once she was close enough, Haruka sat down on Don and she started doing a rather poor impression of a lap dance. Her movements were clumsy and rhythmless, but at this point that was to be expected. Normally, a female performs a lap dance in order to please and arouse the male. Haruka's intepretation of it, however, was anything but. Rather than dancing, it looked more as if she was grinding Don with her cheeks against her room's wall, probably because that was basically what was happening.
Up and down, left and right, Don was being slowly smooshed between his boss' devastating full moons. Sure, he was no stranger to this kind of scenarios, being squashed under Haruka's butt became pretty much a rather mundane thing as she would frequently sit down without looking. The key difference here is that this time Haruka was doing this on her own accord... kinda. Usually, whenever Haruka sat down on Don, as soon as she took notice of this she would instantly get up, embrace him and apologize. Not this time, however. She knew what she was doing, more or less, and had no intention of stopping.
Don tried to tell her to stop, but all of his pleas were muffled by Haruka's rear end and the sound of her farts. Because yes, she did let loose more of them.
About 7 minutes later, Haruka stopped "dancing" and lied down next to Don.
"So, Don-chan, did you *hic* enjoy your reward?", asked Haruka.
"I... I...".
Don was at a loss for words. He literally had nothing to say about what just happened. He tried his best to say something. But he couldn't.
Regardless, before getting an answer or anything from Don, Haruka started singing once again, this time with no music playing whatsoever.
That's all she could muster to sing in her current state before laying back down, however. But strangely enough, that last "I don't want our souls to let go" sounded rather... sincere for a drunken person, at least according to Don.
"Hey, Don-chan".
"Yeah? What... is it?".
"Has there ever been *hic* anything that you wanted as a child but... you never *hic* had it. Ever?".
That was certainly a... random question, Don thought. Haruka was a rather unpredictable being when she was drunk. One moment she was lap dancing him (poorly) and the next moment she was asking him questions about his childhood. This was strange, to say the least.
"Well... there was this glow in the dark cup from my favorite TV show, but it was too expensive. What about you?".
Haruka went quiet for a few seconds before she finally said something.
"... Fish. Koi fish, as in pets, you *hic* know?".
"Huh, I didn't know that. Care to elaborate?".
Don couldn't deny it, this was interesting to him, as he was always looking forward to learn more about Haruka's past. She would often tell him stories about how she got to where she is now, obviously disregarding all the shady business she had running in the background, as by this point he was more than aware of it and she didn't want him to get involved with that side of her antics ever again, as it would possibly get Don killed, something she really REALLY didn't want to happen.
"When I was little, I always thought those fish were *hic* beautiful. Every time I went to a nearby park with my parents, I spent *hic* a lot of time looking at them swim around in the pond. They have hundreds of different breeds sporting many patterns of colors. Sure, they aren't the *hic* brightest or the tastiest, but that didn't matter to me. I then read a book where I learned that they can live as long as us, or even longer. There was a certain koi named Hanako that was said to be alive for more *hic* than 200 years. And then there was that chinese proverb that said that if a koi managed to swim up the Yellow River it would turn into a dragon. A *hic* dragon! That amazed me. It's the reason why I respect that *hic* Pokémon called Magikarp. It's based of something I cherished from my childhood...".
"But then... why couldn't you get one?".
"... Mom said that I wouldn't *hic* be able to take care of one. And that there were far more important things in life than looking after some *hic* fish. Now, don't get me wrong, I love mom, I really do, it's just that...".
Haruka said nothing more. Don tried to ask her to continue with her tale, but inmediately found out that she had fallen asleep. With nothing more to do, Don put a blanket on top of her and turned off the lights.
"Good night, Haruka", he said smiling as he left.
Don made his way home, and he couldn't stop thinking about his boss' childhood story. He particularly wondered why she didn't buy one of those fish earlier, mostly because she now had enough money to buy not only one, but an entire pond if possible.
He didn't know this, but after her mom's comment, Haruka grew up believing she wouldn't be able to take care of a pet, a part of the story she would have been able to tell him if it weren't for all the alcohol that ended up knocking her out.
Once he arrived home, Don went straight to take a shower as he still had hints of Haruka's flatulence on him. After that, he had milk and cookies as dinner and managed to watch a few movies before finally falling asleep himself.
The next morning, Don woke up feeling inspired by Haruka's tale, so he came up with something special for her. He grabbed his phone and called Kaede, a red panda who was one of Haruka's servants. Don had befriended the majority of his fellow employees, and she was no different.
"Moshi moshi?".
"Ohayo, Kaede."
"Ah, ohayo, Don! How are you?".
"I'm great, but I need to ask you a favor".
"Lay it on me, Don. What do you need?".
"You see, I need you to meet me here and...".
Meanwhile, back at Haruka's castle, the sumo female champion finally woke up from her slumber as two of her servants came into the room. Her head hurt like hell, probably because of the sake, so reaching for an aspirin and something to munch on became her top priority.
Some time after having breakfast and solving the issue of her headache, Kaede came into the living room holding a small package.
"What is that?" asked Haruka.
"D-delivery for you, Ogura-sama!".
Haruka raised her eyebrows when she heard this. She didn't remember ordering anything, so the massive canine lady thought it was probably one of the many things she couldn't remember due to her being drunk last night.
"Tch. Figures, who sent this anyway?".
"Don did, Ogura-sama".
"He did?!" said Haruka as she went wide eyed and a smile was drawn across her face.
"Yes, he did. Careful, it's fragile".
Haruka took the package as carefully as she could and quickly made her way towards her room, leaving Kaede by herself.
"... Okay then. I guess I'll just... go see if Kimmy needs help".
Once inside, the sumo champion proceeded to open the package, and its content managed to move her in a way she hadn't felt in a very long time.
. . .
It was a special, small fishbowl with a lid on top. Inside there were three koi fish swimming, each one of a different breed. Alongside this, there was a note addressed to Haruka taped to the fishbowl, which read as follows:
Last night's celebration was really fun, even though I decided not to drink sake this time, spending time with you is all that matters to me. At one point you told me a story about not being able to have pet fish because your mother didn't give you a chance to prove that you can look after them while also focusing on your sumo career. Well, I decided that I will be the one to give you that chance, so I bought these little guys at a pet store and had Kaede deliver them to you.
Please enjoy them and cherish them to your heart's content.
- Don".
Haruka in this kind of situations would normally hold her feelings, but since she was by herself, there was no need to hold back.
Soon after reading the letter, Haruka started crying what could only be described as tears of joy, plain and simple. This whole scenario felt like a previously forgotten dream finally coming true after so long.
"Oh, Don-chan... Don-chan... you are so pure".
She may have not been able to see Don that day, but one thing was for certain. He will get lots and lots of love from Haruka the very moment he gets back to work.

The end.
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