Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2274940-the-attack-of-the-feral-cat-mob
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Animal · #2274940
the attack of the feral cat mob for writer's cramp

Sam Adams
Found himself surrounded
By hundreds of feral mad cats
That seemed to be coming
From everywhere.

The cats were determined
To teach Sam a lesson
Don’t mess with the cats.

The cats were communicating
Through mental telepathy
They swarmed over him
Overwhelming him.

Scratching and biting him
He tried to fight them off
But there were just too many
Mad, feral cats.

The cops found his dead body
The next morning
Bloody and bitten
On the side of the road.

So, apparently, this happened last week: (click here) .

Write a story or poem either about what happens next, or about what led up to this situation. (This latter could be what led the driver to this spot ... or how those kittens got there.)

Be creative! Often the best creations are when you set aside your first few, predictable or ordinary ideas and dig for something more unexpected.
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