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by soamy
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2275265
A growth at a friends house
t was a nice evening to be chilling at your girlfriends place outside the city. You loved Abby with all your heart. You two were childhood sweethearts and both moved to the big city once you were done with school. Things were great.

The only annoying part was her little sister, Jessie. Jessie was madly in love with you and super jealous of her sister for being able to be with you. You’d had this discussion with your girlfriend before, but any time she brought it up Jessie always denied her accusations.

Turns out she moved in with Abby once she graduated, you had no idea she was gonna be at your girlfriends place until she opened the door, dressed in an undersized tank top and some small lounging shorts.

“Heyyyyy Craig, how are you!?” Jessie answered the door rather joyfully, expecting you to be on the other side. It was almost as if she was waiting by the door this whole time.

“Oh, hey Jess. Didn’t know you were visiting.” She was a nice enough girl, but you were on to her antics and tried to brush her off. “Where’s Abby? we were gonna have a movie night tonight an-”

“Oh, she just stepped out for a little bit. Probably to get snacks or something.” She looked a little upset at being reminded you were dating your sister, but looked no less excited you were there. “Come on in!” She gestured to the entryway of her sister’s place.

“Yeah, now that I’m a big girl I decided to move to the city with Abby. Got a good job at that Italian restaurant and everything.” Jessie continued. She was a nice enough girl, but you could tell something wasn’t quite right. That tank top she had on was not covering much, and you could a little bit of something lacy underneath.

“That’s great Jess,” You said, taking a seat on the couch, still trying to shake her. “When’s Abby going to be back? We had this planned last week.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Jessie replied, taking a seat next to you on the large sectional. “She probably went to go get those chips you like, the All Dressed ones. Wanna throw something on while we wait??”

“Uh, I’ll just browse twitter on my phone. I doubt she’ll be long.”

“Oh, well… ok.” Jessie was dejected. “I’ll just go to my room for a little bit then. Lemme know when the movie starts!” She popped up and walked down the hall to her room. You watched her go and noticed her shorts didn’t quite cover the bottom of her butt cheeks.

You sighed. This was so Jessie. Wearing revealing clothes and trying to get in your pants. Hopefully Abby would be back soon.

A couple minutes later, right after you shot a “where you at?” text to your girlfriend, you heard a “ooh” coming from down the hall. It caught your attention, but not enough to take your eyes off your twitstagram feed. A few seconds later you heard a grunt. This was enough to get you to look up. You peered out of the living room door, down the hall towards the bathroom when you heard a rip and a little gasp.

“Uh, Jessie, is that you? You ok?” You called out down the hall. Jessie didn’t answer, but you did hear the door open and the click clack of heels moving down the hall.

Suddenly the doorway was filled with a seven and a half foot tall Jessica. Gone was the girlfriend’s little sister she was before, replaced with a towering bombshell of a woman. Not that the previous Jessie wasn’t cute, but the new version of her was stacked. Huge boobs, longer legs, and bigger ass all wrapped up in that perfect mix of muscle and fat. Where Jessie used to be an average 5 foot something, now her head was nearing the top of the door frame. Even her red hair seemed more vibrant as it draped down over her shoulder. She was wearing nothing but a bra and panties, as well as some bright pink pumps, jacking her height up even more.

“Oh, I’m a lot more than OK.” she said, seductively. You gulped.

She strode through the doorway into the living room. Her long legs ate up the distance quickly, her heels no longer clacking on the soft carpet of the den. Looking up at her from your sitting position she looked even bigger up close.

Jessie threw one of her long, thick legs over you and eased down onto your lap. She sure felt like a near eight foot tall woman sitting on your thighs. Your head was about level with her breasts, her fleshy melons softly overflowing the wild pattern of her bra.

“Listen, Craig” she cooed, running a manicured finger down your chest. “There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for a loooooong time now…”

Your mind was running a little slow considering the huge boobs at your eye level. “Uh, Jess? I know you’re really into me and all but uh, this shouldn’t happen,” you managed to get out.

“Well, good. I’ve been dropping hints for years now.” Her finger had slipped into your waistband. “I know you fell for my stupid sister Abby because she was tall and leggy, so I managed to find a way to get taller and leggier! Isn’t it great?” There was a strange mix of excitement and smugness in her gaze. “The boobs were just a bonus!” she exclaimed, grabbing her tit with her free hand.

You squirmed, trying to get out from under amazon Jessie.

“What, you don’t like all this?” the huge girl said, gesturing to her overgrown body.

“Well, um, no? I’m in love with your sister,” You protested, still trying to get out from under her massive body. “We’ve been dating for years, now…” You pushed against her smooth thighs, trying to escape. For a brief moment you had to admire how soft they were.

This visibly hurt Jessie. Her flirty smile faded into a frown. She sighed. “What about bigger boobs? Would that help?” She cupped her breasts for effect. They seemed even bigger than when she walked in the room, softly bulging over the tops of her patterned bra.

“No, just get off of-” Jessie seemed to concentrate, closing her eyes and gripping her tits. Suddenly, they surged forward, further bubbling over the top of her bra. You heard the thing strain under the increasing weight of her boobs as they expanded, sizing up several cup sizes in just as many seconds. Her bust pushed the cups forward, starting to bulge around the bottom and sides of the undersized undergarment. Jessie’s previous growth was out of sight, but this expansion left you slack jawed. Both at the size of her still increasing bust and the fact that she actually figured out how to grow right in front of you.

She let out a grunt, and the expansion ceased. The bra was horribly deformed by tits twice the size of what it was designed to hold, nearly the size of her head. The straps were pulled taught and the back band had to be pulling apart. She opened her eyes, hands still on her breasts. She looked down at you, her flirty smile having returned.

“Are you sure?” She jiggled them with her hands, causing one of the straps to fail and drape over her left breast. “Looks like this thing isn’t doing it’s job anymore,” she said with a giggle. She fumbled with the back clasps, pressing her huge globes in your face. You couldn’t help but admire the massive tits mere milimeters away, even though you knew it was wrong. You tried to think of your girlfriend Abbey but your mind was elsewhere.

Jessie gave up on the clasps and just decided to tear the thing off with a rip. “There we go, all better!” She said, removing the destroyed bra. Her tits rode high and proud on her chest, looking rather unnatural on her otherwise thin (yet larger than usual) frame.

“Are you sure these aren’t changing your mind?” They kind of were. Big tits are great and you were having a hard time resisting Jessie’s new chest, as perfect as those globes were. Thankfully, you managed to keep your mouth shut.

Unfortunately, she noticed you trying to maintain composure. “No? Not enough? Well then, maybe something else?”

“Please Jess just let me go!” You pleaded, still unable to get out from under her.

“Awe c’mon Craigy, at least stick around for the main act!” You looked on, partly in horror of what comes next. She reached back, undoing both of the bright pink pumps she walked in with. Then, Jessie went back to concentrating, hands on her expansive chest, willing her body to grow again.

Your eyes were on her face as she seemed to wash over in pleasure. Your gaze drifted down to her breasts, where she was massaging her left boob while tweaking the nipper on the other. She moaned, but your eyes were trained on her chest as it slowly rose upward. Instead of outward breast expansion, she was growing upwards this time.

She was easily seven and a half feet tall before this latest spurt, but her growth put her over 8 feet within seconds and didn’t let up. She threw her head back as it kept rising upward, her vertical growth moving your own head back into the space between her breasts. Her tit massages intensified as her boobs got close to engulfing your head in soft flesh. Her growth sputtered out just as her nipples cleared your line of sight.

“GODS that feels so good” She said, exasperated. She had to have added over a foot to her height. You were equal parts scared, turned on, and needing Abbey.

An idea popped into your head. “You know, these tits are great and all, but do you think you could get just a wee bit bigger for me?”

“Ooh, I like the way you think, Craig.” Her hands, which hadn’t left her breasts, started massaging again as Jessie started growing again. Just like before, she had the mix of concentration and pleasure on her face as she swelled up and out. Her weight was increasing proportionately, as you felt her ass spread out on your thighs.

As mind-numbing as watching her growth was, you sprang into action. With a swift movement, you shoved her in the tits. This caught the growing Jessie off guard, and she fell backwards to the ground, not used to her new dimensions.

She hit the ground with an “oof,” a thump, and a flurry of jiggles. You took the opportunity and ran. By the time Jessie was able to rise to her full 8 and a half foot height you made it to the bathroom attached to Abbey’s bedroom.

“You little…” You heard her say, followed by the thumping of her footsteps moving around the apartment. You were unsure of your next move, and took to cowering in your girlfriend’s bathroom while her overgrown little sister was looking for you. You tried dialing Abbey’s cell, but she wasn’t picking up.

“Oh Craigey, come out come out where ever you are!” She said in a playful tone. It wasn’t too long before Jessie rounded the corner into the hallway leading to the bedroom you were trying to hide in. “Are you in here?” she asked, a little louder than necessary. The candor of her voice startled you, dropping the phone.

“Oh, you’re in there!” She rounded the corner into her sister’s room, peering at you from her lofty vantage point. It was obvious that she had grown during the hunt, as she was significantly taller than the doorframe into the small bath. Her tits had sized up as well, looking nearly as wide as the frame.

“Come on Craig, come out to play!” Jessie said, ducking under the door and squeezing her boobs through. She was almost able to stand up to her full 9 foot height but she cracked her head on the ceiling on the way up. “Fuck,” she exclaimed, recoiling from the pain.

You decided to try your fool proof plan again. “You know, Jessie, maybe if you were a little bit bigger I wouldn’t be able to resist.”

Jessie, still hunched over, considered your proposal. “Well, you’re not really able to resist as it is, but god, getting bigger feels so good.” She said, already willing her body even bigger. “So yeah, I’ll get bigger.” She started thumbing one of her nipples as her oversized body got more oversized, taking up more and more space in the small bathroom.

Even though she was already crouched to fit in the space, she grew up and out. Her huge, naked form was quickly eating up the available room, adding inches in boob and height quicker than before. Her head hit the ceiling again and she bent at the waist, huge tits hanging down nearly a foot and a half from her chest. Jessie was enjoying this growth spurt even more than the rest, her eyes closed as she was moaning in pleasure as she got bigger and bigger.

Her legs lengthened to the point where you saw an opportunity to make a break for it. You scrambled to her feet and sprinted out of the bathroom, ducking between her thick thighs and out of the bathroom. The noise you made on your way out of the room broke her concentration and her growth stopped.

“You fuckin BIT-” You heard her say, before you slammed the front door behind you. On your way down to your car in the parking lot you saw Abbey coming in with two armfuls of groceries.

“Hey Craig. If I didn’t text you back it was cause my phone died!” she said.

You didn’t reply, still scared out of your mind because of the giantess in her apartment. You wanted to say something, but all you got out was a “yoursisterisgiangainticigottaleaveBYE” before hopping in your Honda and peeling out of the parking lot.

Abbey was pretty confused after watching you sprint to your car. “Well, guess you canceled on the weekend” she reconciled, walking towards her place. “God damnit…”

Abbey heard a strange cracking on her way to the stairs. “Damn landlords,” she thought before hearing what sounded like a building collapsing. That stopped her in her tracks, trying to figure out what was going on. Seconds later, the roof exploded and a huge Jessie exploded from the roof of the multi-story apartment complex.

Abbey dropped the groceries in shock. She wasn’t sure what to make of her massive sister so she just stood there in shock, gaping up at a 40 foot Jessie with tits the size of semi trucks.

“CRAAAAIIIIIIG” she yelled, her voice booming over the surrounding area. Jessie wasn’t tall enough to step over the wall of the three story building, so she just stepped through the wall, which offered no resistance. Abbey watched her walk away, awestruck.

You, on the other hand, was desperately trying to get distance between you and Jessie. You thought you got away, but then an absolutely massive redhead with massive tits appeared in your rear view mirror.

“CRAIG!” She roared, rattling the windows of your car. You floored it, but it didn’t seem to do any good as Jessie was gaining on you. Despite doing 100 on the highway you heard the thump of the giantess’ footsteps getting closer and closer.

At one point, she disappeared from your mirrors. You thought you were in the clear. Then, suddenly, your car lifted off the pavement. Jessie had picked your car up. You felt yourself rise up hundreds of feet, past house sized tits to meet her gaze. She had to be hundreds of feet tall.

“Hey Craig, I think we should talk about earlier…”
© Copyright 2022 soamy (jacqic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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