Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2219885-Wish-upon-a-moon
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2219885
A rewrite and expansion of an adult story I wrote some time ago.
He gets out of his car after a night shift that seemed to go on forever, his girlfriend gets out of the passenger side. It was nice having the same shift at the same job, even if the shift was over night. walking up the path to the house's front door she stops him. "Gray, don't you remember? You said we were going to watch the super blue blood moon!" He looks at her skeptically, "Explain what this is again?" Naomi sighs and elaborates, "It's a moon that's at it's tightest radius in orbit so it looks big, but there's also a lunar eclipse! And since it's early morning, the horizon will make it appear red!" Still not enthused he asks "And it's blue because.... why?" Undeterred she says "It's a blue moon because it's the second full moon in a single month!" It didn't seem too amazing but he loves her, she also insists it's incredibly rare. He lays down in the front yard with Naomi, the grass was soft and it doesn't take long for the event to appear. He sits up to watch as the earth casts a shadow over the red tinted moon and his girlfriend speaks up, "Most people wish upon stars, but we get to wish on a super blue blood moon." He smiles, glad to share a moment like this with someone he cares about so much. He looks from the moon to her face admiring her features, her beautiful complexion and dazzling eyes, "What would you wish for?" He speaks softly, She looks back and he gently cups her cheek. Seeing an opportunity for fun, she exclaims "I want a big dick!" He laughs and gently pushes her, "I'll be your hot bitch in that case." Laughing at her own shenanigans she says, "You're already hot." With a kiss on the cheek she adds, "But It'd be impressive and you know it." Still amused he shakes his head and stands, "Come on stud." He says as he helps her up "let's go to bed, I'm exhausted." Naomi takes a picture with her phone and sets it to her wallpaper, Taking his hand they go inside and went to sleep.

He awoke to a scream at the ungodly hour of nine in the morning, even in his
sleep addled mind he reacted quickly by picking up the prybar he kept near the bed. It only took him a moment longer to figure out there was no intruder in the room, and that the scream came from the restroom adjacent to the bedroom. He burst into the restroom brandishing the prybar above his head, Naomi again screamed, this time in fear as well as panic. Quicker than he would have expected she made him regret having a straight razor in lieu of a modern shaving razor in the medicine cabinet. Dropping the prybar and raising his hands in confused submission at the threat of being cut and not wanting to hurt her, a number of things happened quickly. The prybar hit his small toe (because what other toe would it hit?) causing him to scream in a voice much higher pitched than was his. Looking down to nurse his toe he noticed that his lovely girlfriend now had a new set of genitals as well as the new source of weight on his chest, causing hopefully the final scream of the night.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Though naked and panicked she still wielded the straight razor looking like she was willing though reluctant to use it.
Now on his rump he stared at her, despite everything that had transpired in the last 45 seconds he gathered his wits quickly. "G-Grayson." she didn't back down, he didn't blame her, he clearly didn't look like him. "Rutabaga." He said simply, only a moment passed before she threw the razor into the bathtub and practically fell on him to hug him. It was their safeword, though they also used it in everyday life to signify they were being drop dread serious, no one else would know to say the word and given her own....addition she wasn't sure what made sense anymore.

A few moments went by, though it could have been full minutes. She finally broke the embrace. "G-gray?" He already had a good idea of what she was about to say ."What's going on?" Despite expecting the question he didn't know how to answer,All he knew for sure is he was a woman and she had a penis, his thoughts were interrupted by an urgent knock at the front door. Exchanging panicked looks it was Naomi who composed herself first, locating and tossing a rather fuzzy robe at Grayson. While reluctant to answer the door, the knocking was persistent and urgent, covered by the robe he answered the door keeping the the chain lock in place. It seemed to be an officer. "Pakou? Are you two okay?" He felt a strong sense of trust towards the the officer and undid the lock opening the door fully, seeing the name "Dunning" on his uniform he realised his memories were sketchy at best though he felt he had a deep friendship with the man. He decided not to question the fact that he called him 'Pakou'.

"I uh... We're fine" Dunny looked at gray incredulously "The neighbors that made the call said there were multiple screams." That's when Naomi showed up fully clothed "Sorry, I was startled and half asleep when /someone/ walked in on me in the bathroom and that startled... Her as well." Dunning simply stared, lowered his head and then sighed, for a moment Grayson thought he didn't believe her. "You two are a mess sometimes." After a moment he says "Well, if everything's okay, We still on for poker tomorrow kou? Charlie is a little short on cash so Stark is bringing the booze, good stuff too." A few memories hit Grayson, 'kou' was obviously short for Pakou, he also had a vague memory that 'Stark' was a friend of his that had a stunning resemblance to Robert Downey Jr. Though his name was actually... Something he couldn't remember. He also had a mental picture of Charlie, but nothing more than that.

A simple nod from Grayson illicited a somewhat concerned look from Dunning, admittedly it was a lame response. A moment and a tip of Dunning's hat ended the conversation, despite the friendliness it felt like an interrogation though that was more likely his own paranoia. Shutting the door, Grayson proceeded to all but collapse on the nearby sofa after the officer departed. Naomi settling next to him, her own change was certainly weird to put it lightly, but Grayson's had to be traumatic.

"Gray?" He was hungry, running on only a couple hours of sleep, and seemed to have a degree of retro-grade amnesia, he wasn't exactly feeling conversational. "Gray." Naomi said again, though a little more sternly this time. He met her gaze this time, she lightly rubbed his back trying to comfort him."I don't know what's going on, but we're only going to figure it out together" he buries his face into the cushions of the sofa. "Hey." Her tone softens as she shook him gently, "Come on, it's big brain time."

Grayson moaned, almost as if in pain, though the comment did succeed in getting him to look at her again. "Did you seriously just meme at me?"

"Yes." She smiles in a way that was somehow smug yet comforting."memeiplier." Another groan came from Grayson.

"Okay fine fine" sitting up he continues "'If you don't laugh you'll cry right?"

Still smiling she nodded, "You taught me that." he had no idea she was simply wearing a brave face, maybe it was just the stress of the situation that caused him to not notice. She knew things were quickly going to get complicated for a number of reasons though, this thought made her mask that much more difficult to maintain.

"....Let's make some bis-quits and gravy." Grayson said deciding his hunger needed to be sated before they could figure anything out.

"Biscuits... Bis-quits and gravy it is" truly a little happier that his silly pronunciation persisted despite the situation. Breakfast however was prepared in silence.

Sitting at the table they ate. Grayson had calmed down quite a bit, Naomi took a moment to really look at her 'boyfriend' for the first time since this started today. She had noticed instantly his striking violet eyes. She also took note of the fact that they were slightly slanted. His skin tone that was less dark than his original Native American hue, something of an almond color. He had always kept his hair long,but instead of his original brown it was now jet black with a single purple streak. She also remembered that Dunning had called him 'Pakou', the name was Hmong, though his accent was still American. He caught her gaze, they stared in continued silence for a moment, he may have wanted to say something, but he had a mouthful of food. She noticed in his brilliant eyes, that despite the massive physical change she saw a certain familiar sparkle, it was of a person that was always ready with a snarky comment or awful pun. This made her sad thinking of the turmoil sure to come realizing this was still the man she had fallen in love with and surely would be leaving her soon.

Grayson, to his credit recovered well as a shocked Naomi spat a combination of biscuits, gravy, and saliva directly in his face. Before he can even wipe his face she yells as she thrusts the phone at his face showing her new wallpaper to him "The moon!" Realizing she had just spat a mouthful of food at him she sheepishly looked away. "I uh... Mean to say that last night I had said I wanted a dick, and then you said you'd be my hot bitch."

Unceremoniously wiping his face with his robe he takes a moment to consider the theory. "That literally makes no sense though."

"Does any of this make sense Gray?"

He regarded her for a moment and started to realise something was weighing on her mind, something that wasn't just the immediate situation. He sighs, "it still doesn't make sense, but... You're right, none of this makes sense as is."

I'm done writing tonight, though feedback is appreciated as this is my first attempt at a writing in a couple years, please let me know if the story so far is cohesive. This story will become erotic for sure, but I wanted to build a bit of a world first. Stay safe everyone.
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