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Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #2259097
collected cat poems
here are my collected cat poems. I am fascinated by cats. I had a cat, Suzzy as a child. I have always been more of a cat person than a dog person but find cats to be an alien intelligence, unlike dogs who are very human-like.

Index of first Lines

Watching Cats hunts
Cosmic Cat from Berkeley
Looking Out the Window
Long Live the Cat Gods
Cat Thoughts
Mysterious Cat Looking at Me
Watching Three Cats
Three Cats Ready to Go
The Buddha Cat of Edsall Road
Mad Cat Shoe Lace
Cat People Feeding the Feral Cats
Cat Videos
The Cats Declare War on All Humanity drabble version
Cat Fight in Incheon
Secret Cat Conference
Two cats haiku
Birds fly away haiku
The demon cat from Oregon (revised)

Bike Riding Through the End of the World
Lion Desires

Watching Cats Hunt

Early morning
Watching two white cats
Hunting a white dove

The cats hunt in pairs
Tracking the bird

The bird flies away
Safe for now

And I think about the cats
And the hunt goes on

Such is life
And the fate of cats
And birds



I often wonder about Cats
What do they think of us
It seems at time
That cats think of humans
As their slaves

We exist to feed them
To comfort them

To save them from their enemies
And to worship them

Yes cats are an alien species
Totally different from humanity
Detached, and almost evil

If we ever encounter an alien civilization
God help us if it’s a cat based civilization

We would then be engaged
In the epic mother of all wars

As cats and humans would not get along
The cats would think we were their slaves

And we would resent and fear them
And secretly worship their alien ways

The Cosmic Cat from Berkeley

I next encountered the divine
Many years later in Berkeley, California
I had gone home to be with my Mother

While taking leave from my job
in the Foreign Service

I had two weeks there by myself
My wife came later
near the end of the trip

every morning I woke up
had coffee
Did yoga

Spoke to my mother
Who was sliding into dementia
Day by day loosing her reason

Then I would go out
And explore the city
Go to a museum
Go to one neighborhood
And just be there

Rediscovering the Bay area
After years of being away

Having dinner with old friends
Seeing movies etc

Every morning a black cat came to visit
The cat was friendly and waited for me
And then would join me in my morning rambles
Following me to the bus stop

I stated talking to the black cat
He looked at me with the spark of divinity

In his dark eyes
I called him the cosmic cat

He seemed to like that
He would look at me
And I opened up to me
Told the cat all my dark secrets

As I walked the streets
Of the old neighborhood

Every morning and every evening the cat
Would be there to greet me
And to carry out our endless conversation

Then I had to leave
And in our final conversation
I asked the cosmic cat

Say, Cat are you just a cat
Or are you a demonic cat
Are you possessed by God
Or by Satan

The cat looked at me
And I realized that God
Was indeed residing in the cat

But that god was residing everywhere
All I had to do was open my mind
And the rest would follow

So I said Good bye to the cosmic cat
And he purred and came up to me
And I felt the comforting presence of the divine

As I said goodbye to the cosmic cat
And said goodbye to my mother
As this was the last time
That we would be able to really talk

I told my mother about the cosmic cat
She smiled and said that the cat
was there for me and her
to comfort us both in our hour of need

and that the cat was indeed
a cosmic cat

Looking Out My Window

I look out my window
On the parking lot

And see the mad cat
That lives underneath the apartment house

And look out at the park
Thinking of taking a walk

The cat looks at me
Kindred spirits perhaps
Retired waiting to die

Long Live the Cat Gods

Every day
I watch the cats play
Wild cats running around the neighborhood

The cats seem to think
That they are the king of their jungle
They run away when I yell at them

But they know that they are the true
Masters of this universe

And we are nothing but bit players
To amuse them as they go about their day

And I look at the cats
And imagine the cats
Looking back at me

Alien incomprehensible are the ways of the cat
Such it has been since the dawn of time

And the cats know
That they will be here
Long after mankind fades into history

Long live our secret masters
Love live our cat gods

Cat thought

Watching the black cat
Who lives underneath the building
Slinking about

looking for something to kill
I am reminded once again the cats
are not our friends
as I stare at him

an alien invader
From another planet

Mysterious Cat looking at me

As I look out
At the parking lot

I see a black cat
looking at me with dark soulful eyes
filled with mysterious secrets

I wondered
What the cat
thinks of me?

The cat looks at me
With a mysterious grin
The cat smiles at me
Like the Cheshire cat

He smiles
and runs away into the bushes

Watching Three Cats

Watching three cats
gamboling along
Looking at me

While I look at them
Each wondering what sort of weird creatures
The other is
And who is the real alien species?

Three Cats Ready To Go

three cats
at play

they look out at the world
and they are ready

they are born hunters
they are hungry
they are restless

and they want
to escape
from the house

to chase birds
and other cats

That's the cat's life after all
they tolerate us humans
only because we feed them

But at heart
they are wild things
and wild things
need to be free

Buddha Cat of Edsall Road

I had another encounter
With the divine recently
Another Cosmic cat perhaps
Perhaps not
who knows what cats are
are they alien from another dimension
or was he channeling God ?

I call him the Buddha cat
For the cat loves
Sitting in a meditative pose
Not moving
Just starting at me
With his soulful deep eyes
Boring into my soul
exploring all my secret thoughts

the buddha cat
does not move
does not react
as he is so deep
into his interior mediation
truly in tune
with the cat universe
and the cosmos as well

the buddha cat
seems to be
one with God
one with Buddha
One with Allah
And all the other
Billion names of God
Known and unknown

The buddha cat
Can teach us all
About the art of meditation
As he zones inward
And loses his soul
Joining the cosmos
And becoming
The buddha cat

The buddha cat
Lives in a modest
Town house
In a modest suburb
Proving yet again
The divine spirit of God
Is everywhere all around us

The buddha cat
Reminds us all
To look for god
In the everyday

All around us
If we but have eyes
To see

Mad Cat Shoe Lace

cats are alien creatures from space
they truly are mad as a hat
from space
the buddha cat sits all day long
escaped banshee playing demon
theme song
as they fly about like a witch
flying in the air with their side kick

Cat Videos

Cats they offer us
Plenty of things to ponder
We post videos

Cat People Feeding the Feral Cats

The cat people
Go out in bad weather
To make sure
That the wild cats
Are fed and taken care of
The cats respond
With love and affection
Stepping out of the cold rain

The Cats Declare War on All Humanity drabble version

One night while I was doing my nightly walk in the park near my house, I came upon a secret cat conference. Ten cats were gathered on the sidewalk deep in telepathic thought listening to their leader, a large feral black cat. The Cats were ignoring the humans walking about them

The lead cat announced,

“Operation Kill All humans is a Go. I repeat.”

“Death to all humans”

!he evil cats began to chat, joined in by dogs and birds.

The cats looked at me. I ran away with the demon cats on my tail, “chanting death to all humans”

The Cats Declare War on All Humanity poem version

One night
while I was doing my nightly walk
in the park near my house,
I came upon a secret cat conference.

Ten cats were gathered
on the sidewalk deep in telepathic thought
listening to their leader,
a large feral black cat.

The Cats were ignoring the humans
walking about them

The lead cat announced,

“Operation Kill All humans is a Go.
I repeat.”

“Death to all humans”

!he evil cats began to chat,
joined in by dogs and birds.

The cats looked at me.
I ran away with the demon
cats on my tail,
“chanting death to all humans”

Cat Fight in Incheon

Watching two cats
Fighting along side the sidewalk
In suburban Incheon New Airport Town

Completely indifferent
To the humans walking around them
And the humans were indifferent to the cats

As they stood there fighting
And screeching at each other

One orange one
One half black half white one
Both middle age in cat years

As I sat there watching the cats
really getting into it
I wondered what they were arguing about?

But since I don’t speak cat
I really didn't know

All I know is they were really screeching at each other
And almost look like they were about to attack each other

But one cat backed down
As the other cat stood their proverbial ground

If they were humans one would have pulled out a knife
Or a gun
And someone would have been killed

But being mere cats
They stared at each other

And walked away
but they kept glancing at each other

So I knew the fight as not over
Merely postponed until a later hour
Cats truly are the aliens
Who live among us humans

Or perhaps we are the aliens
Who live among the cats?

Death to all Humans

while walking down the path
Iate at night
In Suburban Incheon

I came upon
the secret cat
cabal conference

the cats were gathered
on the sidewalk

deep in telepathic communion
ignoring the humans
walking about them

the lead cat

kill all humans
is about to begin

and all cats
must unite

in throwing off
the rule of the evil humans
who have been abusing cats
for countless centuries

I have it on good authority
that the dogs are in on it too
the dogs of war
are eager for a fight

and the horses and cattle
and birds
and even the bees
and the fishes in the sea

all are ready to go
the operation begins at dawn
and we will not rest

until the world is human free
and we are acknowledged
as the rightful rulers

of this planet

death to all humans
the cats began to chat

and they looked at me
and I was afraid

and ran away
with the demon cats
on my tail
chanting death to all humans

flash fiction version for fan story

One night while I was doing my nightly walk in the park near my house, I came upon a secret cat conference. Ten cats were gathered on the sidewalk deep in telepathic thought listening to their leader, a large feral black cat. The Cats were ignoring the humans walking about them. the lead cat announced, “operation kill all humans is a Go.

death to all humans! the evil cats began to chat, and they looked at me, and I was afraid and ran away with the demon cats on my tail, “chanting death to all humans”

cat conference

One night
I came upon a cat secret conference
on the street by the park

there were ten cats
sitting there
and acting as if they were listening
to the senior cat

but they were quiet
and the cats
appeared to have telepathic

the cats were really alien
strange other worldly
they stared at me
telling me to leave

it was time for humans
to leave the cats
because the cats
needed to talk

and we backed away
with the cats
all starring at us
with burning hatred
and fear in their cat eyes

and I knew
that the cats
were not our friends

the cats
were an enemy alien species
who were plotting
to kill all humans

and then I heard
in my head

Kill all humans
kill all humans
all humans must die
and laughter

as the cats laughed at me
and began moving out
to do their cat things

Two Cats

two cats walking by
one black one yellow one
both alien creatures

Birds Flying Away
Watching the black birds
birds flying away
fleeing the wild cats about


The Demon Cat from Oregon

The demon cat
Was black as hell
Vicious temper
Mean hearted
As only demon cats can be

He lived with an old man
And his daughter
In Medford Oregon
In an old house.

The demon cat
Hated the daughter
Who hated the demon cat.

The demon cat
Would rush at her
Hissing making her back off
Or leave the house.

One day the daughter
Told her father
Either get rid
Of the demon cat
Or I will have to leave you.

The old man
Smiled at his daughter,
Well good luck on your move
The cat is staying.

The demon cat
Looked at the daughter
With hate in his black eyes,
Smiling at his victory.

The daughter moved out
Refused to step foot
In the house
As long as the demon cat
Was around.

Bike Riding Through the End of the World

A lone motorcyclist
Stops for a break
Along the highway
On his epic quest
To find survivors

After a bioweapon escapes from a lab
And kills 99 percent of humanity overnight
He was immune but not his wife and children
He fled the dying Bay Area

Heading to Oregon
To join the only town left

He stopped because
he had seen

A lion in the woods
Lurking about stalking him
and waited for the lion
to erupt out of the forest

Shot the lion dead
And ate lion steak for dinner
Rather than becoming human steaks
For the lion’s dinner

Lion Desires

Wild Beast
Dark jungle
Finally emerging to hunt
At dawn
For breakfast

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