Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2299836-Ki-on-Life
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #2299836
Life and reality conflict as well as compliment. The distinction is up to the individual.

Ki on Life



It is more than a little bit of quiet frustration to look at life and not
get caught up, to the point of obsession, with the complications
and vagaries of our journey through this thing we call life.
We can say it is a challenge, but it is so much more.

If . . . . . and when we can look at life with an unbiased and
objective perspective, we can see and experience the wondrous miracle
that life represents. Not from a religious point of view, but feel free
to consider such a reality, but from what can only be described
as a natural and fundamental perception of existence itself.

Some might call this objectivism, and in many respects they would be
correct, but as self-interested as we may be as human beings, it
is so much more difficult to step away from our own considerations
and look at life around us from a truly unbiased and objective
perspective. It suggests that this would be the essence of what
many call ‘empathy’, the ability to see things totally disengaged from
what ‘we’ think and feel, but more so what actually ‘is’.
A fascinating concept to contemplate.

What a joy it is to simply be alive. Everything around us is simple
and yet verges on the incomprehensibly complex, the probabilities that this has
all come about through random and purposeless events as improbable
as what evolution suggests.

And yet it seems that this is the case. It really doesn’t matter one way
or the other, at least from whatever objective abilities we may or may not possess.
If we exist at all, then these other things do as well, and if not,
then I am not sure what we are contemplating as we speak.

Are we a figment of our own imaginations, or the creation of something indefinable
and inexplicable. Most of us choose to believe in a reality where we are
substantive and entities of self-determination. The only other alternative
is that of madness and embracing the abyss.

One just has to love philosophy and our ability to think and choose for ourselves.
It is this ability, this reality, that gives us purpose and direction. It may
be confusing and frustrating at times, but it is a wonderful journey that
defines us as individuals and allows us to determine our own destinies.

I like that. It is the way it should be. We are responsible for ourselves
whether we want to be or not, and for others to the degree that we
determine we are able. Everything else is secondary.

Life is truly a bitch.


Ki on Life


Life matters to he who is alive
~ ki ~



It is only life that matters
Your life, my life, all life

It is never a matter of color, or gender, or belief
It is the concept of justice and freedom and peace

The essence of life
The right to live
All lives matter

~ ki ~


the path

' Some people take the easy path, the one most taken
others choose the road less taken, the path of challenge

I follow a path of my own making
with no idea of where I am, only that I am
and know not where I am going
only where I have been '

~ ki ~



True Freedom is never fully realized
. . . UNTIL . . .
the rights you bestow
are more than those you accept

~ ki ~



There can be no greater miracle
there is no greater gift
there is no greater magic
than life itself

~ ki ~



hubris is the ultimate arrogance
when a man is so certain of himself
that he thinks he can do no wrong
and dismisses the need to prove his point
to anyone at all, even to himself
truth becomes expendable
integrity is inconvenient
honor becomes irrelevant
the loss of soul is inevitable
all for the fleeting perception of being right
while refusing to accept even the possibility
that there are things beyond their experience

~ ki ~



there is no racial injustice
there exists only injustice
resolution will be impossible
until the day
that the concept of WE
triumphs the concept of ME

~ ki ~



integrity is truly
the only color that matters

~ ki ~


a single step

take a step, a single step
any direction, at any time
forward, backward, it is all the same

a single step, every one an experience
Each an adventure, something learned

Then . . . . .
. . . . . take another

~ ki ~



Truth can be uncomfortable, but it is always welcome

~ ki ~



life does not change in a single day
but master today
then another
and it will come

~ ki ~



do as I say
not what you think I say

~ ki ~



the sober price of freedom
is that of empathy, compassion and reason

~ ki ~



if you do not grant freedom to Others
you shall never experience it for yourself

~ ki ~



there are no exceptions to the ideal of freedom
as with all things
what you reap is what you have sown

~ ki ~



the greatness of an individual
as well as a nation
is reflected
in its reverence for life

~ ki ~



The immensity of life
is reflected
in its most diminutive and humble members

~ ki ~



life is played out
between right and wrong

~ ki ~



there is little effort in making a child
put your efforts into creating a child to be proud of
that does not turn into an adult
that needs to be fixed

~ ki ~



in the end
there can only be truth
it exists because it exists
truth can be experienced
it can be accepted
truth can never be created

~ ki ~



one cannot see the forest for the trees
or an angel dancing on the head of a pin
not because these things do not exist
but only because one does not wish to see

all things can be known if you have the resolve to try
all are visible if you can focus your gaze
the biggest challenges have the simplest answers
if the solutions you seek are through thought and reason
instead of emotion and ignorance

things are rarely what they seem to be
we create our own fears, our own walls, and our own demons
we invite the defeat of all we hold dear
when we talk but do not listen, and listen but do not hear

the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
it is forever ours to try and catch them

~ ki ~



do not fear the gun
for it is but a tool

fear he who does not value life
for he is a perpetual threat

~ ki ~



there are no easy answers
but there are simple ones
the price of freedom
is strength and integrity
that of security
is determination and character
that of peace
is control of self in all things

there is but one choice
to be free, or to be slave

~ ki ~



we have forgotten more than we remember
our memories are our oldest friends
they may someday fade with time
and yet remain with us forever

~ ki ~



there is a randomness to life
that I find disquieting and disheartening
the pain, the suffering, the chaos
i continue to search for answers
and find little but more questions
the echoes of 'why?'
never leave my mind

~ ki ~



as you search for possibilities,
so you shall find opportunities

~ ki ~



there is a countless number
of yesterdays
there is but one today
tomorrow does not exist

~ ki ~



you cannot see if you do not look
or ever hear if you do not listen
experience will elude if you do not feel
and if you do not think?
you shall never know life
or find the gift of love

~ ki ~


reality sucks

if your reality sucks . . . . .
create another reality
. . . . . understand the power you own

~ ki ~



To sample all of the available 'thoughts' of Ki you can find them here:

The World According To Ki  [E]
Ki experiences the world from a different perspective. The questions define existence.
by Lone Cypress Workshop

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