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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mystery · #2274385
a story about twin sisters
The wind was crisp as it hit her face, she had on a light jacket although the chill in the air suggested that she should have grabbed her fur lined jacket that her mother gave her for her birthday. She gripped the jacket closer to her neck as She walked briskly acting as if she was not aware of the almost certain drug deal going on about 150 feet in front of her, she kept her head down trying not to make herself to noticeable.

She was assigned a parking pass on her first day of what was supposed to be her dream job. She was a marketing manager at The Medical Center of Southwest Texas. What she had not considered was that the parking garage was a lengthy quarter mile from the building. She usually had her co-worker and best friend Camille walking with her but tonight was different, Callie had stayed late at the office to prepare for a big presentation she was giving to the board of directors the next morning. She was about to cross the street to the parking structure when she heard her cell phone ring. She jumped at the sound knowing that it was going to bring unwanted attention to her so she rustled through her bag, she finally found the device and wrestled it from the chaos that was her purse and looked at the screen. Her heart started to race it was the unknown caller again. She ignored the call and looked at the clock, it read 10:30p.m which seemed about right since she left the office at around 10:15pm. She tossed her phone back into her bag and quickly ran across the street. When she finally reached her car she got in a took a slight breath of relief. That only lasted for a moment, as she started her car she jumped as her phone started to ring again, this time the name that came across the screen was her sister Sasha. She decided to let it go to voicemail as she just wanted to get home and go to bed. She was so tired that she didn’t consider the time and that her sister never calls her this late. Callie felt kind of guilty as she had not spoken to her sister in a couple days due to being so busy at work. She pulled out of the parking garage and headed toward the interstate. She was lost in thought when her phone chimed alerting her that she had a voicemail. She decided to listen to the message and pushed the button on her steering wheel to start the message,

“Callie, its sash I need you to call me asap. Something has happened. Please call me!” her sister Sasha sounded panicked but was trying to sound calm.

Callie could feel the blood in her face warming up as the worry was growing and the thoughts of what could be going on filled her head. She pushed the phone button on the wheel and spoke, “call Sasha home”, the assistant in the car beeps and put the call through.

“hello, ” her sister said shakily

“Sasha what is going on, is everyone ok, you sounded weird on the voicemail.” Callie was still trying to figure out how bad this was.

“oh Robbie,” Sasha was the only one who was allowed to call her Robbie, when their mother was pregnant with her the doctors told them that she was a boy and that was what her name was going to be, Sasha was the oldest of 4 she was told that her name was going to be Robbie so she has called her that ever since.

“Where are you?” Sasha continued

“I am on the interstate heading home from the office?” Callie answered hesitantly

“ Robbie I need you to come over to my house first, I know its late, mom and dad are already on their way. I will explain more when you get here.” Sasha's voice broke before she ended the call.

Callie took the next exit and headed to Sasha's house. She drew in a deep shaky breath as she pulled into Sasha’s driveway, all the lights in the Victorian were on and she could see Sasha’s husband tommy walking around the living room. She could see the worry just in how he was walking around.

“ok Callie calm down; you don’t even know what is going on. It could be nothing” she lied to herself as she stepped out of her car and started up the walkway to Sasha’s front door. She knocked on the door and jessie, Sasha’s eight year old answered. By the way she hugged her Callie could tell that Jesse knew something was wrong she just was not sure of what. Callie walked into the living room where she had seen Tommy pacing, he stopped and looked at her with pain in his eyes and said, “Oh Callie.”

“Where is Sasha?” Callie responded with panic rising in her voice. She could feel her heart beating faster and her stomach was starting to turn. Tommy was usually the calm and collected type and always had the “its ok let's not over react” mentality, she could tell that everything was not ok. Callie walked into the kitchen where Sasha was on the phone. She stood there for a few minutes before Sasha looked up with tears rolling down her face. She waved Callie in as she finished up the call she was on with four words that threw Callie in to a full on panic.

“Ok thank you detective”.

Sasha took a deep jagged breath and stared Callie directly in her eye and said, “Sophia is missing.”

Callie just froze. Sasha got up and walked over to her sister and put a hand on each of her shoulders and said “Callie, did you hear me?” Callie drew in a deep breath after what seemed like a lifetime “yes I heard you, when was the last time you saw her?” she demanded.
Sophia was technically the youngest of four. Sasha was the oldest, RaeAnn was second and Callie and Sophia were identical twins. Sophia was born two and a half minutes after Callie, which made Callie older and she loved to rub it in Sophia's face.

At that moment the front door flew open and everyone heard RaeAnn yell “what the hell happened?” her tall frame shadowed the door into the kitchen. Sasha was about to start telling Callie and Raeann what she knew when the doorbell rang, Jesse ran to answer it. “ Grandma and Papa” she shrieked. Their mother’s name was Judith she had a small frame, but she could scare the daylights out of a six foot tall grown man. She had that look that showed she meant business but had the voice and temperament of an angel. Their father earl was s stocky man. He had a temper that would make an Irish man blush at times but, for the most part he was quiet and let Judith handle most things

The girls looked at the door way and waited, a few moments later their mother walked in and calmly but sternly said “ Sasha tell me what you know.”

“yes mamma” Sasha said. “ Sophia called me at about 7 and said she was leaving work and was going to head to the library at the university to work on a paper that was due next week. She said that she would be home around 9:30 since the library closed at 9. I told her ok and that I would leave her dinner plate in the microwave.” Sophia lived with Sasha since the university was only 15 mins away and she was barley able to afford her essentials let alone rent at an apartment. She only worked part time at the local café while she was studying to be a nurse, she only had 2 semesters left before she would start doing her clinical hours so she didn’t want to burn herself out working a full time job as well as school.

“At about 9:25 I was getting ready to go to bed when the phone rang. I looked at the caller id and I didn’t not recognize the number and so I had Tommy answer. He asked who it was and what it was regarding and he looked at me with a stone cold look in his eye. He held the phone out and said it’s a detective from the universities campus police. He said that they found Sophia's car in the lot with the door open and her purse dumped out on the ground.” She stopped to take a shaky breath, then continued “ I asked him where Sophia was and he responded “I'm sorry ma'am at this point we do not have an answer to that question. I will be in touch in the next hour or so to set up a time to come to your house and hopefully by then we will have a few more answers for you.”

“that’s who I was on the phone with when you walked in Callie.” Sasha stopped and looked at her mom and sisters. “the detectives will be here at nine o clock tomorrow morning. You can all stay here tonight if you want.”

Callie gone to Sasha's straight from work so she decided to go home and come back in the morning. She kissed her mom and sisters and headed out to her car where she broke down and cried. When she finally made it home she grabbed her night clothes and went to take a shower. By the time she finally laid her wet head on her pillow it was nearing two o clock in the morning. She was flipping thru pictures from her and Sophia's 26th birthday party their sister Raeann threw for them just last month when she slipped off to sleep.

Chapter Two

Callie opened her eyes and let out a small shriek. She hoped that what happened last night was some sort of nightmare. She reached over the pillows and grabbed her phone. The tears resting on her eyelids threatening to spill over. At that very moment she could tell by the 14 text messages and 4 missed calls that it was not a nightmare but in fact her new reality.

Her twin sister Sophia was…..missing. When she opened her phone to see who the texts and calls were from she looked at the time and jumped out of bed and yelled “oh shit!” the clock read 9:45 AM. The detective who was investigating her sisters disappearance was supposed to be at Sasha's at 9:00. She quickly pulled on a pair of blue jeans and her old collage t-shirt threw her hair up in a quick messy bun and sprinted to her car. While she was driving she called sasha.

“ I am so sorry, I overslept. I'm on my way i'll be there in 5. ” she practically yelled.

“ok hurry up the detective is here and he wants to get started, I asked him to wait for you.”

Callie hung up the call as she slammed on her breaks barley missing the garage door at the end of sashas driveway. She jumped out of the car and quickly entered the house. As she walked in the kitchen she saw her parents and sisters all sitting around the dining room table with a man in a black suit and an irritated look, whom she assumed was the detective behind him was a uniformed officer with his thumbs tucked into his utility belt who stood like he was a bouncer at a posh nightclub. As she approached the table Raeann stood up and ushered callie to an empty seat next to their mother.

“Callie this is Detective Roberts, he is the one investigating sophias disappearance.” RaeAnn said in almost a whisper.

“Good morning Callie. I am so glad you are here. You and sophie are very close I presume?” the detective had calculating look on his face.

“Good morning, I am sorry I am late. Yes she and I are very close she is my twin sister.” Callie said almost sarcastically. She knew from that moment that he was going to irritate her like most people do when they realize she and Sophia were identical twins.

“ok now that everyone is here, we can get started. Detective Roberts?” Judith, callies mother interjected.

“We received a call from one of the students that work in the library stating that there was a suspicious car speeding away from the library at around 9:06 p.m. at which point Deputy Dupree” the detective gestured toward the uniformed officer standing at attention behind him, “went the the location to take the callers statement.” Detective Roberts explained as he motioned for deputy Dupree to join the conversation.

“I arrived at the campus library at approx. 9:10. When I arrived the caller was standing at the entrance at the north end of the building. I asked her exactly what it was that she saw. I asked if she could recall the make and model of the vehicle in question. She responded with a late model four door sedan, black in color. I asked which area of the lot the car was driving from, at which she pointed to the southeast lot. After she finished with giving me her statement I the got in my patrol car and drove to the area in which the witness said she saw the vehicle. As I approached I saw a Toyota camry with the headlights on and the door open. At this point I called for backup and turned my dash cam on. I exited my vehicle and slowly approached the camry. When I reached the vehicle the driver side door was open. I noticed that there was a black woman's purse on the ground with its contents emptied next to it. I concluded that it was not in a pattern that indicated someone had dumped it out rather it looked like it was dropped during some sort of struggle. As I looked around my backup arrived and we started to look for any sort of information to explain what happened. My partner looked at the inside of the vehicle while I looked around the outside. While my partner was searching the inside of the vehicle he noticed that there were bloody fingerprints on the driver side door handle. Once we determined that it was in fact blood we called in and requested detectives be sent to the scene.”

Callie felt her heart completely drop as the deputy described details as to what happened. She could feel the tears start rolling down her cheek once the deputy mentioned blood.

“HOLD ON ONE GOD DAMNED MINUTE” Earl shouted, startling everyone at the table. “so you're telling me that my daughter could be lying in a ditch bleeding to death and you folks are here. What the hell are you guys doing to find my goddamned daughter?”

“Earl!” Judith scolded “ They are here letting us know what they know. Now hush and let them do their job.”

I am sorry deputy please continue.

The deputy looked at Detective Roberts to signal that his part was done and quietly took a step back and resumed his former stance.

“ Sir I understand that you are worried about your daughter and please know that we are doing everything in our power to locate her. But what I need from you all at this time is to let me know if there is anyone you or your family can think of that would want to hurt Sophia or your family?”

At that moment Callie took a sharp deep breath. She had a flashback of 2 Years ago when was living in Austin TX working at a popular bar as a bartender when she met Jason. They went on a multiple dates over 3 months, during those 3 months he seemed like a normal guy. It was not until the last month they were seeing each other that he started to change, Callie would come home from work and he would be sitting outside of her house and he would get loud and accuse her of sleeping with guys from the bar, she would tell him that he needed to calm down and leave, she had called to police to have him removed 3 times in under 2 weeks when she finally requested a protection order. About a month after she got the order she started getting odd calls at all hours of the night from different numbers and text messages saying she would pay. That’s when she decided to move back to her hometown of Dallas. She never spoke of what happened in Austin. But now she couldn’t help but wonder….did Jason follow her here and take Sophia thinking it was her? Was Sophia's disappearance her fault? She started to shake at the thought. Just then Detective Roberts stood to leave and asked if any of us had any questions. Before anyone could actually respond he said that he would be in touch and if we had any questions or anything that we thought could be helpful to give him a call and placed his card on the table in front of Judith.

By the time the Detective left it was already 12:30 in the afternoon and Callie realized that she had not called work to let them know she would not be there so she decided to go to the office and talk to her boss to let him know what was happening.

As she walked to her car she could feel the tears rolling down her cheek she could not get the thought out of her head that she could possibly be the reason that her sister was missing. She needed to find out if Jason was behind this but she had to do it alone no one could know about him or what he had put her through. And if he was behind it Callie knew he would have to pay.

Chapter 3

As detective Roberts walked up the steps into the station he could not help but think about the vibe he got from Callie Jenkins, she was hiding something, but what. He went to his desk located at the far end of the bull pen and sank into his chair. He ran his hands thru his slicked back hair and rubbed at the bags forming under his bright green eyes…” what am I missing?” he asked himself. He was usually pretty good and knowing when someone was hiding something. But with Callie he just could not put his finger on it. He sat up in the chair and ran his finger over the mouse pad on the laptop that sat in the center of his desk.

Name: Callie Jenkins

D.O.B: 09/15/1996

No Results

He knew that he would have to cast a wider net find anything. He couldn’t focus on that right now he was due for a debriefing with the chief at 1:00 to go over what steps they were going to take to find out what happened to Sophia.

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