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Rated: GC · Article · Action/Adventure · #2277298
Dash Parr from the incredibles goes through, let’s just say intense growth.
Things were well in metroville. Ever since the ban of supers being lifted, everyone seemed to have a happier life, Hero’s, civilians, and the cops jobs were made slightly easier. You’d think everyone would me happy… well that isn’t true. There was one person who was bored and unsatisfied with it.

The person that was bored was none other than Dash Parr. Boredom would sum up Dash’s life relatively well. Even with the ban being lifted, Dash wasn’t allowed to fight, as he was too young. His Parents did all the work, his sister, wasn’t allowed to fight either, she had lots of friends at her school, clubs, etc. Jack Jack was usually sent to Edna for babysitting as while Dash loved his brother, he enjoyed being alone. Dash spent most days at home playing video games as he couldn’t show his powers in sports. Dash eventually grew bored and wished for something new. He would sometimes play Godzilla with boxes and figurines in his room. He pretended he was destroying the city, and he found it fun. It was fun being bad for a change. Sometimes he would wish he could become giant and show his power, but he shook it of as he loved his family dearly and didn’t want to harm them. If only Dash could find a way to achieve his desire, but he didn’t know how. Lucky for him and that wish would come true.

Today Dash’s trip was going on a field trip to a museum, filled with ancient artifacts, some were even supposedly magical artifacts. Dash sighed as the bus pulled into museum. “Let’s get this over with….” Dash sighed. The tour guide walked them around the museum droning on about the artifacts, everything seemed plain and boring until they got to the magical artifact setting. The room was filled with supposed magic rings, Amulets, and bracelets. For some reason Dash felt something different in this room. As if something… or someone was talking to him. It got even more magnified when they reached a case holding a red ring. The class was walking away and Dash was about to as well until he heard something. “Wait… come here…” a voice whispered. “Woah! Who said that!” Dash said in shock. The tour guide didn’t notice that dash had fell behind, due to how big the class was. “Don’t be afraid, it was I the ring you see, who spoke.”

“How did you do that?” Dash asked puzzled. “To sum it up, I am a ring of gods, I can give the wearer their ultimate desires and only a select few can communicate with me. You are one of them.” The spirit of the ring said. “Really?” Dash asked curiously as he stopped closer to the box, putting his hand on it. “Wait if you’re a ring of gods. How come nobody is guarding you?” Dash asked. “Let’s just say I caused something to happen with my magic to lure the guards away. I can still do some things while not being worn. Now put me on and I can make your desires come true.”

Dash wasn’t sure. “What if somebody sees me wearing the ring?” Dash said. The ring chuckled, “I can simply cloak myself so, too everyone else I look completely normal, like a ring pop candy. Don’t worry you won’t be caught.” Dash thought some more and finally made his decision. “Ok. I’ll take you.” Dash said. Dash slowly took off the protection case protecting the ring, put the ring on his finger.” “What if someone notices your gone?” Dash asked. “Don't worry. I got this!” The ring said to dash.

The ring glowed red and a ring similar in shape and size appeared in the case. “Woah! What happened?” Dash ask startled. “I put a decoy there, so nobody knows. Now come on master. I am here to serve you.” The ring said. Dash chucked. “Master… I like the sound of that.” Dash quickly walked back to the group, somehow before anyone noticed, and the ring was right. Nobody noticed the ring on dash’s finger. “He was right.” Dash said to himself. After the trip, Dash climbed on the school bus, to go home and test the ring.


Dash had arrived home with the ring. He saw nobody was home and wondered where they were. He saw a note on the fridge. “Dear Dash, Sorry we are not home. Me and your father have to stop a huge robot from attacking the city, your sister has clubs and Edna is babysitting Jack Jack. Please behave, and we will be home as soon as possible. Love, Mom.” Dash read. “Well at least I’m home alone to test the ring.” Dash said. “Hehe. Indeed master, now go ahead try anything.” The ring said with a mischievous voice.

Dash grinned, he loved being called master. He wondered what he could do next. He thought for a while before being interrupted by a loud growl from his belly. “Heh Guess I'm hungry, I am a growing boy after all. I wonder if I could order myself some pizza.” Right as Dash said that, a box of pizza appeared in front of him, hot and fresh. “No need Master, as you can see I took care of that!” The ring said as it glowed red. “Woah! Cool!” Dash said as he opened the box and smelled the delicious pizza, his stomach growling again. “Let’s taste this delicious beauty.” Dash said with a smile. “Oh. I almost forgot my soda! Do you mind spawning me a soda?” Dash asked. “Of course master! I live to serve you!” The ring said as it glowed again. A big liter of soda spawned in front of Dash. “I don’t need a cup. I’ll just chug it like a real boy.” Dash said with a smile as he prepared to eat the master piece in-front of him.

Dash soon finished the pizza, all 8 slices and just chugged the soda with ease. “BBBBBBUUUUUURRRRRRRPPP! That was a good one!” Dash said with a belch. However, dash’s feasting began to take a toll on him as his stomach began to groan, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. “Uhhhh. Maybe I URP over did it, could you help me ring?” Dash asked. “No problem Master, call me Satoris. That is my real name after all.” The ring said as it glowed red once more. Dash’s stomach pains instantly disappeared, as he let another belch, making him feel much better.

Dash wondered about what he should do next, then he remembered how he always wanted to be a giant, but couldn’t since he didn’t want to hurt his family. He was sure the ring could transfer him to another dimension and alter his size. “Hey Satoris, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be a giant and destroy cities, but I couldn’t do it here because I was worried about harming my family and don’t have size altering powers. Do you think you could handle that?” Dash asked. “Of course master ! No wish is too much for me!” Satoris said with a smile. “Ok! Put me in another dimension so I can test this out!” Dash said. “You got it master!” Satoris said. Suddenly, Dash felt his body began to disappear from his dimension, causing him to yelp a bit and close his eyes.

Suddenly, Dash felt himself appear in another dimension. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a city far away. He was on the outskirts. “Woah where am I?” Dash asked. The ring chuckled “You’re desire has been fulfilled! Here let me show you!” Satoris said. The ring glowed once more before emitting a hologram of the city and some information. “Woah. Is the is the city I’m in?” Dash asked. “You bet master! As you can see, there’s no form of super hero’s here so your well deserved fun will not be stopped.” The ring said. Dash grinned with delight but thought if something.

“What if my parents come home when I’m gone?” Dash asked. “That’s not an issue Master Dash. No matter how long of a time you spend in another dimension, the time in your home dimension stays the same. You could spend a whole month in this dimension and no time will have passed in your dimension back home.” Satoris said. Dash’s grin returned.”Perfect, I could really cut loose.” Dash said with a smile. “Now only one more thing to do, alter my size! Satoris, make me 500 feet tall!” Dash shouted. “As you wish!” Replied Satoris. The ring glowed red and dash began to feel a tingle in his body.

He began to feel his body stretch and expand. His feet quickly burst out of his shoes and socks, leaving him bare foot, his pants button quickly popped as his pants tore apart. Soon his yellow shirt with a skull on it followed as it tore off his expanding torso, leaving him in just a black speedo which thankfully was growing with him. Dash quickly swelled past 300 feet, 400 feet, and soon stopped at 500 feet. Dash’s loved his new POV. “Holy crap! I’m huge!” Dash said, his voice now much more booming. “And loud hehe” Dash said. “Do you enjoy your new size master?” Satori’s asked. Dash grinned and boomed out. “You bet I do! Now to have some fun with that tiny city!” Dash boomed as he stomped to the city, his now much bigger bare feet leaving huge craters in his wake, a god was born, and his name was Dash.

The huge titan entered the edges of the city. Much to the shock of the tiny civilians, seconds ago they were living a normal life and now this massive titan of a boy had invaded their fair city. “Hello tiny bugs! My name’s dash! And I’m here to Destroy your city!” Dash said cockily as he punched a nearby skyscraper with his bare fist. It was instantly decimated. The building collapsed from the sheer force of dash’s punch. The debris fell on cars and tinies, crushing them to nothing. “This is going to be fun!” Dash said happily the tinies began running away. “No you don’t tiny bugs!” Dash said as he walked toward the tinies, he slammed his foot infront of them, blocking their escape. Dash picked up the tinies in his hand, thinking about what to do. Suddenly he was interrupted by a very loud rumbling. “Woah! Is that my stomach?!” Dash said a little shocked. “Heheh you bet Dash! As a growing boy god, your stomach growls will have the power of earthquakes!” Satoris said. “God this is awesome I’m so powerful! Thanks Satoris! I can’t wait to eat these tinies!” Dash said as he hung the tinies under his open mouth. He dangled them to add the extra tease. The tinies were pissing their pants in fear. Dash dropped them down with a gulp. The tinies tasted great. He could feel his stomach acids churning the tinies away, he felt a burp coming on. Dash was extremely excited to see how powerful his burps were. He took a deep breath and let out a booming belch. The sheer force caused windows to shatter and car alarms to go off much to dash’s delight!.

"Man that felt so good! I wonder what I should do next?" Dash thought for a moment. Satoris had an idea, "Why not grow bigger? I always say bigger is better!" He suggested. "Great idea! Make me 4 Miles tall!" Dash boomed loudly. The ring glowed again and Dash began to feel the power flow through him. Dash felt himself grow even bigger than before. Dash swelled past 1,000 feet, 2,000 feet, and soon hit and past the 1 mile mark. His growing feet plowed through cars and buildings. The growing weight of his body caused cracks to form at his feet. "Who knew growing could be so much fun and destructive too hehe!" Dash chuckled as he continued to grow. Soon enough Dash hit 5 miles tall, his head was in the clouds, literally! "Man, being big is sweet!" Dash said. "I agree Master Dash! " The ring said smugly. Dash looked at his huge feet at the surface of the planet and wiggled them, causing tremors for the tinies, "I could cause some trouble with my feet!" Dash said smugly. Dash sat down and crushed multiple buildings in the process. "My ass is powerful too hehe." Dash said. "Hey tinies! Rub my feet! I want the best foot massage ever!" Dash said smugly. Not wanting to anger the massive boy, the tinies did what they were told. Dash's feet were very sweaty and stinky as he was very into sports. The smell of the boy's feet caused the tinies to gag. "This is the life!" Dash thought to himself as he laid himself back. After a while, Dash got bored. "Ok I'm bored." Dash flicked his toes and sent any tiny that was on there flying away, never to be seen again. Dash's feet were still covered in the blood of the tinies. Dash stood up, "What to do now?" Dash thought. He was interrupted by loud grumbling and he felt something building up in his rear. "Looks like I need to fart, I know what to do." Dash said with a smile. He grabbed some tinies, who were terrified, he opened the back of his waistband speedo, exposing his pair of moons to the tinies, he smirked and dropped them down, and snapped the speedo shut. Dash grunted and pushed, suddenly the air was filled with a toxic smell as a loud boom filled the air. The stench was horrific! "Hehe I guess I am still digesting that pizza!" Dash said with a chuckle. "Enjoying your new life Dash?" Satoris asked. "You know I am!" Dash said with glee. "I have an idea, I want to use a huge laser to make my name in the ruins of this puny city!" Dash said smugly. "No Problem! Just focus on where you want to aim the laser!" Satoris said.

Dash held his hand out and concentrated, suddenly, a red laser shot out with great force. Thanks to Dash's big size, he did not lose his balance, he began to spell his name. "D A S H" Dash said to himself as he put the finishing touches on the name. "Perfect! This city is the property of Dash now!" Dash said with glee. Suddenly Dash began to feel something in his speedo, and noticed a bulge. Dash had recently learned about puberty and what this meant. "Looks like this made me a little excited." Dash said to himself. "Looks like I will need to relieve myself." Dash said Dash swiftly took off his speedo, exposing his nude body and erection to the city, any remaining tinies were horrified and disgusted by the site. Dash grabbed his bulge and began stroking it, letting out a moan of pleasure. "mfff feels so good, I am so big, nobody will stop me!" Dash mumbled to himself. The pleasure felt so good to Dash, he was a god!" The pleasure continued to build up until Dash hit his climax, cum spewed out of Dash's erection, covering the landscape, in the white gooey substance. "Man that feels so good!" Dash said to himself marveling at his work. Dash looked back at his name carving from earlier and had an idea. "Why not get more hands on and do it myself?" Dash said to himself. Dash put his speedo back on and got down on his stomach. "Enjoy being crushed by my stomach bugs!" Dash said smugly. He ran his finger through the city, his huge finger tearing through the city as if it was like nothing. Rubble was everywhere. "hehe this is so fun!" Dash said as he drew a smiley face by his name. After some more drawing, Dash decided to stand up, thinking what to do next. "Let's see I could test my super speed, maybe cause a cyclone by running in a circle. but first let's get to a more populated city." Dash said to himself. Dash sped off, his massive feet leaving craters behind, he was so big, his super speedo left a trail of fire, it seemed his super speed had improved from his size.

Dash soon reached another city, equally as terrified as the last one to see this boy. Dash quickly ran in a circle, the pressure building up, until a decently sized cyclone appeared, "Here we go. Satoris help me aim this!" Dash said smugly. "No problem Dash." Satoris said. The cyclone was moved toward the center of the city, instantly tons of cars, people, buildings were caught in the cyclone, leaving a mass amount of carnage. "Hehe this is so much fun!" Dash said watching the cyclone cause tons of damage. Soon enough the cyclone ran out. "Ok I think I know what i want to do next! Satoris grow me bigger than this planet! Make me so big the earth is the size of an apple to me!" Dash said. The ring chuckled, "I like your style kid! No problem!" Satoris said. Dash felt his body expand once more, getting bigger and bigger than ever before. Soon enough, Dash was in space, he was getting so big! After a while, the planet was just a apple to him! "This looks tasty, but just in case Satoris, think you can make this planet taste great no matter what?" Dash said. "No problem Dash!" Satoris said. "Ok, give it a taste!" Satoris said. Dash grabbed the planet and looked at it with wonder, the mere force of him holding it, caused tremors and earthquakes to form! "Ok here we go!" Dash said, Dash took the planet and popped it in his mouth, all the tinies could see now was darkness. Dash chewed, causing the planet to crack and break, causing magma and volcanos to form, which made it taste a little spicy. Dash gulped down the puny planet and let out a belch. "Man that tasted good!" Dash said to himself. Dash laid back in the space of the new dimension he had traveled to in order to test out his ring. He realized he should head home now. "Hey Satoris, mind sending me home and back to normal size?" Dash asked. "As you wish master." Satoris said. Dash closed his eyes as he felt himself teleport. He opened his eyes again and noticed he was back home, with his original clothes on and the house looked the same. "That was fun Satoris i can't wait to do it again!" Dash said. "Me too Master." Satoris said. Soon Dash's family came home, asking the boy what he did today. Dash smiled and said "Oh nothing, i just hung around!" He winked and giggled as Satoris glowed again if saying "Bigger is always better, until your next wish Master Dash!"

-The End-
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