Outré realms have been calling for many a night; in the Castle of Knowledge I gain special sight. It’s a wisdom that lets me gaze into obscure knowing mystery bodes while the seeking is sure. It sets high on a bluff overlooking Black Sea, and was built when the Visigoths happened to be. Any access appears to be hidden from view save the underground passages known to a few. Ah, how lucky I am to know my way inside! When I go I am sure it will always provide. Thus I go with the mindset of an open door to the Castle of Knowledge on wonderment’s shore. Torches glow on the stone casting shadows of gray on maroon cobblestones in out-worldly array. In the long of the corridors where darkness calls, I sense some of the wisdom within castle walls. First from secretive niche in this fortress of know, some humility rises from spaces below. A long bridge o’er the moat is a pleasure to draw as is pleasure in feeling the beauty of awe. Then emerging from parts of the castle unseen, I feel patience abide, unperturbed and serene. There is nothing to make me feel it has to rule, but I do get the sense it is one special tool. O dark castle, how is it you pose like a grave? Yet the wisdom you offer is something I crave. Minus light in your stronghold I always see clear, like the sight to discern the unknown without fear. Yours a legacy lasting for us common folk; having heard you up close, how impressive you spoke. Through a forest of ignorance we put behind all the dark timid thoughts that inhabit the mind. In a castle where knowledge remains everything, with the sovereign of mystery I am a king. Among flickering torchlight I bask in the glow, and rejoice in the fact there is much more to know. 36 Lines Anapestic Tetrameter Writer’s Cramp 4-10-20 Requirements: —castle —maroon —legacy —forest |