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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Adult · #2257636
A brief letter detailing my last WDC will and testament
I, Charity Marie, being of sound mind and body, on September 1, 2021, do hereby create this last WDC will and testament. If I have somehow met a premature end instead of passing away peacefully in my sleep, I'm sorry for the pain this may cause. If, however, I have passed at an age older than 70, know that I'm at peace with it. I lived for many years with chronic pain and that pain is now ended. At age 41, I have already lived many more years than I ever expected to. I should have died about a dozen times and through some insane miracle, I didn't. I even survived COVID in 2020.

If there is another life after this one, I hope somehow we meet again. It is my fervent hope I somehow brought happiness to those who knew me, shared some of the truths I've learned, and fulfilled most of or all of my dreams. I already achieved more than I ever dared to dream by this point. While my life was far from perfect, It was filled with love. I was fortunate to meet and be with my husband Robert Starrett . He is the greatest gift I have ever received in my life and helped me to heal from all the pain that came before him. He was totally worth the wait.

So, without waxing poetic anymore, here are my wishes:

1) It is my wish that all of my personal items be made public for everyone at an age-appropriate level instead of being private. I do not see the need for reviews or comments since no one will ever see them.

2) I would like WDC Zoomies to be hosted by a WDC volunteer that is at least a yellow case or higher. I have been fortunate that the amazing Waltz en France has been generously running the group for quite a while. I created the group in 2020 as a solution to the loneliness caused by COVID and it was an experiment that worked. Deep friendships were born, knowledge was shared, and great memories were made. I would love for that group to continue forever. The Zoom details will likely have to change as I was paying for the account for many years.

3) I would like my GPs to go to The Quills if it still exists or ROAK if not. If neither of those groups is still in existence, then Rising Stars. If all three of those groups are gone, I will leave it up to Story Master to decide upon an appropriate group for the GPs to go to. I cannot predict what will happen to the site in another 30 years and considering SM and I are of similar ages, it's possible one of us might outlive the other.

Thanks, WDC, for all the great years together. You changed my life for the better and my writing career would not have flourished as it did with the seeds being planted by WDC.

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