Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2220960-Aberdeen
by Celia
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2220960
Forbidden Love is both exciting and dangerous. Which one will it be?

‘You haven’t told me what the plans are for Christmas.’ came a languid but fully embodied voice from the other room.

Luke met his own reflection in the mirror above the marble sink he was leaning against. Deep blue eyes unblinking and framed beneath dark, thick eyelashes, kept his image in focus while a toothbrush that was stuck between what he’d occasionally heard were sensual lips, continued to move methodically from side to side without missing a stroke.

He was in no hurry to answer the question apart from also being in no doubt that his silence would not immediately get questioned. To the contrary, he rather suspected his silence would be accepted as ‘no big deal’ since she had knowledge of what his present situation was like. Let’s face it, talking back with a mouth full of toothpaste, was not the polite thing to do, Luke was confident this was the solution to his temporary silence. Still, not that he was going to be so lucky as to avoid the question permanently. No. Not that lucky.
Yet, in all fairness to himself, he didn’t even have to comment back should he elect to make this decision regardless that, he would be running the risk of being called a cad. Considering that what had been asked of him just now, was not exactly a new subject - not by a long shot, he felt it would be safe to be momentarily silent.

The same subject had been brought up some months before during a casual conversation and as the first part to a two-part question. The second question, Jane, the woman who’d just called out to him, had put a certain spin on it. Nevertheless, Luke had recognized what she’d been alluding to in spite of her attempt to make the query shady and unrecognizable. She had not prevailed in her quest he was happy to report. The matter she’d proposed to him, had been a grave one, and although he’d been polite and given an answer, he had done so with an equal measure of resentment and lack of enthusiasm.

With Christmas less than a month away now, he knew he could not feasibly avoid this matter. The other one, she had brought up months ago, his answer to it, would see hell freeze over first before he’d commit himself in any way.

He took his time rinsing the remains of toothpaste from his mouth and afterwards, wondered if he should attempt shaving.
Only, in retrospect, after performing a brief stroke on one cheek, Luke admitted shaving would be unnecessary unless he was prepared to massacre his face up. Sighing in defeat, he stepped out of the bathroom, and found himself immediately in an over-sized bedroom.

Seated comfortably on the bed which occupied the middle portion of the room of the very tastefully furnished bedroom, was Jane Goddard, his girlfriend for the past two years. She lay reposed and looking very much like the goddess she often claimed to be. Not true, in Luke’s eyes but whatever. If it added to her sense of importance, have at it, Luke agreed.

As was the habitual scene he was frequently subjected to and particularly around this time of evening, Jane had a myriad of plush pillows stacked behind her back, a nail file held in one hand, which was embellished by long, blood red fingernails. Her other hand, Jane was holding it up at her face. It too ended with blood red fingertips.

It was always a case of ‘déjà vu’, Luke reflected and not for the - oh, umpteenth time at least. Almost the exact same scenario before him. Still, what brought on his satisfaction was that his assessment of the situation was always brief and afterwards, he was more than happy to his end of the business done which happened to be piling into bed. Except for tonight, somehow Jane managed to make events happen that Luke wouldn’t have dreamed in a million years would take place.

On the verge of rounding the corner of the bed, Jane successfully blocked his ambitious desire by calling out, ‘Darling, did you hear me while you were in there? Doing whatever it was you were doing?’

Luke thought he heard a slight inflection of annoyance behind the observation and just to be certain that his suspicion was unfounded, he stared at her with super fine powers of observation.

He had to be certain that he would not miss an eyebrow out of symmetry on her rather pretty face and if he did, it would be a sign that she was truly annoyed at him and not just engaging in idle chatter. Not that he had any intention of calling her out should he notice that she wasn’t being sincere. Right now, he was not in possession of that kind of warrior quality. Any attempt to spar with her, was not bloody likely to happen now. Besides, it gave him more satisfaction to test his aptitude for astuteness, Luke admitted secretly.

‘Yeh, I heard you, Loud and clear, as a matter of fact,‘ he finally answered, with deep coolness and having come to the conclusion that she had indeed merely passed a harmless statement versus one that held all the makings of a fight between them.

Free now, of any misgivings regarding the situation, he had by now reached the side of the impressive bed, stripping off the plush burgundy with white stripes towel he’d hitched around his waist after emerging from a long hot shower, one he had thoroughly enjoyed, he might add. Luke prepared for his next step. Except…

‘And what have you to say-’ His focus unwillingly, shifted once again to her. ‘to what I asked you?’ She waved the nail file in the air as if the damn thing was some kind of bloody light saber and she was a Jedi character in Star Wars.

The gesture annoyed him for whatever reason. He simply couldn’t lay his finger on it. Except he was not prepared to embark on a quest to find the answer. He would merely have to leave it that it annoyed him, and this had to be good enough for now.

He exhibited his annoyance by violently tossing the towel aside. It landed in an untidy heap some feet away.
‘Haven’t had the time to dwell on the matter, if you must know the truth,’ he confessed tightly at last. Completely naked, he sat on the edge of the bed, his back purposely to her. A few seconds later, when he was all set for his next action – Luke swung his powerful legs over and underneath cozy flannel sheets. The same sheets which had been calling - no, make that screaming his name for him to tuck himself underneath already!

‘Hmm-’ Jane said absently. Already she was totally absorbed in her nails again.

Good. Luke thought. Let her bother with her nails instead of with him. It was only after, he was comfortable enough to spare some careful observation, that he gave her some silent appraisal.

Nothing had changed, Luke summarized. She was still holding court over the state of her nails. This made him wonder how on earth, there could be anything wrong with the manicure when she’d had it done only this morning? Oh, yes - he was quite familiar with the correct terminology for various functions females were notorious for and his skill was thanks to the fact that - obviously - he’d been with other women before meeting Jane and herein lay the source of his education regarding female habits. Every woman he’d been with, had taught him something regardless of how trivial.

It didn’t take him long to lose complete interest in Jane and her activity which hadn’t changed a jot since he’d first began studying her. She was still intrigued with the condition of her manicure. Perhaps deciding if there was one nail more richly painted versus the other one. Regardless. Luke was certain his involvement on her just now, had merely been a glitch in his thought process and now that he was completely over it, he was ready to move on. What took over his formative thinking next, was that he was thankful to not have to get up early, come the morning.

As it happened, the meeting he would have attended with one of his newest clients, had been unexpectedly cancelled. It would come as an honest admission, that this last minute change of plans, was a welcome respite since this meant he would have more time to go over certain details on the marketing specifications he had planned to give the new chairman of the board for Mother's Delight.

The company manufactured all types of products specifically geared for mothers with very young children and who worked full time jobs.
On a disturbing note though, in recent years, Mother’s Delight, hadn’t been solvent resulting in the more influential members within the company’s structure, to step in and make some internal reorganizing. The biggest change had been appointing a new chairman of the board.
Douglas Henshaw, had lost no time introducing himself and enlisting Luke to come up with a brand new marketing strategy based off his personal visions on how he perceived the company would re-surface as a major player in the business world. As expected, Luke had been only too happy to comply and that’s why the call ordering the cancellation of the meeting had come as such a surprise.
Naturally, he’d offered no resistance to the unexpected change yet wouldn’t deny that it had left him wondering if there wasn’t something more profound at the other end of things.

Part of him accepted that Douglas’ reason for cancelling was believable, highly plausible even. Nevertheless, an odd sensation had begun to nag him after the phone call and try as he might to convince himself that he was simply overreacting to a change of plans stepping out of the blue, Luke knew he hadn’t been entirely been successful in the assertion.

Perhaps it was due to his somewhat macabre sense of humour for in the back of his mind, he had entertained some pretty unusual scenarios. Notions on how unusual it was that a brand-new chairman allowed himself to be convinced at the very last second, to go on a fishing trip with the company’s existing vice president - or so this had been the explanation Henshaw had provided.

After having mulled over detail after detail until well after midday, Luke had convinced himself to give up the nonsense. In other words, he wasn’t likely to ever get an answer to what the requirements were for body recovery from a fishing lake.
At length, he had told himself to just let it go. These visions you’re toying with - sights of gruesome pictures of Henshaw’s body being dragged up from murky waters and declared murdered by persons unknown, are getting out of hand. You’re watching way too many crime shows, Luke had chided himself having continued with; remember, there’s absolutely nothing unusual about people changing plans or their minds for that matter, at the last second. Lest you forget that you yourself, have made sudden changes to some of your own commitments, particularly years ago when first starting up McLeish Marketing.

When he’d started his company some fifteen years ago, he’d certainly had his own share of instances where he had needed to make exceptions for unforeseen circumstances and had to ease in with the flow. Luckily, these days, his company was beyond the point of having to accept less than favorable challenges. The company was presently too much of a success and had long ago carved its own notch among New York’s top business landscape.

It was thanks to his business foresight that had presented itself from the get-go, which had enabled him to set his sights on representing only multi-million-dollar companies and not go after any other spectrum. The plan had been to secure the widest edge for success as rapidly as possible. Thinking back on those early days, Luke was very thankful it was now all behind him. All the hard work, the sleepless nights, the constant worry. It had certainly been a journey of hardship and endurance he reflected wistfully. And he could add one last point, he had certainly learned a lot about himself during the process of building a multi-million dollar corporation. Particularly, when it came to how his tolerance levels worked.

Presently, there was no forewarning about the unsettling situation suddenly thrown out at him.

‘I’m just so glad you’ve made no plans for us. I would hate to go back on my word and say we can’t make it after all.’
His idle musings of the past came to a screeching halt. Luke stiffened perceptively. ‘What do you mean make it? Make it where?’ he demanded harshly, wondering just how ‘out of sorts’ he had been lately in order not to recall, even remotely so, about making plans to go somewhere.

‘Scotland.’ Jane tapped the nail file lightly against the tip of her nose as if she was deep in thought. ‘Aberdeen, is what I believe she called it. I could be mistaken but I don’t think so.’ Jane turned sideways, facing Luke at an angle. Even though she was not in a comfortable position, nonetheless she still appeared contentious. ‘Which brings me to a very important question. Why haven’t you told me you have a sister? Why have you never mentioned her? Not once. Ever!’ The brittleness of her tone gave his gut a nasty turn.

Okay. He got it. He had never mentioned Rachel - ever! But why had she made it sound as if he had committed some sort of major crime?
Although, he wasn’t exactly certain which part of Jane’s announcement was upsetting him the most - or did he? Luke bluntly threw himself the challenge. Was it that he was refusing to acknowledge the obvious for fear that it might leave him in some weakened state, both physically and mentally and thus be at risk of making mistakes especially with words that might flow treacherously out of his mouth.

Rachel and Aberdeen. One didn’t exist without the other so far as he was concerned. And just now, he’d been forced to connect the two and see the connection for what it was - his past. No. Definitely, not his past. Rather his past, present and future all rolled into one. It was rare - extremely rare - to look back at what his life had been like prior to New York. But thanks to Jane, she had successfully managed to bring that world he had developed the knack for avoiding, into sharp focus as well.

Still suffering from compliance issues, it was with great effort that he allowed himself to conquer the knowledge that Jane now knew of Rachel and vice versa. Equally, he found himself not at all prepared to take on Jane’s next revelation.

‘Rachel asked to speak to you but obviously you weren’t here so that was a no-win situation for her.’ Jane issued a sound that was a split between a laugh and a snort. Regardless, she had sounded very petty. ‘Anyway-' another slash action in the air with the nail file. ‘She wasn’t upset that she couldn’t speak to you-’ Should he be glad of this? He had just enough time to digest this disclosure before he had another one come at him. ‘She was more than happy to tell me what she was calling for. Although-’ Jane narrowed her big, brown eyes thoughtfully. ‘Come to think of it, she only told me what she was calling for, after she found out who I was. I think that was-’

Luke lost his temper and cut her off. `Bloody tell me what she called for all ready,’ he snarled bitterly.

Jane’s frowned deeply. ‘Hold on a minute. I’m coming to it,’ she scolded lightly rearranging herself so that now she was lying back against the bed’s back rest. ‘She said that your father had asked her to call us and invite us to spend Christmas with them and I said immediately that we would love to come. We wouldn’t dream of disappointing your father, I told her. By the way- ‘She again narrowed her eyes practically to slits. ‘I also did you a favor. I didn’t let on that we had no previous plans. I was not about to embarrass us like that to a member of your family.’

Luke was happy to hear the last of her eulogy. It had been tiresome and left him needing space and silence to be able to process everything he’d learned or at the very least, attempt to take it all in and reason it all out.

His inner turmoil was not an easy one, Luke conceded but he was certain that if he could stay focused, he would be able to discern what was valuable information and what was mere gossip. Fact - Rachel had called. Here - to his home! She’d never done that sort of thing since he’d lived in New York and the knowledge that she had accomplished such a feat, filled him with a case of euphoria. Only why should he feel so elated over such a trivial matter? So, what that she had called. Millions of people performed the very same task a gazillion times a day all over the world. You Fool! Because Rachel wasn’t just anyone. That’s why! It was that simple and equally that complicated.

She was someone who could bring out matching measures of good and bad in him. Could cause him to reach out for dangerous limits, go over the edge and not regret it one bit for having done so.

‘Luke?’ Jane had finally picked up on the fact that something was not quite right by his extended silence.

‘What?’ His voice held unhealthy hostility.

‘I still want to know why you never bothered telling me that you have a sister?’ she demanded sharply.

‘Let's get one thing straight. Rachel is my stepsister not my sister. And in case you need further clarification, her mother married my father when she was just a little girl. This means that she is not my flesh and blood therefore our ties don't run as deep as you’re alluding to that they do.’ He felt infinitely better by having explained the logistic side of his relationship with Rachel even though it had no bearing whatsoever on Jane’s question and she immediately set out to prove this.

‘Fine! So, she’s not your flesh and blood. That still doesn’t explain why you’ve never mentioned her. Not once. Ever!’ Yes, she had said that before - the ever part and he’d heard it and understood it the first time around so need for repeats after repeats. He attempted like hell to reign in his frustration by compressing his lips very tightly and remaining very still underneath the sheets.

Jane’s persistence was something to take note of and he needed to give her that much and of course - she was right, he had never, ever mentioned Rachel. Not to her or anyone else who were a part of his life in New York. What Jane was failing to understand was that he always went about his life as if Rachel didn’t even exist and truthfully, he liked it this way.

Luke gave a resigned sigh. ‘What difference does it make that I’ve never mentioned her?’ he demanded sullenly. And, ‘If I had, do you believe anything would have been different between you and me? I think not. So, in my opinion, this argument you’re attempting to foster, has no foundation. My advice is to let it go, Jane.’ In order to send the last of his message over the top, Luke rolled on his side, glad to have his back to her.

He’d meant what he said, the topic was over and done with as far as he was concerned. But even though his protests were logical and practical to a certain extent, Luke recognized the sick suspicion that penetrated his sound mind as soon as the words had been said. At some point in time, he was going to regret saying what he just did. And when that time came, it would have no bearing on Jane at all but on himself.
Although he was presenting an aloof, don’t-approach-me attitude, he couldn’t help suspecting that Jane wasn’t going to let him get away with ending the discussion. Only what happened next, was totally off the charts of expectancy.

He suddenly felt himself being physically assaulted. Sharp talons digging deep into the bare flesh of his upturned shoulder. ‘Goddamn it! Luke wailed loudly in pain and instantly flipped over on his back immediately disengaging her hold of him. He stared darkly at her. ‘What the hell did you do that for?’ he demanded; his testiness full blown.

‘Let it go!’ Jane screeched at the top of her lungs. She rapidly sunk down on her haunches, towering a bit over him now. For Christ’s sake, that horrific scream of hers could have awoken the dead plus every vampire within the realm of their existence - if such entities existed.

‘I don’t want to let it go, Luke. And why? Because I want to know all there is about you and that includes your family - all of them!’

Luke groaned aloud then to show further that he had no mercy, rolled his eyes and let out a very bad epithet, one he very seldom found himself using. Only none of his bad manners staved her off - unfortunately. ‘I want to meet and get to know your family before we get married. And your father’s invitation for Christmas will make this possible. The invitation couldn’t have come at a better time, I say.’

Luke had already shifted position so that now, he was sitting stiffly up. Although he gave the appearance that he was completely at ease, he was far from feeling it. He decided to show her just how unsavory all this was by setting his teeth and uttering through them.

He glowered darkly. ‘No!’ The single word came out so forcefully, that Jane actually drew back on her haunches, sitting more on the heels of her feet than in the middle of her calves.

‘No - as in, no to your father’s invitation?’ she asked, her puzzlement casting a brief shadow of doubt across her face.

‘No - as in, absolutely no on the marriage bit. Get this straight, Jane- ‘Luke gave up the casual repose in order to add more depth to his next statement. ‘I don’t want to get married. Never have and never will. I’m sorry if this comes as a shock to you but there you have it. I can only give you the God’s honest truth and hopefully, I’m making myself crystal clear on the subject?’ To end the matter completely, Luke speared her with one of his more malevolent looks.

Jane gasped. One hand going instinctively to her heart. Oh, here we go. Luke waited for the fight to start. It was definitely coming, he warned himself. He just needed to wait for it. No way in hades, was she going to stay silent after his narcissistic declaration. The one certainty he knew – had known for a long while, Jane wanted to wear the McLeish surname in a very bad way. This had been the true premise of the subject when she’d brought it up to him months ago and had tried to dress up the matter with other extenuating matters.

Now, her reaction took him totally unawares. She leaned over him, placing her red claws on his masculine chest, without digging into his flesh this time. She also moved herself so that she could rest her head on the superficial cave in of his chest.

‘Baby- ‘she began in a child-like voice. ‘You are not angry that I told your family we are coming to Scotland, are you?’ She proceeded to trace little zig-zag patterns inside the mass of tight dark curls on his chest.

And this was her concern? After what he’d told her, this is what she was worried about. Unbelievable!
Done with judging, Luke wrapped long fingers cleanly around the wrist that was causing him utter annoyance and roughly, shoved her hand aside. There was absolutely no need for her to keep touching him and start building a fire deep down in his male organ. If it happened, it wouldn’t be due to sexual need for her per say.

Rather it would be an instinct derived from millennium of male engineering. In any case, he didn’t want to find himself in this predicament and then have to explain to her why he wasn’t in the mood for sex even though his cock was speaking for him otherwise. So best not allow her any physical contact with him. Besides, he needed her to be in a clear state of mind and not under any romantic influence in order to fully comprehend him.

‘Actually, I can’t begin to tell you how bloody angry I am,’ Luke issued sternly.

‘What?’ Her head jerked upwards, cleanly off his chest and she blinked incredulously at him.

‘Surprised, are we?’ He took pleasure in sneering at her. ‘Well, don’t be. Not when you bluntly went and took it upon yourself to make a decision that should have included both of us. Not just you!’ he accused bitterly and then, ‘Did it ever occur to you that I might not want my family to be privy of my private life? Did it?’

‘Just what do you mean by that?’ Her recovery had come more swiftly than he’d anticipated. Still, he refused to make any sort of allowances. He was content with how he had outlined his opinion and would not be swayed by anything she could throw at him.

‘I mean, Jane, that I did not want my family to know whether I’m single or seeing someone. My personal life has never been something I’ve freely shared with anyone let alone with my family and I certainly didn’t want to start re-writing the rule I’ve lived by for so long. Only thanks to you, what I’ve worked hard on keeping mine and mine alone no longer applies. So, does it make sense to you now why am I so bloody angry?’ He terminated on a bitter note.

‘Are you – ‘her mouth fell apart for a nano second. Her look was one of incomprehension. ‘Are you saying that you’re ashamed of me?’ Luke averted his face, trying to ignore her obvious discomfort.

God damn it! She was the one who had it all wrong and not him. She had completely missed the bloody point, hadn’t she? And now he was going to have to explain himself. The full scope of his aversion was because she had been the one to make that final decision. She had been the one to open up his private affairs and to Rachel of all people! Everything had happened because of Jane.

His desire to continue discussing the matter further, faded altogether. What was done, was done and he needed time to explore every inch of how all this had unfolded and become a royal pain in the arse for him. Only not now. Now, he desired nothing more than to fall asleep.

‘Let’s take this up again tomorrow, deal?’ He suggested, showing her a kinder side that previously he’d not been willing to show. ‘Disregard some of the things I’ve said. They didn’t come out right, I don’t think.’ He wasn’t about to elaborate which exact details he wanted her to ignore. Chances were, he didn’t actually know which ones himself. He was simply playing for time.

His attempt to smooth things out, didn’t quite work the way he’d envisioned it would since mere seconds later, Jane sprung off the bed. The offensive expletive she uttered was unmistakably all for him. Subsequently, Jane stormed from the bedroom dragging with her the only blanket there was on the bed for warmth. Luckily, he knew where more blankets were stored, and he would fetch one shortly.

Back in bed after fetching said blanket, Luke reacted to the finale of the night’s commotion with one simple gesture – he leaned out far enough in order to reach the iPad resting on the bedside table. The minicomputer allowed for control over almost every technical prop in the house. With a firm press on one of the buttons, the lights in the room switched off, immediately flooding the room in complete, welcoming darkness.

Honestly, he didn’t give a toss Jane felt the need not to share the bed with him this night. Right now, nothing would give him more pleasure but to submerge himself into a world where thinking, feeling, rationalizing the different aspects of life or any other trappings which made up a human’s daily existence, were not present. He badly needed to slip into that place where darkness and nothing cohesive, was alive even if this subliminal world would only exist for a pre-measured amount of time.

To Be Continued....

© Copyright 2020 Celia (celiam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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