Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2293449-Petra-of-Atlantis
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #2293449
A typical drama story for the life of two who surface on the shore by using each other.
It was the start of a fresh day. A smooth new morning for everyone.. except the George family of course .

"I'm telling y'all! I'll really sue you people for kidnapping my son! Tell me the truth. Let your daughter out! Ask her what she had done to hi-!"before the middle aged lady could finish her shrieking noise,a dagger flew past her face just sparing her wrinkled face by some inches. The lady as well as the members of George family all got shock-struck by this sudden occurrence.

As the lady barely gained her reasons after some minutes she looked at the direction from where the dagger came and again went into a daze.

Who is this girl?The lady was in awe watching as the girl around twenty six or something with her hair draping over her shoulder wearing a loose fitting gown approached her in bold steps.

There was no signs of meekness or politeness. No signs of girlish shyness,it was as if she was seeing an inverse incarnation of the previous perfect daughter in law of her house. The lady was baffled by the first look.

"What the hell are you doing, Petra! Whom do you take me for?! See, you all, this is the daughter in law my ruined fate got! This vixen had killed my son! I'm sure of it! See,how she attacked me just now!" The old lady started her cry yet again after her second stage of shock.

The area was past the main street of Brimminggem city gate. The city was a relic of the second world war. A very ancient one. Though with the flow of time, the city saw many ups and downs and came to a final stable state of modernization,this small down town of Brimminggem city gate still had the touch of old times with duplex houses made of polished marbles here and there. The George family house was one of the duplex house with exquisite marble designs and curvatures. The doors and windows along with almost all the furniture are made of fragrant apple wood. The structure in and out was very rich but lost its luster due to the lack of renovation.

Currently in the main hall,there was a window by the far left side of the entrance door and a dagger of beautifully curved handle was pinned deep inside the window shield.

The neighborhood was old and almost everyone treated the other as family. After the initial noise made by the old lady,all the neighbors of the elder generation had more or less came in to check and help. But not a single person had expected to see Petra in such state.

The girl simply looked like an incarnation of the God of war with her long hair dangling like the silk of death and eyes full of abhor contradicting to the calm face she was showing. She didn't utter a single word till then as the lady continued to curse her.

"Mind your words,Mrs.Miller! Before your daughter in law,Petra is my daughter and I will not give you face if you dare to slander my child wrongly." Petra's mother Mrs.George was a lady well known for her kindness and patience. But no mother would keep patience if their children are falsely accused and with such a baseless,rubbish rumor. "Petra killed your son? She kidnapped him? Are you even in your right mind? With what face did you come here today? Shall I remind you what your son did? Shall I say what Atlan-"

"This dagger is the last thing that I own from your son. I have nothing else left that I owe him. Take that crap and leave my house. All the money had also been transferred to your family." Before Mrs.George could finish Petra interrupted her. She enunciated each word very clearly that each and every person present there that day heard her clam voice and felt a sudden chill even before they could realize .

"Did you think ,I come here for money today? Where is my son Petra? How long had it been, do you realize? Six months without a news from his end. Not even his colleagues know where he went. It was you ,who was with him before he went missing. It was you!Say what happened to him!"

"Shut up. I also know what you people know. I have given you the letter. Now before, I slit your throat instead of the window shield leave my home. I won't say it again Mrs.Miller. Don't you dare, dare me," There wasn't an ounce of respect in Petra's word. The onlookers were all in daze by this new Petra but also felt that there wasn't anything new in actuality. They continued to be in daze as no one really dared to dare this new Petra.

Mrs. Miller was no exception, she felt something was very wrong with Petra as soon as she saw her, but now she believed there was something very wrong in her behavior. It is to say that Mrs. Miller was a very superstitious person. She highly believed in souls and ghosts. She believed that this girl was possessed or something in this old dilapidated place.

For some of her own crooked reasons she also didn't want to drag this matter. With her wrinkled eyes full of tears she went to the window where the dagger was pinned and seemingly gently pulled it out and carefully touched the name curved on the iron handle of the dagger,'Atlantis'.

"I am going today. But remember this Petra,sin never leaves the sinner. If you're the reason of my son's missing,I will ensure your punishment with my own hands,you write it,you vixen!" Before leaving she didn't forget to curse her a bit more.

But Petra was in no mood to listen to her rebuking. Actually,what was her mood then she also didn't know.

This woman, her former mother in law,came to accuse her for her missing son after six months of the person being gone saying she killed him, huh,what bullshits!

Only she knew what had happened six months ago and just where this so called husband of her had gone missing. But she had a promise,a promise to keep to herself only.

"Petra go inside. You should not strain yourself in this condition." Petra's mother came forward and urged her.

"Don't worry. He have to be the strongest. This much won't strain him," Petra said, unconsciously rubbing her slightly bulged stomach. She left the hall and went up the stairs to her room and shut the door.

"You people are welcome for coming today. The show is over,thank you," even though they act as helping hands, neighbors were still neighbors. Eventually today's incident would become gossip materials through them and this was not unknown to anyone after living together for so many years.

The onlookers some of whom were really good hearted consoled Mrs. George and left one by one.

At last, the morning turned into noon leaving only Mr.and Mrs. George in the main hall of the George house.

It was thousands of miles away, away from the bustling Brimminggem city and was in another big city of the country named Palacetroops, inside of a big five star hotel room,a man in his thirties laid down on the bed, drunken. With an unclear consciousness was uttering a single word as if enchanted,as if he was in an unbearable pain and those letters were his relief in that dark isolated room. He was feverishly saying,'Petra'.
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