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Rated: E · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2296358
This is a small part of a long book project I am working on this summer.
The woods surrounded Middle Meadows to the north, south, and west were dense. They were dense with healthy green trees that shot to the sky like towers, with extensive moss covering moist tree trunks and and with countless woodland animals flourishing in the riches of its vegetation. They were dense with lore from the locals passed down from several generations that told stories of spirits, hauntings and mystical figures and events. With memories of explorations, hikes, camping, or young people simply finding independence from their parents. This density allowed the woods to have different meaning for different Middle Meadows residents. Some found them relaxing. A place to get fresh air, clear your mind and escape the tedium of suburban life. For others they were a place to keep fit, to raising your heart rate by jogging through endless obstacles that made for effective cardiovascular exertion. They might be a place to visit occasionally, or a place to completely avoid. Regardless, being surrounded by these woods impacted all of the residents of Middle Meadows.

The woods were old. They were rich with human histories, holding trails made by populations long predating European settlement that updated with changes to the region over the centuries. Originally used for hunting and gathering, these trails then became walkways for residents who decided to reside in the forest. The ruins of these hand-built stone houses have long been retaken by the natural landscapes, swallowed by vines, branches, mosses, and other flourishing greenery.

For most of the kids of the town, the woods immediately next to Middle Meadows, where the town could still be heard and seen, represented a space of fun and freedom. But further into these these dense woods, beyond the paved sidewalks and partitioned camp sites, beyond the short trails and twenty-minute hikes, when the sights, sounds and smells of the town were obscured by the thick foliage, the woods felt sinister and eerie. They were not a place to be alone, or to enter any time close to dusk.

Stories of children getting lost in the woods were regularly recited. Suburban legends of kids entering a particular trail and never returning, or a helpless child being taken by a mysterious ghoul or creature were known by every young Middle Meadows resident. Every child knew that if they heard their name come from the woods they were to run in the opposite direction, fast.

Some tales spoke of ancient animals that haunted natives centuries ago. There were dark tales of the more modern abandoned stone ruins. Certain peoples said witches lived there. Others said they were homes for criminal Middle Meadows citizens who were banished from the town after unruly behavior, living in the woods but returning to the village at night to enact revenge on local populace or take people in the dead of the night.

Parents used these stories to help discipline their children, instilling fear in them by stating that if they were not good, the "forest beasts", "stone house witches", or "Middle Meadows bandits" would get them.

Connor knew about these legends, and the stories of the woods being haunted with century old horrors. He thought of them as silly stories fabricated to manipulate children. He felt fearless and confident as he went further and further into the woods. The temperate air was thick with humidity. It felt as if a fog might set in that evening.

Something changed when he caught his first glance of one of these stone houses. A chills starting at the back of his neck trickled down his spine, rippling out to each of his limbs as he felt himself stop in his tracks. He listened intently as noises of leaves rustling came from several directions. Sounds that had been present his entire walk suddenly had a sinister undertone.

He pulled out his phone to check the time, ensuring he could get back before the sun went down. Noting that his battery was low and his phone had no service, he took a deep breath and began walking toward the ruins, subconsciously walking much more cautiously than before.
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