Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2244120-Secrets
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2244120
Can a gangster tell the truth? This is the first chapter of a book that I am working on.
Chapter One; WE'RE living here?

-- Emiliea's P.O.V. --

I run my hands through my thick red hair as my parents coax me out of their 2019, white, Range Rover. I think it's funny, a rich family can't afford any thing better than a Range Rover. I try to shake it off as I take in all of the surroundings. The houses were suburban-like. Most of them had brick sidings, lame beige panels covering the sides of the houses as well.. Their lawns were nice, flowers lined some of the borders, and some even had privacy fences. My upper lip apparently did a 'thing' because my mom snickered as she stood beside me, and rubbed my arm gently. Green eyes, freckles, glasses, and an introverted personality.. Yep, that's me. I only stand at a whopping five feet as well which is why people compared me to a Leprechaun some times.

"Come on nickel, this place will grow on you, I promise. Your father, and I have looked at this place more than once, believe me."

I turn to face her, searching her eyes for some thing, any thing... As I open my lips to say some thing, my mom immediately stops me.. My dad must have been listening.


My mom gently places her index finger over my lips as a signal to hush. My attention then is pulled towards my father, who was struggling with the luggage. I giggle, then rush over to help him.

The grass wasn't even as green around here as it was in their home town. My father shook his head as he placed a big box full of books down. I grabbed another box, it wasn't too big ,so I was able to lift it out of the car with no issue. On the box a label read 'basement.' We have a basement now? I put the box down on the ground, and grabbed another box not paying attention to the label. This one was lighter, so I was going to take this inside instead.


My father turns to face me, his face was beat red, and sweat was dripping off of his blonde brow. My mom was a red head, my father however was blonde. It made some people question whether we were related or not, I've grown to ignore them though. My father wiped sweat off of his face with a wash cloth before answering me.

"Yes, nickel?"

Nickel... That nick name stuck with me for as long as I could remember. As a kid, I was always obsessed with nickels for some odd reason. Thank goodness it was humid out, and we would be done moving every thing soon enough. Even I could see my dad was struggling with this move. I shake my head, brush a strand of hair behind my ear, and kick the ground slightly with my black converse.

"What's going on? W-Why did we have to move?"

My dad cleared his throat, and rubbed the back of his neck. He had on a typical dad outfit, jean shorts, a polo shirt, sneakers, and a pair of Ray Ban sun glasses. Ray Ban sun glasses were really the best. He almost didn't answer me, I was afraid I had asked the wrong thing.. His voice then snapped my ass back into reality.

"I was offered a job here, the reason why we didn't discuss this is because it happened to suddenly."

His answer was cold, calculated, and so unlike him. I held my tongue though and simply nodded. I finished helping him get every thing out of the car when another voice made me fall to the ground, quite literally. I yelped as I felt the hard concrete open up the skin on the back of my knees, and elbows. I laid there, staring into the sun..

"W-what the fuck?"

I looked over my shoulder, my pride was clearly wounded. The voice came from a man next door... Oh, what a man he was too. He looked like he stood at about six foot three, his hair was ashy blonde, and his eyes looked blue... No, maybe, grey? I gasped as I felt an extreme stinging sensation on my arm. My right arm was covered with blood. Apparently, the box that I had picked up had dishes for the kitchen inside... Some of the plates had broken, causing the pieces to fly out and cut me some how.


The voice seemed panicked now. The man ran over to me, and immediately picked me up off of the ground. I looked over at him, dazed, confused, and really just embarrassed.

"I am so sorry, if I knew you scared so easily, I would have.."

He cut himself off to get a good look at me. I was wearing a grey tank top, black yoga shorts, and my black converse. My hair was up in a messy bun... Well, it was even messier now.. Why was he looking at me like that?


That was all I could say. My body felt light, my parents came rushing over with the first aid kit. The strange man began helping them clean me up apologizing his ass off the whole entire time. I was in such a daze, as they were helping me, I turned my head and noticed there were knees behind me.


I thought my head was on my dad's lap, apparently not...

The stranger laughed so hard that I almost died right then and there.

"Well, we can start by you calling me Nikolai."

Nikolai? Was he Russian or some thing? I slowly lifted my head, only to feel Nikolai's hands behind my neck, and some 'shh' sounds. I calmly laid my head back down until my parents said to try and sit me up.

When I sat up, I felt like the looney toone's must have felt.. Loopy, plain loopy. My dad left only to come back with a bottled water. The front door of the house was open, so he told Nikolai that he was going to get me settled in and thanked him endlessly for his help. I leaned on Nikolai as he stood me up. That was when I got a really good look at his face... His pale skin was perfect, and his jaw line... Those lips too

I bit my bottom lip before my dad came to take over. I leaned on him, and offered Nikolai my left hand and a shy smile.

"T-thanks, I'm Emilie."

Nikolai smiled, took my hand gently, then drew his lips to the back of it. Hip lips were soft, and that kiss on the back of my hand was really gentleman-like. I retract my hand gently, and nod as my dad leads me inside. Once inside, I notice how much smaller this house is compared to our old house. The carpet was grey, sort of shaggy, and the wallpaper was so boring that even a baby would fall asleep. As my dad lead me down a hall way, I took a peek inside of every room. Two bed rooms, two baths... At least we have our own bath rooms..

"Here's your room nickel."

I turned my head to the right and saw a large room. A queen sized bed was in the middle, along with a desk by the window, a book case, and a few other things to make it more comfortable for me. My mom must have done this for me. I winced as my father placed me down on the bed. The sheets were plain navy blue, with a black comforter with wolves on it. I stared at my dad as he fluffed up the pillows for me.

"Our new neighbor seems nice."

I smiled shyly as the thought of Nikolai once again flooded my head. I just came to the realization that he did indeed have an accent as well. My father raised an eyebrow as he stood in the door way.

"Yes, it was very thoughtful of him to come over and help... Would you be alright with him coming to dinner here this Saturday? I figured it would be a great way to thank him."

I thought about it for a moment. I looked around, the empty walls gave me the creeps. The green color needed to go...

"T-That would be fine with me.."

I tried to give my dad a smile, only to wince in pain and my body forced me to lay down. My dad chuckled, walked over, kissed the top of my head, then turned on his heels to walk out. Before he disappeared,

I heard him say., in almost a whisper..

"I love you, nickel."

I smiled as I felt my eyes getting heavier. Before I could say that I loved him as well, I was asleep.

What a day... Who knew that moving to some where new would be so dangerous? Quite literally. If this is how the first day was, maybe the next days to come would be even better. On the plus side, I feel like I made a new friend in Nikolai, he looked about my age.. Did he go to college as well?

As sleep completely took me over, the thoughts of the day completely went away.

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