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THE COAST OF EVANESCENCE VALLEY RECLAIMS "USE MY VOICE" ARMOR, SHIELD; GUILD: A BRAVE HEART ATLANTIS SAGA By Jack Harold Josh Leo Knightly Vladimir Ethan Foster Putin Middleton Elvis Jesus Peter Melbourne Guild Christ Ben Presley Mel Lovecraft Paul Lee; I AM... Of the deep channel of water leading, just past, Evanescence Valley, Russia: Ancient: MOSCOW RUSSIA'S PARADISE VALLEY OF THE WHITE FOREST TREE RUNNING TO JERUSALEM WESTERN EUROPE: TRAVELERS, ONCE THERE, HAD LEFT BEHIND. A series of "976" suits of armor at "Meant To Be at Palace." They were meant to be at that place: but they were taken away by evil upright clown acting in a horrific moment appearing upright solid red eyed satanic wolf monster person's: 2 arms, two leg's: really furious, non sense cannibals: the whole eye of their eye was red; as they splashed harsh lava burning, killing blood vodoo magic on there victims and made them melt away an disappear: the preyed on good people for thousands of years: King of Evanescence Mel Gibson was determined to use the justice illusion of Evanescence Glory against Evil Magic of mystic healing and protecting his royal family and loyal friends. 10:30 am May 12th, 1733 A.D. On Travel Route Evanescence Valley Russia King of Evanescence Valley: Mel Gibson turn's a corner from a spacious sized white forest tree, flower, and bush: this in the morning, early for a maneuver around one currently to him, the silver moon becomes a white vivid light giving sun of : Vanilla Orange Imaginary Light Evanescence Valley Russia Shining, Shining down, From The Sky: Heavenly Just Right For The Quest of King of Evanescence Valley Russia: Mel Gibson the warm May time sun glistens on his face, from side: a white man 5 10 in height, big blue eyes: keen insight into his quest: handsome and determined; strawberry blonde hair a Traveler Shirt of Bright Green and Traveler bell bottom style pants: buttoned up to the top of his shoulder's a magical Traveler King An Evanescence Telescope slung around his top shoulder from right to left. Putting passion of quest route to the ticket of his daily "get through" with-no need for temptation in having a map, or needing a compas or map, HE WAS SIMPLY KING OF EVANESCENCE VALLEY RUSSIA :MEL GIBSON ON ROUTE TO PROTECT HIS ROYAL FAMILY AT EVANESCENCE VALLEY MANSION: KING GIBSON The Traveler of OVERLORD ROAD HALLMARK SECTOR OF EVANESCENCE VALLEY RUSSIA HPPILY STUMBLED ONTO A SET OF WHAT HE WAS ON QUEST FOR: RAINBOW "BRITE" ARMOR LEFT BEHIND BY ABDUCTED PEACE TRAVELERS THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO IT SEEMS: HE FELT HE COULD CRY 50,000 TEARS OF HAPPINESS NOW: CLOUDS OF RAINBOW COLOR EVANESCENCE ROYAL MAGIC CAME OUT OF EACH 976 OF THE AWESOME "BLESSING" ARMOR PIECES: WITH GUILD SHIELD AND OF COURSE ARMOR: RAINBOW WHITE, GREEN HEAVEN, PURPLE ANGLE; AND WHITE DOVE IMAGINARY AQUA BLUE LIGHTS, RAINBOW STRIPES: AND WHOLE SUNS & MOONS ALSO: AN ANCIENT DEFENCE OF GOOD PEACE TRAVELS TO MAKE VILLAINS, MONSTERS, VAMPIRES AND GHOULD" JUST DISAPPEAR" RIGHTEOUSLY. "A Bright" sound was put into the 1,988 mile's of air waves from Krolnit Grognet A Villian Vampire in the way of MEL GIBSON KING OF EVANESCENCE VALLEY RUSSIA, HERE, FOR RIGHTEOUS ACTS TO STOP THE EVIL HORSE RIDER'S AND FLAME SHOOTING VAMPIRES RIDING ABOUT HIS "MEANT FOR PEACE RULE'S LAND" WITH GHASTLY HORSE; A-FLAME OF FIRE, AND SATANIC EVIL THEY EVENTUAL FAILED ON THERE EVIL ROUTES. "THERE EVIL A WRONG DOING THAT Will: Shall DISAPPEAR." KING MEL GIBSON OF EVANESCENCE VALLEY RUSSIA'S OWN WORDS KING MEL GIBSON AT A GUIDE POST BEFORE DESTINATION: THE 976 ARMOR SUITS OF VICTORY AGAINST EVIL TOOK OUT A LOUD SPEAKER FROM HIS TRAVELER POCKET A COMMUNICATION DEVICE TO COMMUNICATE WITH HIS QUEEN: HAYLEE AMY GIBSON AT PALACE, A Truly Beautiful Young Lady: his childhood crush, gentle, his life sweetheart: he grew up with her; Queen Halylee Amy Gibson of Evanescence Valley Russia stood by shaded window of EVANESCENCE PALACE ALSO REFERRED TO as 1763 NOTTINGHAM PALACE OF RUSSIA: long shining; red blossom hair, past her shoulders; a brilliant silk blouse of ivory white tone; lavender pink sleeves with white raven feather's of emerald blue shine as a center piece resting about her gentle chest: bringing out her royal well dressed physique: a strong, attractive most heavenly queen slender physique of keen-princess magic years: 5 foot in height; sleeves "beautiful" to her delicate wrists; soft bright white skin; big blue eyes standing there with a smile as a guardian of the day here; that Her King Mel Gibson never looked away her big blue eyes was truthful-truth: When A TWINKLE IN HIS EYE APPEARED; BECAUSE HE ALWAYS LOVES HER,, SO TO HER HE ALWAYS HAD A LOVING TWINKLE IN HIS EYE TO HER: HE LOVED HER GENTLE TREMENDOUS; He felt that he was always in her presence: they loved each other divine, so he was : MAGIC SCHOOL OF HIGHER EVANESCENCE MAGIC SCHOOLING SWEET HEARTS; SHE BECAME HIS WIFE 16 years ago: HE GREW UP WITH HER SINCE NOW 1763 A. D. SINCE 1733 A.D. MARRYING AT 25; BOTH OF THEM WERE, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN VICTORIA SCOTLAND WAS A BITTER TRUTH LIFE RIDE OF LOVE FOR HER FRIENDSHIP. BEFORE SHE WAS HAYLEE AMY PRESLEY CHOIR MASTER IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL COMPOSER OF SYNTHESIS & FALLEN SYMPHONY FOR COLOGNE GERMAN, MADRID SPAIN, ST PETER'S BURG RUSSIA AT ABOUT 1738 A.D. CLOSE TO END OF HIGH SCHOOL IN VICTORIA SCOTLAND; SPEAKING NOW KING GIBSON SAID TO QUEEN HAYLEE AMY GIBSON CALLING HER ON EVANESCENCE HAND HELD MAGICAL SILKEN LIGHT CREATION HIS OWN INVENT INVENTION. " HI GOOD MORNING HAYLEE; HOW OUR OUR KIDS ATHENA & LAUREN? : I MISS YOU MEL THEY ARE GOOD, SPEAK TO ME, SAID HAYLEE........ TO BE CONTINUED BY MEL GIBSON FOSTER HARRY JOSH KNIGHTLY LOVECRAFT PAUL JACK LEE AUTHOR OF MY WORK INCLUDING REVELATIONS: BRAVE-HEART UNDER MY PEN NAME WILL WALLACE FOSTER LEE A 1368 ROYAL SCOTLAND SAGA |