Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2235101-Overcast-Skye-Chapter-2
Rated: GC · Novel · Mystery · #2235101
Chapter Two

Chapter 2: The Routine

Skye reached for her phone and grabbed it lazily to turn off the alarm. She checked her phone for messages and calls. She rummaged through the notifications on different platforms.

Get up!! She told herself. She played her morning music and arose feeling fresh and danced all the way with eyes still fixed on the mobile screen, and sauntered into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

Soon, the TV remote replaced the phone. She flipped through the channels aimlessly. The phone trilled. "Hey Gwen!" "Today...but?" "mmhmm..Okay, I'll be there. See you at 5."

She walked to the window overlooking the quaint neighborhood. She felt lucky to have inherited the house in a neighborhood with fewer people.

Why do people have this incessant need to socialize? she thought to herself.

She went back to the couch and watched a sitcom she liked. She laughed and tried to take her mind off the Herculean task that lay ahead that afternoon.

In the after, she parked her car outside a restaurant, and checked herself in the rearview mirror. They are your friends! A normal person has friends and listens to their ramble. Smile. Phew!

"Hi you guys!" said Skye.

"Hi," returned Gwen and Sam.

Gwen is a journalist. Not the hard-hitting kind, but the one who reports minor local events. She is opinionated and believes her opinions matter - in short, delusional.

Sam is the more tolerable one. She is a homemaker, less ambitious, less questioning, and more understanding.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday about today's lunch?" inquired Skye.

"Tell her," Gwen nudged Sam.

"Come on..what is it?" Skye tried to sound interested.

"I'm pregnant. I can't believe it," Sam flashed a winning smile.

"Wow!! That's huge. Congrats" This is exactly what the world needs - another fucking mouth for this world to feed and corrupt. Oh no...Does this mean she's going to talk more effective today! Fuck!"

"I'm so scared and excited. I don't know how I'm going to do this," said Sam.

Just the way every animal or any living thing does. The dog next door laid 3 puppies without one millionth of the fuss you are making.

I bet humans didn't fuss as much before health care became big business.

"You are carrying a miracle," swooned Gwen.

A miracle that has happened trillions of times. Wait. What do we call something that happens innumerous times every single day? That's right -- a "miracle"! I'm so happy for you," Skye smiled faking admiration.

Sam blushed, "Freddy is thrilled. We are turning the guest bedroom into a nursery. This baby is going to strengthen our relationship."

Freddy, a typical devoted husband. Until he was caught cheating last year. Poor Sam is naive to know that 10% of father-to-be cheat during pregnancy. As if Freddy needs another excuse! Funny how women think pregnancy changes thing for better, whereas studies show that as fetus grows, the chances of cheating inevitably increase.

"I never thought something can make me happy and scared at the same time," said Sam emotionally.

"Don't worry. You are one of the strongest persons I know, really." Skye paused. "Do you know why childbirth is more painful for humans?"

"Skye!! Come on..." shushed Gwen.

"What? I'm not trying to scare her. It's just people do so many things and don't realize why they are doing it or why something is the way it is," retorted Skye.

"It's ok. Elucidate us, Skye!" said Sam eagerly

"Okay... See, humans have bigger brains now than ancient times, which means larger heads. Have you seen the shape of the heads of early humans with ape-like head?" She observed them momentarily. "Whereas, the hip and pelvis are narrower in evolved humans due to walking upright on two feet -- being bipedal wasn't the original design. Do you see how the evolution is contradictory? Nature can be a sadist sometimes," explained Skye.

"Makes sense," nodded Sam.

Gwen nodded dismissively and took Sam's hand in hers, "This is going to be the best thing that ever happened to you."

Children are a miracle: cute, loving, and precious. I'm never gonna have one, though...contemplated Skye. Why would anyone create such a huge responsibility for themselves? I don't know how people live with no personal space and freedom. Wondered Skye.

"I know," gleamed Sam.

The waiter brought the entrees. Distracting the conversation.

"When are we meeting, Cole?" broached Gwen.

Never. Skye thought. "Whenever he's ready."

Skye thought about Cole and his thought brought a smile to her face.

"Oh my god, are you blushing? That's so cute!" Gwen teased.

"We are so excited to meet him. It's the first time you have given someone a chance since Joshua," said Sam considerately.

Gwen and Sam waited for a reply.

Skye looked down at her plate thoughtfully. "Yes. Cole is sweet."

Awwed her caring friends.

"Guys stop. It's not like that. We have barely gone out on three dates," said Skye awkwardly.

"We can tell. You like this one. And he's such a hottie," continued Gwen.

"What about George, Gwen? You do remember you have a boyfriend, right?" Sam attempted to rescue Skye.

Skye looked at Sam who looked back at her with assurance.

Gwen is one of those girls who can't take a hint. She always wonders why he doesn't call her enough or what it means if someone stopped making plans with her.

"He's not the same you know. No more grand gestures...or any gesture for that matter. He doesn't even have time for me anymore. Why do they do that? They make you feel special, and suddenly it's all gone," questioned Gwen.

Duh! Because he's bored of you. It means he's done pretending to be nice. Isn't that what they do to get into your pants! Pretend! Pretend to care, pretend to listen to your boring stories, pretend to be nice, pretend to respect women... In their defense, women like you do make it hard to respect. You have outlived your usefulness and he's done pretending. Move on.

"Maybe he's busy. You know he loves you," comforted Sam.

"She's right," added Skye. Can't be more wrong! Why do women do this to each other?"

"I thought this was it. He made me so happy. I'm already in my thirties. I just want to get married and be done with the dating scene," said Gwen.

Ah marriage -- the forced perspective of a wholesome life. Another reason to be embarrassed about being a girl is to belong to the gender that believes in love and "forever." Will they ever learn! Sighed Skye.

"You can't give up on him, Gwen. You have been together for two years now. Have a little talk with him. Hear him out and you two can sort it together," Sam encouraged.

Oh George. If only you knew what's coming for you, thought Skye.

"Gwen, listen. You are a successful and ambitious woman. You are pretty and you got us. You don't have to settle for this. I mean you can try to sort it out, but it's okay if it doesn't go as you'd hoped," said Skye. Have some respect for yourself."

"You're right. I'm not going to settle," said Gwen with determination.

Oh you are! Like other women, you may not admit, but you are just as lazy. You just want to quit the dating game and settle with anyone who shows the littlest interest in you. And you think men are lazy? It always eludes me how your mind works. My sympathies, though. Reflected Skye.

"Let's snooze this one and celebrate. Today is about Sam. Here's to Sam. That child is the luckiest to have an understanding and nurturing mom as you," exclaimed Gwen reassuringly raising her glass.

"That is definitely a lucky child," Skye said raising her glass.

"I love you, guys," said Sam sounding overwhelmed.

The friends toasted their glasses to drink.

After hours of chit-chatting and enjoying the entrees, the three friends departed.

Skye couldn't wait to get to her car. She wore the seat belt and took a deep breath. Human interaction is so tedious and exhausting. I never understood why people wear each other out talking and listening. She thought.

She drove through the traffic and busy streets, which did not bother her at all. She grew up in this little overcrowded city and she loves the city life.

She enjoys watching people; although nothing they did ever made sense to her. Her cell phone beeped. "Can't wait to see you tonight. I miss you."

Skye smiled at the screen as if the phone was going to translate that into a response. I hate this guy for making it so damn hard. She then responded with an unenthusiastic "K."

She had to be somewhere before that. One of her favorite places. A place where no one talks to her, or if she's lucky, doesn't even look at her. Where she can be herself and do what she loves.

She pulled over and looked at herself in the rearview mirror. "What are you smiling so much about? Don't forget your rule: if someone's text or call makes you smile, delete that number!"

She marched in without a shred of inhibition. She was familiar with the place.

Once she knew she was alone, she brandished a gun, pointing toward her target for the day. She could feel the weight of the cold beautiful gun. You belong here. In my hands.

She took aim and emptied all 9 bullets. She watched patiently as the target carrier drew closer. She scrutinized her shots. Better.

This firing range has been her favorite hangout spot for long. She prepped her next target, reloaded her gun, and fired away.

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