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Rated: E · Article · Writing · #2236463
The Essence of a Writer's Potential (abt the motivation's of being a writer)
When often a writer so-called hits a wall, it seems as though personally he has writer's block. Whatever his/her motivation, he/she feels as though some portion of his inspiration has been blocked, and so this leads to a period without writing. The question is does this mean the writer's motivations have changed or not. If a writer identifies with the title of a writer, then the very entity that gives him his channel for writing or the actual inspiration goes uncapped, for the reason for writing does not lie in any other purpose, but that to write for the reason that he writes. If a writer feels pressured, he will no longer write. He will find some other means of earning his keep. He will not want to sacrifice the creative stream that lends his talents to his penmanship to be muttled by peripheral motives.
His writing is too important to him to keep him from delaying the desires to utilize it for monetary gain. Only insofar as quality is not sacrificed by quantity is the writer satisfied. Then upon being proved by his benefactors be worthy of compensation, might he take on the task. On the contrary, a writer suffices happily to continue to write for his initial purpose of writing for its own sake.

If the end of the means of writing is for the purpose of work or financial gain, the writer is not content. Whatever a writer writes must first satisfy the writer and then reader second and the contractor third. Other orders are not capable of attending to his purpose in this manner. He must gain freedom to write as he has opportunity for the purposes of truth, justice, liberty, creativity and practicality. Without these principles, a writer becomes something else. And so, for the continuance of this channel of creativity within him to flourish he must endeavor to remain in this place throughout his career. If opportunities to write for monetary gain present
themselves, he will evaluate them based upon his own sense of purpose and if these opportunities align, he will seek to contribute his talents and skills in a modest way to the endeavor. However, if they draw away from them, you will find he willingly sacrifices even the highest paid opportunities to maintain the integrity of his purpose. This in turn lends itself to the versatility that allows him to stay secure at his original profession. It not only gives him freedom to maintain his skill level, but also perpetuates his need and zeal for his writing and ensures that he is only able to do just that.

Once a writer has found his inspiration, he is driven to write within these channels. He is determined to continue on with his passion for that which is meaningful and for which his ideals can be projected. He does not desire to be amongst those who seek otherwise, but rather to outstand the status quo, always meeting a higher purpose, always interjecting wisdom. And so, as he filters through all the things that cause him to break away from previous works, he constantly cycles his channels back to that original purpose, rather than changing for the trends of society. He is not rigid in this ground, only tenacious to keep his work in line with his beliefs,
not allowing them to take shape by other forces. His intentions therefore play out with time itself, allowing for the reader to become intimate with him, yet always valuing the privacy of this dynamic. Until he reaches a culmination of his purpose and endeavors, the writer will always be found ever-focused on his objectives and lining up with his intentions. If he finds other means by which he can contribute his talents effectively, he will always seek to become accomplished at his profession, which paid work may allow him to accomplish. Many writers find that they feel they deserve to be compensated for their skills, or else, their skills are not worthy of
the audience that may seek their work, yet if so, then again it must gratify the quality that is instilled in his original purpose. Therefore, by focusing his efforts on that purpose he will ever be producing noteable works that engage his readers so well that he would never actually need the opportunity to be paid. Yet, the writer may indeed take these opportunities in order to show is readers his dedication to his purpose and therefore perhaps, utilize these funds to perpetuate the endeavor of writing itself.

This is so, because it is his purpose, his calling. He has made the intention of constant production, not like that of a factory, but rather of spiritual being, that is so determined with connecting his work with his purpose and the hunger of his audience that he would rather not do anything else in this capacity. Many writers who become authors are similar and fulfilled this calling by producing full-fledged works that keeps us hungry for more. But, they are not considered only novelists. They have allowed themselves to actualize that, which keeps them going in this agenda, to bring to completion this sense of their purpose in one stage or another. However, many writers are also talented at many other things, and that blends into their purpose within their writing. Therefore, it is a vast field ripe with potential for many different kinds and likes. To be great is not the objective, but being great is. The landscape of writing today will flourish I believe insofar as it maintains life through it roots of past works and history, with new minds tapping inner potential to create and share, them knowing their greatness and fulfilling that, which keeps them motivated, increasing the vast array of published works. With these roots, we will be free to explore new territories and to be able to continue this journey. For, once the generation in which we live grasps the concept of the purpose of writing, it can find itself in a culture that appreciates that purpose, and the legacy
will be founded. And each generation will accomplish the necessary endeavors that encompass this purpose. And the writer's potential will flourish.
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