Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2301648-The-Redemption-of-Empathy
Rated: E · Essay · Contest Entry · #2301648
Belated entry for the July 2023 "Redemption Vignettes" contest (winner by default!)

The number of competitions just seemed to grow and grow - prompts, opening lines, opening chapters, short essays, long essays, poetry. Dear God, the sheer variety of poetic forms - keeping up with them was an education in itself. But here and there among the more conventional competitions would be the exotica - the distinctly unconventional. Reading their titles would give no indication of what was expected. "Redemption Vignettes". What the hell could that possibly mean? The mouse pointer hovered over the blue text and, after a moment's hesitation, the left button clicked.

Dave's brow furrowed as he read and re-read the instructions. He clicked on the "Create New Item" link, creating a static item ready for his latest epic in a writing career that, despite its relatively brief existence, some seasoned observers were already describing as "meh". Passing seconds grouped themselves confidently into minutes, which then huddled together pathetically in the knowledge that they never stood a chance of reaching the lofty heights of hours. Dave's fingers hovered ominously over the keyboard. "Oh, to hell with this," he muttered irritably, sending another item-that-never-was hurtling into the oblivion of the recycle bin.

Empathy logged in to WdC in trepidation, her early enthusiasm over her new competition having waned considerably as the days and weeks had passed and the entry count remained resolutely at zero. What was the matter with these people? She had considered this a challenge that enthusiasts would delight in rising to, but each visit to the competition page would be greeted by virtual tumbleweed blowing past with the taunting accompaniment of the e-crickets chirping their mocking chorus. "Hee-hee-hee-hee!" A single tear rolled down her cheek - she would never be able to show her face in WdC again!

Dave logged in, a determined expression writ large across his devilishly handsome features. His fingers were a blur as he typed confidently, stopping only to check on the word count. "My God, I'm a genius," he thought modestly as he submitted his entry. Empathy could scarcely believe her eyes when, a few hours later, she read this masterpiece. Her reputation had been salvaged when all had seemed lost! "Truly this was my Redemption Vignette," she mused as she send Dave his Merit Badge, Awardicon and c-note before proposing him for a Quills award. And they all lived happily ever after.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2301648-The-Redemption-of-Empathy