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Part 2 of “one prank too many”. Stephanie gets her friend Casey to shrink her husband. |
About two years have gone by since we left off when Madame Stephanie Mason shrunk down her husband and set him on a course of redemption to treat her correctly. Sounds soothing until you remember she shrunk him down, squashed him with her feet, and then farted on him until he couldn’t make his own decisions anymore. Now her friend Cassie needs help with her husband and his anger issues. Stephanie gave Cassie the same shrink potion she used on jake. Cassie was making dinner when she mixed it in the mashed potatoes. During the dinner of course Chris had a problem with Cassie not finishing her food. Cassie offered the mash potatoes to him and of course he accepted and ate his share along with hers. The next morning, Chris woke up and found himself unaware of where he woke up. Very confused until he heard very big thumps and motions of someone looking for something. Then the covers were taken off. He realized it was Cassie who just grabbed him, walked to the bathroom with him in her clenched hand, and right after she used the other hand to blow her nose, wash her face and brush her teeth, she took Chris up to her face with a smile and said “Goodmorning”. “Cassie”, chris said realizing that this was real. “Yes chris it’s really me. I shrunk you to only two inches tall. We are going over Stephanie’s today. I’ll be joining her as planned while you join her shrunken husband jake. We are going to have a good day together. Me and Stephanie. You and jake all depends how well you both tolerate our behavior”, Cassie. After locking Chris in the glove compartment, she drove to Stephanie who was very delighted to see her when she opened the door. “Heyyyyy!”, Stephanie. After exchanging kisses on the cheeks both let each other know that everything is well and they both put jake and chris on the table in front of them. After staring at them with smiles on their faces, Stephanie and Cassie said hello to each other’s husband. “Alright soo..” said Cassie. “So today is your introduction on how to handle this situation. I’m sure chris has no idea how to conduct himself so that’s why we’re here. I’ll be your partner and teacher in this since me and jake have had 2 years of doing this together. I’m also hoping jake can be a good shrunken sub and guide chris on what’s right and wrong correct?”, said Stephanie. “Yes my goddess” said jake. Chris was very confused about the response. “Trust me you don’t want to be on their wrong side”, said jake looking at chris. “Why do you think we are here chris?”, said Cassie. With no answer Cassie continued, “we are here because of your anger problems. I haven’t been happy so to stop me from divorcing you, this was the best solution.” “So what do we do from here?”, said Cassie to Stephanie. “Great question”, Stephanie responded. Stephanie looked at chris and said, “chris you have to understand the basics for now and jake will guide you as we go along incase I miss telling Cassie something. First we’re in charge and not you and jake. Second, our happiness comes first and then you earn what’s rewarded to you. Rewards can come in many different ways. They include not being put through an activity and the other is not waiting as long to orgasm. Your body is super sensitive to what we do to you being so small. Right now we have tooth picks to undress you so we can get started.” After they undressed chris, they used tweezers to tie him on a self built bondage rack for someone of his size with jake bonded right next to him on another rack. Stephanie handed Cassie and small paint brush that you would normally see on a water color set. They started going over their bodies with each one. The reaction was nothing more than hysteria as both men were tickled horribly. They laced the brushes with tickle powder. No different than an actual water color set, they paint the brush in the powder before horrifying their husbands in tickles. After about 4 hours it was time for a break. “This has been more fun than the last few years combined”, said Cassie. Stephanie gave Cassie a different set of paint brushes. “What we do now is a staple of keeping them in line”, said Stephanie. She instructed Cassie to rub the brush over their nipples and genitals. A rush of euphoria flowed through both guys which seems nice for them until Stephanie explained, “This is what you call orgasm control. Men want to pursue and the more they are built up the more they want it. So they cannot orgasm until you mentally allow it. Tease and tease and build them up. Men can’t help themselves. It allows them to more obedient because they need you for what makes them feel good. Think of being a slave owner who rewards her slaves knowing they become more productive for yourself. I understand it may be contradictory since we as ladies are in complete control over these tiny husbands, but if they don’t go along with what we want, you can use this orgasmic build up as punishment. So, since there is no limit of how much we can build them, and how long, let’s say we finish around 7 when we have dinner. They’ll be very tender to not say no to us by then.” By 7 pm, dinner was set. Mexican food for both ladies was being consumed and consisted of double refried beans, chop meat, sour cream and cabbage. While they ladies were eating, Stephanie told Cassie to put tiny Chris in her shoe and put weight on it while they had dinner while jake was in her shoe. She explained that the boys can’t die or take damage but they can still feel the force of what they do to them. After dinner was over, Stephanie offered espresso with extra cream. While drinking their espresso, they ladies were standing full weight with they guys in their shoes. “So are you ready for the rest of the night?”, said Stephanie. What’s next?”, said Cassie. Stephanie told Cassie to finish as much espresso and cream as she possibly could and it has to do with what’s next. Cassie was confused as to what that has to do with. Stephanie explained there’s a reason why she chose Mexican food and is drinking a creamed caffeinated coffee. When Cassie asked what she meant, Stephanie whispered in her ear. Cassie covered her mouth with her free hand in a happily laugh disbelief while Stephanie nodded her head and smiled at her. “THEY. ARE. IN. TROUBLE.”, said Cassie. Stephanie scrunched her nose and nodded her head faster and giggled with Cassie. After the espresso was finished, they ladies released themselves of any coffee #1 in the bathroom before duck taping the guys to a cushioned foot rest. Stephanie told Cassie to undress her jeans so nothings gets filtered. Cassie smiled did just that. They went back to back and sat perpendicular to the guys so both booty holes were covering both guy’s heads evenly. “I suggest if it’s alright with you if we do this at the same time. This a golden opportunity to combine what we have on them”, said Stephanie. “Oh that’s fine. May take a while longer to let everything out and will take communication but I like that idea”, said Cassie. “I remember the first time I did this to jake. I remember saying how I had no idea what type of weapon I had my disposal. It was the first time I shrank him”, said Stephanie. jake immediately quivered in fear knowing exactly what she meant so he got Stephanie’s attention. “My goddess if I may, do I have permission to negotiate with you and Ms Cassie?”, said jake. “Well now, is the tiny sub who should know better telling us what to do?”, said Stephanie. jake responded, “No goddess, I would never. I’m just offering a solution since I know what you and Ms Cassie are referring to. You can continue doing it but considering how bad it was for me with only you doing it, if Ms Cassie joins you and as you said ‘combine what you have for us’, there’s no way me and chris could ever have the right feel for reality anymore. All it takes is Ms Cassie to be close as bad as you as is the closest universe to earth and there’s no way we can ever be the same again.” Both ladies laughed and Cassie asked, “Was it that bad for him?”. Stephanie responded, “Oh yes it was.” chris asked jake, “What do you all mean by this?” Stephanie interrupted, “Yeah jake why don’t you tell your friend what you both are in for. Hahahaha. Oh and make it as detailed as you can since you know what’s going on.” Cassie chimed in, “Yeah jake, every detailed emotion. Hahaha.” “chris, I wouldn’t say this if it weren’t true.”, jake continued, “the only hope for us having semblance of control of ourselves is if your wife isn’t as bad as mine. I’m not getting right to the point for a reason because I need you to really understand what happens if they actually ‘combine’ on us. When my wife did what she did to me the same circumstance left me weak, dazed, gagging, begging and hopeless. If they combine the word obliterated isn’t going to be good enough to describe us when the devil shows us sympathy and prays for it to stop.” Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Both ladies laughed at that last comment. “Oh that’s funny”, Stephanie continued, “What else jake?” “Yeah what else jake?”, said Cassie. chris looked jake and said “anything else before you tell me about what the hell you’re talking about?” jake replied, “Yes. Based on their laughter you can tell our wives will be so elated, our God couldn’t create a better feeling for them while we are the opposite. I have no problem going through whatever my wife puts me through so I can be a better husband and earn my rewards from her but I’d much rather have my mind know I’m on planet earth. Trust me, you don’t want your wife tease your orgasm month after month because you’ve haven’t earned it. It’s brutal but this is worse. You better really be on your wife’s good side to make the best out of this situation but even this situation is too much. They are allowed to proceed but it’s best for everyone if they do it one at a time and not combine what they want to do because your mind will feel as if it’s going through the quantum realm, and not the good way. All that matters now is how bad Cassie is to give us some semblance of redemption!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Both ladies laughed as jake explained himself to chris.. “Well if that’s the case! Cassie, do you have any experience with chris how bad your farts are?!”, said Stephanie. “SHE DIDN’T JUST SAY FARTS!?!?!?, said chris in fear. “Ya know”, Cassie continued, “there was one circumstance. I was baking cookies and I had to take them out of the oven otherwise they be burnt. That’s when I let one out in the kitchen. So I opened the window and wafted as much as I could out. I thought it was good enough because I had to urinate. When chris came home I was in the bathroom for at least 7 minutes. He went to grab a cookie and COMPLAINED. You’d think he was smelling what will be like now. So if that’s the diluted version reaction, there’s no way they are handling this.” “That’s how my farts were the first time I blasted jake”, Stephanie continued, “ the next day I went to fix the pillows and there was a diluted stench that was still thick enough to notice. So boys, that’s your answer to how bad Cassie can be. Here’s my answer to your proposition jake. If this is how it is we are not passing up the opportunity to combine. Too much fun for us ladies not too. So if you don’t mind Cassie, when your gas reaches your butthole don’t let it out just yet until I count to three because I’m ready.” “No problem”, said Cassie. “This ain’t fair”, said Chris over and over again. “I know it’s not”, jake continued, “but what’s not fair for us is fair for them. They have the final word. Just accept the fate.” “Ready!”, says Cassie. “Ok”, Stephanie continued, “One, two, three!”. Both ladies pushed and farted at the same time. It was about 2 seconds long. Both women laughed. When they felt how it was for the guys they laughed even harder. For the guys, imagine being tied to a chair seeing the detonation clock of a nuclear bomb about to go off. You scream, not because someone will save you, because it’s all you can do. The scream of death is all they could react as. The smell of their wives combining their farts on them was on that level. About a few minutes later, the ladies unleashed a double silent but deadly and high fived each other. For the next five hours, the women took their time reigning down on their men with combined giantess farts that made their men, as jake described earlier, feel as if they weren’t in the same world anymore. It smelled that bad and the women enjoyed themselves. About midnight showed up and the women were all out of gas and it was time for bed. They put the men inside a wine glass and left in the cabinet. When the ladies woke up, they took the guys out and put them on the same table they were on the day before. Both women were smiling very much. “So”, Stephanie continued, “what’s going to happen from this point forward? jake, would you mind answering first.” jake responded, “goddess Stephanie, last night you proved why I’m less than nothing compared to you. I’m worthless without you. There’s no way I can live unless you have your way with me so I can be as obedient as a husband should be.” Stephanie then asked, “And what of Goddess Cassie?” jake responded, “Goddess Cassie is an amazing female. I’m always worthless compared to her and she has every right to do to me and chris whatever she chooses.” “Very good”, said Stephanie. “chris”, said Cassie, “what are the right words and ways of thinking do you have?” chris responded, “I should of always saw things your way. Like jake is to goddess Stephanie I’m worthless compared to you. I’m no good unless I give into your ways. Nothing is fair unless it’s for you.” “And what of Goddess Stephanie?”, said Cassie. chris replied, “she too is an amazing female and like her husband jake, I too am completely worthless compared to her. Both of us husbands are worthless compared to you two. You too do whatever you want with us.” “Such a difference already”, says Cassie. “I told you”, Stephanie replied. “Well, I need to get back home. Is there any last words from either of you before we end our session together?”, said Casey. “Yes Goddess Cassie”, said jake as he continues, “as someone who’s been through this longer with Goddess Stephanie, I feel as if, after discussing with chris, we need to be aware of how to handle ourselves better after the intensity of last night.” “Go on”, says Cassie. Stephanie politely interrupted “What is it you want to know?” jake answered, “Myself and chris have to be prepared of the possibility of other ‘combined’ farting events.” Both ladies laughed and smiled at each other. Cassie explained, “There’s a 100% possibility of that happening again you worthless man.” Both laughed again. Stephanie chimes in, “Oh without any question expect more from us. You little, worthless boys, ARE. IN. TROUBLE.” Both tiny husband’s hearts basically disappeared they sank so low. The smell from their wives last night will haunt them forever. Both Goddesses saw how their husbands reacted to their fart fate and continued laughing at them. |