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My first "vore" story. My first story on this website too. Enjoy. |
(There's an indication as to when the "fun" part begins, so scroll down a bit 'till you see "story picks up here.") You've decided to take your wife on a romantic getaway, to this new lover's retreat you heard your friends at work talking about. They said it has everything, from moderate love-making products, such as condoms and lube, to new and scientific gear. Whatever they have, though, you want nothing more than to make you and your wife happy. After a long drive, you make it to the retreat. You check in to your rooms, which are labeled "moderate." Those are the rooms in the middle of the lover's spectrum. Below moderate is "sensitive," for the new and inexperienced, and above is the "aggressive," which, needless to say, is only for the most curious of minds. Really, though, the only significant difference is what is and isn't given in the "love box" found in each room. You and your wife are in your room, and as soon as you close the door behind you, she begins to get ready. You, being the gentleman of high standards you are, wish not to displease her, so you begin to do the same. "How you you want to do this?" she asks in anticipation of what is about to come. "Don't think that I want to keep this slow, but I kinda wanna see what they have to offer in the lover's box first. Ya know, to see what we can use." She gives you a neutral face, almost as if she only wanted to get to the point, but yet, with a hint in her eyes that tells you she was sort of hoping you'd see what was in there too. You bend over to open the small box next to the red bed. It's almost like a mini fridge (but that's only on the husband's side, for obvious reasons.) You open it up to find many different compartments. You know your wife is looking over your shoulder to see what you're seeing, so without hesitation, you begin pulling out the drawers in each compartment. The first you pull out is labeled "basic." It's got everything that you do at home, some lube, condoms, Viagra, and a couple washcloths. You wife gazes at it in disappointment. In attempts to perk her up, you quickly open another drawer to reveal something else. This one is labeled "genetics." You look around to find some strange stuff. All of what's in there is something you's be ashamed to admit you liked to a friend, but since you're bonded by marriage, it's an exception. One of the items found is called "special penis pill." You open it and find several pills of different sizes and colors, each labelled with a specific animal. "Horse, Bull, Dog, Elephant, Bear, and traditional." You begin to chuckle at your discoveries, but you look over to see your wife licking her lips slightly and looking at the ground, almost as if she wanted to try those later. You also found a "pain box," which had several similar pills, all lined up with a bar across the top. The left side of the bar was green, and started with "invincible." As your eyes moved to the right, the words started to get less and less appealing. "Little pain, more pain [than usual, you assume], lot of pain, extreme pain." You set the box on the bed, and continue your search. "Come on! I'm getting hungry," your wife says, laying on her belly in a sexy outfit she had under her clothes. "Hold on, there's one more thing." You reach in to pull out what looks to be like some sort of gun case. You unlatch it and open it up. Inside, is a strange looking gun, with no barrel. Some sort of...energy gun, you assume. You and your wife look at each other. You slowly pick it up, so as not to set it off or damage it. On the side, next to the handle, is a small dial. It has several fractions listed on the side. At first, you take no interest in this new toy, and you decide to put it back. But before you set it down, you notice a note card on the inside of the case. "Molecular Descaling Device," you read. "What? It's like a shrink ray?" As those words pass your wife's lips, you get a chill in your spine. "I...believe so." You stare at each other, with a single thought running through both of your minds. (STORY BEGINS HERE!) You've never known why, but ever since you can remember you had a vore fetish. It took you sixteen months to tell your wife before you were married. At the fear of losing her, you begged her not to leave. But instead, she informed you she had a bit of one too, where she wanted to be the predator. And now, all that roleplaying, all that talk, it can finally happen. You can finally live your biggest fantasy. "You want to?" she asks. "Yes, but first..." you reach for the pain pills, and take out the "invincibility" on. You swallow it, and then stand up. You hand her the gun, then back away to the wall. "Are you sure?" she asks. You can feel yourself losing patience. You have never been more certain of anything in your life. "What size?" You run some numbers through your head, then tell her, "1/31. That'll put me at two inches tall." She sets the dial, then counts down from three. "Three...two...one..." You close your eyes, and hear the trigger pull. You open one eye, then the next. You look around, but nothing happened. You begin to feel disappointed. Before you can put your head down, however, you feel a slight chill running through your veins, then a moment of fatigue and dizziness. Then, before you know it, you are on the ground, on your back. You look around again, this time with everything as huge as a mountain. "Oh my God! It worked!" says your wife, in a shocked, booming voice. She quickly gets up to come to you. After picking you up and bringing you to eye-level, she asks, "how does it feel?" You get an idea to get this started quickly, and say, "It's cold. Can you warm me up?" She quickly takes the hint, but decides to tease you first. "How's this?" She holds you close to her mouth and exhales. Her warm, moist breath nearly blows you over. The smell of lipstick and that tic tac she ate earlier fills what is now your new world. In a very excited voice, you say, "Good, but not warm enough. I need more warmth." "Maybe this will help..." she slowly sticks her tongue out and smashes it down on her palm, just beneath your legs. She slowly slides it up, and the spit makes a pleasant noise as it slides. It reaches your feet, sending more shivers down your spine and more blood to your penis than you can ever remember having before. It slowly slides further up your body, until it reaches your waist. Your whole lower body is squeezed by her hand and her wet tongue. You look down and see the detail in it, the little bumps on it, and the pink-gray colour, and who can forget that perfect shine from the lighting of the room. The tongue reaches your chest, as you feel more and more pleasured than ever before. Your legs are now out from under the tip, and the drool coating quickly cools down, making your legs cold. But you don't pay much attention, as the tongue reaches your face and pushes your head against her palm. You close your eyes. Before you know it, her tongue is gone. Your whole body feels like it just got out of the most amazing bath ever, the once warm drool on your body is now what is making you even more cold. You try to ask her for more, but you're barely able to get the words out. Whether you're shivering from the experience or are actually cold is hard to decide. "Cou-cou-could I...have that ag-again?" She responds, "I'm done doing all the work. You'll have to warm yourself up now." Her mean, but almost kinky words let you know what she means. "Then can you open up please?" She chuckles, and then says, "Sure, come on in..." as she opens her mouth. You gaze in aw at the entrance to your new home: her throat. She sticks her tongue out until the tip touches the bottom of her palm where you are standing. Part of you wants nothing more than to rush in and jump right down, but part of you wants to enjoy the moment. You walk into the cave, making sure not to bump your head on her teeth. You feel yourself getting goosebumps, and you're as hard as a rock. You lay down slowly on the damp, soft mattress that is her tongue. She closes her mouth, then slowly lays herself down on her back. Your head is closer to her lips, your feet are nearly in her throat. You can feel yourself on the verge of ejaculation, even though you didn't even touch yourself. You feel as if you're a part of her, you feel her body pulsing with eagerness. Suddenly, you begin to feel something new. You whole body, for whatever reason, is moving in a "swirling" motion. You're confused, but after she lets out a brief moan, you know what she's doing. She's enjoying herself just as much as you are. You've been in there for only a minute, and she's getting more aggressive with her tongue. She's swirling you around, caressing you, tasting every inch of your body (both of them.) You're moaning inside of her, while her loud and dramatic moans come out of her as well. Eventually, with a full mouth, you hear her say, "I ca' hol' back a'y mo!" She slides you back, your feet now touching the back of her throat. Then, the muscles grab your foot and pull you in. She quickly does it again, pulling your legs in this time. She begins to moan really loud, and with one final gulp, she sends you all the way down. She yells from her climax, while you are inside, on your way to her stomach. The walls around you are so tight. You feel them all over you. They're warm, slimy, and absolutely perfect in every way. As you slide down inside her chest, you hear her frequent heartbeats, slowing down after her climax. It's hot, wet, and fleshy all around. It's so dark, you can't see a thing. Eventually, you slide through an opening, and into her stomach. The gurgling noise are loud, and you can feel the excessive heat coming off of the bottom. You hear a muffled "Are you okay in there?" come from the outside. You know she can't hear you, so you don't respond. You simply lie back and enjoy your stay, in the nice, hot void that is your new home. (For now!) Fin! I hope you enjoyed. And before you ask, I do plan on there being a sequel to this, so keep your pants on (if they're not already off) and I'll post it when I get the time. |