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Rated: E · Poetry · Travel · #2296130
Tiny the Rasta Man for Writer's cramp

Tiny the Rasta Man of St Lucy writer’s cramp

40 lines

“Tiny” a six foot five 300 pound
Rasta man from Kingstown, Jamaica
Sporting long black and purple dreadlocks,

lived in an old run-down house
Deep in rural Barbados. cane fields,
In far-off St Lucy Parish

A ten-minute walk from the Mt Guy distillery
With his two mothers, Tina, and Linda,
Two 100 -year old women, rumored to be witches.

He had a nine-year-old
Black Chestnut tree
Growing in his backyard. gully. (1)

The black chestnut tree
He called the Null tree
Was the only black chestnut tree
In Bajan (2) BIM (3) (Barbados)..

People came from miles away
To look at the Null tree
Taking photos.
listening to his reggae performances.

And sitting for his portraiture
Of them sitting under
The Null tree.

He ran Tiny’s rum shop.
He proudly served the best
Fried flying fish (4)
In the Caribbean

And the best rum sours
Mt. Guy rum (5)of course.
And sold lotto tickets
And Bajan tourism
Knick knacks

The rum shop made a fortune
Off the many visitors
As it was a stop
On the cruise ship tours.


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Writing com Daily Flash

End Notes
(1) Rasta Man the locals refer to followers of the Rastafarian religion as :Rasta man" which is mostly found in Jamaica but found throughout the Caribbean, is a strange religious cult that worships Haile Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia. They use marijuana as a sacrament, are very libertine regarding sexual morality, follow a pan-African diaspora philosophy, and are always in trouble with the law as a result and they face rampant discrimination.

Rastafari - Wikipedia
The term "Rastafari" derives from "Ras Tafari Makonnen", the pre-regnal title of the late Haile Selassie, the former Ethiopian emperor who occupies a central role in Rasta belief. The term "Ras" means a duke or prince in the Ethiopian Semitic languages; "Tafari Makonnen" was Selassie's personal name. [29] See more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafari

1 Gully is a Bajan(Barbadian) term for an overgrown wooden area. In recent years, rural Barbados has become depopulated due to the collapse of the sugar industry and the rapid development of the tourism and financial services sector which are the biggest employers along with government and private businesses. Gullies are everywhere but sadly are mostly used as illegal dumping grounds. the gullies contain a lot of wildlife, monkeys, mongooses, frogs, birds, feral cats, and lynx and bobcats, and unfortunately dengue and Zika mosquitos, but not yellow fever or malaria, or West Nile. I got dengue in a gully..

2 Bajan is what Barbadian people refer to themselves as, there are white Bajans,(5 %) descended from the British colonist, black Bajans (70%) descended from the African slaves, mixed-raced Bajans (5%), Chinese Bajans (5% ) Indian Bajans (5%) ex-pats mostly British, and Canadians and a few Americans. .(5%). The total resident population is about 350,000 people year-round, peaking at about 500,00 during the winter season and dropping to about 250,00 during the hot and humid summers. this does not include the thousands of cruise ship passengers mostly during the winter season.

3 BIM is another local name for Barbados.

4 Flying fish is the most popular Bajan dish usually fried but grilled upon request. They are called flying fish because they do leap through the air frequently.

5 Rum - there are five rum companies on Barbados. Mt Guy is the most famous and the best, it is known as a white rum because white people and tourists drink it, Four Square is a black rum for black folks, Malibu is mostly for tourists, and Plantation as well.
every Caribbean island has at least two rum companies, white rum catering to white people and tourists, and black rum catering to the African Caribbean majority. White rum also refers to lighter rums such as Barcadi and black rum refers to darker rums like Mt. Guy. there is only one thing everyone in the Caribbean agrees on, Bacardi is the worst rum in the world! Guyana's El Dorado is probably the best followed by Mt. Guy which is the oldest rum in the world dating back to 1605.

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