Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2287876-The-Kiss
Rated: E · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2287876
An Author is called to a rundown mansion by a mysterious lady. His life changes forever.

The dimly lit hallway entrance with the massive staircase coming down from above added to the atmosphere of this very old mansion. My footsteps echoed off the Marble floors and the Walnut paneling I imagine it was gorgeous to behold in its prime, though it is still strikingly beautiful today, some couple hundred years later.

A whisper from above as cloth dragged across the banister drew my attention to the stairs and the lady strolling seductively down step by step. Her Alabastor white skin glowed with a luster of its own. I was enthralled the entire way until she stopped three steps from the bottom, so she still looked down upon my upturned face.

"Mr. Jonathan May?" Her voice spoke out like a sultry melody.

"Yes, Ma'am. And you are?"

"Jessica Lynnette. Did you have any trouble finding my home?"

"No, Ma'am. Your directions were quite clear and easy to follow. I still do not know why you asked me to be here, to begin with."

"I am in need of your special services, Mr.May. Or may I call you Jonathan?"

"As you wish. What special services of mine do you need? What do you think I do for a living?"

"Why that as a Writer and a very good one from what I have been told by my Lawyer Winston Franks. I think you are associated with his legal services as well."

"Yes, Ma'am. He has represented my family for years."

"And mine as well. Shall we go into the study and be more relaxed." She turned away without my answer and walked across the Hallway to the left. The door opened before she reached it. The room is more brightly lit than the Hallway. A roaring fire greeted me as I strolled into the room, dominated by the Fireplace on one side and the other overly sized pieces f furniture stagged around the room.

We sat down in front of the fireplace across from each other. Her in a chair and me on the loveseat. A small oval table sat between us with a vase filled with Blood Red Roses, her favorite I found out later. I waited for her to speak again as I glanced around the room and was surprised at how clean the entire house is for being so old. There must be a good size staff to take care of the place, though Ms. Lynette has been the only person I have seen since arriving. Not even a Butler to let me inside. The door had been unlocked and part-way open. Which I found a little strange.

"Would you like something to drink, Johnathan? I can ring the maid."

And if by magic the young maid appeared without Ms. Lynette having rung abt device.

"Ma'am? " She lowered her eyes afterward.

"I will have a glass of wine. You know what I drink and Mr. May will have some coffee. Bring cream and sugar along with it."

The maid bowed on her way out of the room. Now, how in the Hell had she known I was thinking of coffee? Could she read minds? If that is the case, am I fired before even being hired for whatever job she wished me to do? Miss Jessica Lynette sat there in the glow of the fire staring at me whimsical. She could. I just knew it.

"You are not fired Mr.May and thank you for those kind thoughts about my body. I do try to keep in shape. As you can imagine I have need of an Author for I have a story to tell. Ome long overdue. Have you ever written someone's life story before?"

"No Ma'am. I have not. You wish to write your life story?"

"Yes, Johnathan and since we will be working closely together for a few weeks, you must stay here. In fact, I insist. Will that be any problem?" And call me Jessica. When you say Ma'am I feel so old."

"It will be no problem. I have no one at home waiting for me. No family really to speak of."

She smiled and murmured, "Nice." The gleam in her eyes took on a new radiance, one barely visible before, but now, shone out like the headlights on a car.

"When would you be wishing to start on this project? "

"Tomorrow morning is as good a time as any. Don't you agree?"

"That will be fine. If it is okay will you I will record everything and type it up later."

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