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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Activity · #2267420
Averren gets a surprise
Averren woke slowly. Why is the light so bright, he thought? Sitting up, he groaned in pain. Why in the H E Double Hockey Sticks do I have a headache? Putting his hands to his temples, he slowly laid back down. Did Andre slip me a mickey?

Resting in bed for about another fifteen minutes, Averren finally got up, albeit a bit slowly. Shuffling into the bathroom, he looked into the mirror, shocked at the blood-shot eyes that looked back at him. Rubbing his hands over his face, he decided a shower was needed to help wake him up. Turning, he opened the shower door and set the water to hot, at least hotter than he usually did.

While in the shower, Averren had checked his whole body with care. If that sinister simian had drugged him, he wanted to know what had happened. Feeling no soreness, seeing no tell-tale signs of abuse, he sighed in relief. Feeling much better, he began to get dressed.

Picking up his phone as he headed to the kitchen, he noticed he had a text from Lilli. It read:

         The Banana Bar is hosting a 'Wine & Paint' class. Andre is the subject to be painted. The wine will be provided, along with painting supplies. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces. The class starts at 6pm.

Great, just great. Averren's first impulse was to skip the event, but he really wanted to see Andre and ask him what had happened last night at Denny's. Sitting down at his desk, he decided to do some research before heading to the B Bar.

Later that afternoon, Averren changed clothes and headed out the door. Stopping at Total Wine along the way, he bought a bottle of wine. He wasn't going to take any chances tonight.

The B Bar was crowded when he arrived. It seemed everyone was there - Dave, Clio, Liam, Gwen, Brother Nature, Lilli, Queen Norma... Heck, even Charlie had showed up. He hoped the little lizard could hold his liquor, or even the paintbrush. And, there was Andre in his customary position atop the center table.

Interesting, Averren thought. It seems Andre is avoiding my gaze. That doesn't bode well for last night's adventure. No matter, he thought, I will speak to him later. The left side of the bar was set up with easels, paint and brushes. Walking to an easel close to Andre, Averren pulled a small table over, set his bottle of wine upon it, and waited for the fun to begin. Before long he saw Lilli and Brother Nature walking around, handing out glasses of wine.

"Just a glass for me," Averren said as Lilli walked up. "I brought my own wine." Looking a bit puzzled, Lilli agreed to get him a glass. Before she returned, Brother Nature cleared his throat to get attention and started the festivities.

"Good evening, he said. Tonight is all about fun and conversation. There is plenty of wine as well as supplies for painting. Andre has graciously agreed to be tonight's subject. Lilli and I will be around if you have questions about technique or anything else for that matter. Enjoy and have fun!"

It was actually kind of fun, Averren thought. He was no Rembrandt, but his painting did indeed look like a monkey, if not very much like Andree. Charlie was so drunk he fell off his stool and was almost squished by a tipsy Gwen as she went to ask Andre a question. Clio and Dave, dignified as always, had a crowd gathered around their paintings. No surprise there. Andre was finally free. Averren saw his chance and headed toward him.

Andre saw Averren approaching and started to leap off the table. "Hold it right there, bub. I need to know what happened last night. I want answers," Averren said sternly. Turning slowly, Andre regarded Averren thoughtfully.

"It wasn't what you think, my friend. No liberties were taken... well, at least not by me."

Confused, Averren asked, "Oooookay... what is going on Andre? I woke this morning with a massive headache. Did you spike my drink?"

"Not me," he replied hesitantly.

"Ok, then who? Spill it!"

Sighing, Andre looked him in the eyes. "Do you remember that waitress from the big party, the one that tripped over Gwen and fell on the floor?"

"You mean the one with the cleavage and Charlie...?"

"That's the one," Andre replied. "She really likes you, and..."

"Her? Why would she drug me then? She's gorgeous," Averren interrupted.

"That was my idea, sorry. She seemed so nervous about it, I thought... well, I don't know what I thought. I was supposed to give you this new love potion I developed using bananas, mangoes, and olive oil. Oh yes, a little banana rum too. I may have overdone it just a bit.

"Hmph," Averren replied. "Ya think?"

Grinning sheepishly, Andre replied, "Sorry dude. After you passed out, which was almost immediately, she freaked out. She left in tears. I called Liam and he helped me get you home. Sorry about the headache and all."

Feeling relieved, Averren nodded. "No, worries. Can you connect us again, minus the love potion this time?"

"Sure thing." The monkey replied. "I'll do that tonight."

"Great, please tell her I look forward to seeing her again."

Averren turned to go and then stopped. "You need to try this Pinot Noir. It's a Sonoma Coast vintage. Pretty good if I do say so. Give my regards to Brother Nature and Lilli. I think I'll take off. I'm still a bit queasy from your... whatever that was. Good night."

"Got it," Andre said as Averren turned and headed to the door. "Hey!"

Averren stopped and turned around, "Yes?"

"Did you really think I looked good in that dress?"

"Curious, are we? Your name is Andre, not George." With that, Averren turned and left the bar.

983 words

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