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A young woman alone in a rural town in Italy. Befriended by a man she believes a friend. |
Madeleine grew tired. Her feet ached and her belly protested the lack of food. She fought back tears but was losing the battle. The darkness of the night, the narrow cobblestone streets and the slight clothing she wore had her shivering in the cool night air. She squatted against a building storefront under a lamp post and slid to a sitting position. An old woman wearing a tattered robe watered her geraniums three doors down, ignored the young woman hugging her knees. A helmeted rider on a Vespa, dressed in shabby leathers slowed upon approaching the girl then sped on. Dawn approached; the townspeople stirred, smells of garlic, onions and sausage wormed it’s way towards her. Madeleine buried her face in her hands and wept. A touch from a gentle hand on her shoulder then the sound of a soft male voice drew her attention from her misery. "Miss, do you need help?" "I am sorry" Madeleine said, "I do not speak much Italian." "That's okay I speak English. Not very well, but one must know what the tourists want. What is your name?" "Madeleine, but I prefer to be called Maddy." She wiped her eyes with her blouse, but she desperately needed to blow her nose. "Maddy, are you hungry?" "Yes, sir, I am" She had no pretense at modesty. That was long gone. "Come inside, I must open the store, but I will fix you something to eat." He helped her up and held her around the waist until she was inside and sitting on a stool. "Sit here. I will come back and we shall have some breakfast." Maddy watched him disappear through the front door. He removed the shutters of his shop to let in the light. The shop was filled with leather goods of all kinds. After the sign in the store was turned and read 'open', the man came back to her. "Excuse my rudeness. My name is Guido. This is my shop. Come, Maddy, to my humble home and share a meal with me" "You are kind to a stranger. Could I wash up first?" "Where are my manners? I don't get many visitors and I am not well. This way" Guido showed her to the washroom. In true old Italian style, there stood a toilet, washbasin and a shower with primitive fixtures. She cleaned up the best she could and reentered the kitchen to find Guido had set a plate of pastries and coffee for her. "Now you must tell me your story. Unless the front door bell announces a customer, you have my full attention." Guido was clean-shaven with salt and pepper hair tied back at the nape of his neck with a leather tie. His eyes and his hands said he had spent many years toiling for a living. His clothes were simple and in the true Italian peasant style. He was lean, with arms of a laborer. "I am twenty three years old and have been traveling during my summer break from college in Ohio with a girlfriend. We separated when she decided to stay in Florence and I took up with Alfredo. I thought I was in love, but Alfredo had other ideas. We hitchhiked here where he said he had friends. We had a fight and he walked away and did not come back. I don't have any idea where I am and he took my backpack with my money and ID. "You are in the town of LaDanzia where I am the mayor. Do you have any relatives we can contact to let them know you are safe?" "No, I am an orphan. I've been on my own since I was eighteen." "What a shame. Well you are safe here. When you are done, you may have the room in the back and get some sleep. We will figure out something after you had a chance to rest." Maddy ate until she was full. The coffee was wonderful. Soon she became sleepy and asked if she could lie down. Guido showed her to a room and left. The room was small with only a single bed; a tiny dresser and a wooden kitchen chair were visible. With no windows and only a small opening at the top of the door to let in light from the kitchen she could see her way without tripping. She dropped on the bed and fell into a deep sleep before she could remove any of her clothes except her shoes. The conversation from the other side of the door woke Maddy sometime later. She had no idea how long she had slept. It took her a minute to get her bearings and recall where she was and the last twenty-four hours of her life. She sat up on the bed and listened to the voices. They were speaking Italian. She had no idea what they were saying. She recognized Guido's voice but not the second one. It was a young voice. It made sounds more than words. She recognized several of the Italian words. Signorina kept being repeated. She found her way to the door and looked through the keyhole. Guido stood with a young man jumping up and down like a child with a new toy. The huge male grabbed Guido gave him a bear hug and lifted him off the ground, planting a kiss on his cheek. Maddy needed to use the toilet and thought this would be a good time to introduce herself. She stood from her squatting position and turned the handle to the ancient doorknob but it didn't budge. She tried again but it appeared to be locked. Her heart started to race. In a panicked voice she called for Guido but no one answered. |