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by HH1
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2302990
A teacher retires happily.
Mr. William Grossman sipped his coffee looking over his few teachers. Mostly he was secretly watching young Miss. Readman the new math and chemistry teacher. Lovely and fit as he liked women. Her homeroom classroom was beside his, making him smile. He had such plans for today and she was going to be part of them. Well, everyone was.

"Oh it's that time." Mr. Humpfree said like he did every bloody day. The pudgy physical education teacher thought himself clever for repeating jokes he heard from old stand up shows.

Mr. Grossman stood and grabbed his briefcase, inside was his retirement plan. That retirement was going to start today. And he wasn't going to be getting a cheap gold watch as his keepsake.

He walked to his homeroom. Allowing his eyes to linger on many of the female students. He never allowed his view to linger on their nubile youthful lovely bodies to avoid being labeled the creepy teacher. But as today was his last day he indulged.

Cheerleader Jenna with her shapely long legs displayed out from under her short uniform skirt. Shy Helen from his home room wore a tight blouse that showed how plump her tender breasts were. Some freshman with long blonde hair in pigtails was bending into her locker displaying her firm young ass. He couldn't wait to be on his way from this dump and this out of this city.

He sits at his desk like he had done for over a decade. Watching as students start filtering in. He's happy to see the friends Josie and Karla enter together. Josie was a gorgeous freckled redhead. She likely would be next year's valedictorian if he didn't follow through with his plans for today. He liked how the spectacled girl had her dark crimson locks up in a couple puffy pigtails. Her friend and possibly more Karla was frankly a prime sexy woman. Legs, ass, tits she had it all. Her tan skin made her seem even more erotic somehow. Today she wore wonderful tight jeans and a tank top with thin straps. The shirt was against the school's dress code but Mr. Grossman had no interest in advising the young Latina of this. Soon it wouldn't matter, besides he liked how it hugged and displayed her spectacular tits.

He took attendance as he did every day of school since he started wasting his life trying to teach these idiot spawn. When this was investigated by authorities he wanted his room to look as normal as possible. Time to start was getting closer. He popped his briefcase and placed his new toy in his lap waiting impatiently.

The bell went off and he waited for the last of the students to filter in and take their seats. Then when the last delinquent entered and sat down he smiled at the students. Not a word he simply pulled the ray gun off his lap and pulled and held the trigger. Sweeping left to right he made the entire class of students vanish. He chuckled about his first batch of retirement gifts and rose from his seat.

Miss. Readman's class was next. He simply opened the door and swept her class and then nabbed that beauty. He sighed, less than a minute to grab thirty plus bodies. Traveling between the classes would be the time drainer. He went on to the next class then the next. He had a little more than an hour, he couldn't waste time savoring the known prizes. He went across the top floor and then down to the next floor to gather more delightful young playthings. By time any target realized what he was pointing at them they were already his. None screamed inside the school. No classes had warning. Just loads of student bodies sprinkled with teachers. The biggest stumbling block was the occasional student or teacher in the hall. But one target was as easy to zap as a classroom.

He stopped in the teacher's lounge and grabbed the group without homeroom classes. The councilors as he passed along the first floor. Principal Stein and her old secretary. He wasn't going to leave a soul in the school. Not that he wanted that many bodies, he just wanted this to be a great mystery for anyone investigating the event.

He stopped at the gym. Mr. Humpfee was making the students run laps. Mr. Grossman liked how many of the girls wore little tight shorts. Several clearly were not wearing sports bras as their chests bounced wildly. He waited till the main group was coming towards the door he was at. Stepped in and made them his newest playthings. Then he picked off the stragglers and Mr. Humpfree. They screamed, loudly in the gym. Echos ricocheted off the walls and carried their terror. Not that it mattered as the only other person in the school couldn't hear their helpless cries.

Mr. Grossman walked down an empty school hall towards his selected exit. He picked this one for two reasons, it was sheltered and therefore out of sight of any onlookers. Second, it passed the library. Busty Mrs. Lewis worked there and his collection wouldn't be complete without that gorgeous woman. Many school boys had a crush on the sweet librarian. Mr. Grossman planned on allowing some of those boys to have a turn with that body for his amusement. She turned and smiled at him as he entered. Then looked confused as he raised his ray gun. What her expression was after he pulled the trigger he didn't know as she was with his collection now.

He stepped out the side door and grabbed a small suitcase he had hid there the night before. Quickly he changed from his cheap suit to jeans and a hoodie. Cap under the hood to help hide his face. He packed the suit roughly into the suitcase and placed his ray gun in then closed it before strutting out of the dirty back alley.

He walked down past the school parking lots. Being glad to leave his beat up old car. The failing breaks and other issues were not his problem any more. Down to an old store location. Parked behind was a van lent to him by his new employers. He opened the back and two trunks sat open with many little voices begging up at him. He smiled at his collection. Over a thousand little lives now his to toy with. Wonderfully his receiving device sorted them perfectly. Males in one females in another. "You better all sit down, we'll be moving soon." He told them before closing the lids and locking them tight. Mr. Grossman reached up and took down his sorting device and added it into his suitcase. Leaving the case beside his trunks and closed the doors to the van.

He got into the driver seat. He drove to a private airfield. He pulled up to a hanger and a lovely woman in a well fitting suit named Ms. Kennedy walked over on towering heels to meet him. "How did it go Mr. Grossman?"

"The news should be letting you know shortly." He advised getting out of the van.

"Do you have proof I can take to my boss?" The woman asked.

"Certainly." He advised going to the back of the van. He opened the doors and then the trunk of male playthings. He grabbed that annoying Mr. Humpfree. "He can have this one as an example of what he's now capable of."

Mr. Grossman wished he could add this woman to his collection. She had to be six feet tall and four feet of that was sculpted legs. Wonderful bountiful bouncy tits and all that topped off with silky auburn hair. But his new boss, Mr. Marino, likely would get upset that he took his lieutenant from him. He watched with amusement at her disgusted look at the former gym teacher. Then she tilted her body in an appealing way, fluttered her lovely eyes and asked, "Could you possibly see to allowing me to have a sample of my own?"

"Sure, but you'll owe me." Mr. Grossman replied.

"Hmm, OK." She purred while her tongue shined her succulent lips. Then she swayed over to look over the toy boys as she stuffed Mr. Humpfree into one of the side pockets of her jacket. "Hmmm, that one." She noted as her deep crimson manicured nails reached into the trunk and nabbed a young man. To Mr. Grossman's surprise it wasn't one of the fit athletic boys but one of the top students. She must have noticed Mr. Grossman's surprise as she teased, "Smart men are sexy." As she turned her nail hooked and was already pulling the boy's fly down she advised, "The lads will load your trunks on the plane for you. Enjoy your new home Mr. Grossman." Then he heard her whisper, "Ohh, tasty boy." Mr. Grossman watched as she pressed the boy's groin to her full lips and he heard the formerly bullied boy calling out in shock and confused pleasure.

Mr. Grossman closed and locked his trunk of male playthings as he waited for the men to come out. Two burly men walked over to him with scared looks on their faces. "Seen the boss' new toy huh?" Mr. Grossman asked.

"Yeah, freaky." One noted in a dim toned voice.

"Treat my trunks carefully or you'll be her next playthings. Understood?" Mr. Grossman warned.

"Contents are fragile, understood." The man replied with an edge of fear in his voice.

Mr. Grossman grabbed his suitcase and walked toward the plane watching as the two men cautiously lifted the two trunks and followed him onto the plane. Securing them in the cabin with him. They left him and a pilot closed the door. He looked at Mr. Grossman and advised, "We'll be lifting off shortly. Once we are air born I will signal and you can move about the cabin freely. Mr. Marino wishes you to know your free to use the bar."

"Thank you." Mr. Grossman replied. Adding, "Will you be coming back during the flight?"

"Mr. Marino asked us to page you if we wish to enter the cabin and wait for your approval if possible." The pilot replied.

"Good, thank you." Mr. Grossman had asked for privacy on his trip to his new home. He was glad his new boss was so supportive.

The pilot left him alone in the cabin. He was told the flight would take about three hours. He watched as the plane moved to a runway. As the plane started speeding down the paved patch he became more and more aroused. Soon he would get to play with a few of his new toys. Soon he would enjoy a couple miniature teen beauties like the ones that had teased him with their tender youthful bodies his whole career. He wouldn't need to hide his urges now. His fingers were clapping hard onto the arms of his chair as they climbed into the clouds.

The PA system came on and the pilot advised, "You're free to move about the cabin Mr. Freedman."

Mr. Grossman smiled and growled, "Good." out loud to himself. He undid his seatbelt and stalked over to the trunks. He opened the closest one. Now he purred "Good." As many little girly voices cried up at him in fear and confusion. His eyes swept through the hundreds of faces. Many good options were spotted but he wanted the friends. His smart girl lovely and her sexy Latina partner. Every morning this year they entered and sat down beside each other. Many a day he let that tan skinned cheesecake get away with breaking the dress code. Every time was now a preview for this glorious moment. Now he wished she would have influenced her crimson haired friend’s clothes choices a little more.

There they were, huddled together just waiting for him. He grabbed them in one hand. The rush, the power, the erotic thrill, a first of many coming thrills. He rolled them onto a nearby table. As they scrambled to get back together he grabbed Karla's legs and flipped her onto her back before dragging her closer. "Hmmm." Rolled out of him as he watched that body squirming helplessly in his light grip. Those painted on jeans showed how the arousing shape of her thighs flowed up to form that tight round ass. The little tank top barely kept her firm round breasts hidden.

That would have to end first. He grabbed the bottom of that brown tank top and peeled it off that desirable body with one quick action. "Oh my." He gasped as he suddenly learned she wasn't wearing a bra. Those mounds held up almost definitely to gravity on their own. He admired freely for the first time how perfectly her torso was tapered down to that hot ass. She was a junior, how could she have a body like that. Mr. Grossman wanted to see more.

He moved his hand to pin her top half down. Pushing her arms out of his way to savor those breasts rubbing against his palm. Oh and she rubbed them, vigorously she struggled under his flat hand. Those legs kicked wildly and she made such arousing helpless sounds. He grabbed a leg and slipped her little blue boot off. Then grabbed the other leg and took that boot.

He had reached up and was carefully undoing her blue belt when Josie braved the one true question, "Why Mr. Grossman? Why are you doing this to us?"

He didn't stop undoing Karla's belt as he answered Josie's question. "Simply because I can now. I invented a shrink ray. I needed proof of what it could do. And what better way to show the volume then shrinking the entire population of a high school. Now I will have money, a tropical hideaway, and all the hot young miniature teeny pops I can enjoy. So I guess I did it so I could retire happily."

Josie clearly saw things differently. "You really are a gross man."

As he pulled off the teen Latina's tight jeans Mr. Grossman taunted, "Yeah, but now I don't have to hide that any more."

Now all Karla had on was little pink and white ankle socks and a sexy pair of pink lacy panties. He pinched a foot and pulled one sock off then the other. Then rolled those panties down those wiggling shapely legs. He grabbed the pile of clothes and just dropped them into the trunk hoping he didn't injure any of his lovely playthings. If an ugly tart took a boot to the face he didn't care. He then grabbed a small glass from the nearby bar and placed the Latina in it. She cowered on her knees attempting to hide those sensual naked curves from his adoring eyes.

He reached for the crimson haired young cutie. Dragging her before himself as she whimpered on say, "No don't." Or wonderfully pleading with him, "please don't hurt me." She honestly didn't have to worry about that. Josie was a favorite student, he wasn't going to dispose of favorites. He would happily use her, she was a cute freckled girl. Enjoy watching her and her Latina friend perform eroticly for his enjoyment. That he looked forward to.

Right now he had other plans, Josie naked plans. He rolled his hand flat over her to push her arms down to her sides. He always assumed Josie was a touch adorably plump. Hiding it under slightly large sweaters and dress pants. Now that she was squirming helplessly under his spread hand and he realized his mistake. She wasn't hiding physical shame, Josie was hiding physical treasure. Plump firm breasts pushed into his palm, strong legs kicked about under the heel of his hand. His pinky explored along her side to find a well tapered waist rolling tightly into pleasing hips. Sure she might not quite have a form as sensual as her friend's, but the smart girl did have erotic appeal. Now more than ever he wished she had taken more fashion cues from Karla. This body should have been shown not hidden. Well that would be different from now on.

"No please Mr. Grossman stop." Josie cried out as he very carefully slipped her glasses off. On a later date he planned on spraying a few of the spectacled girls in semen while they wore their glasses. Yet not today.

He leaned down and shoved the glasses at a blonde girl ordering, "Take care of these. Josie will want them back once I'm done enjoying her."

That done he could attend to his redheaded cutie. Flats were easy to slip off even as Josie failed to kick her feet about. Little white socks slipped off her tiny toes. Never a foot guy, he did think Josie's little round well attended toes were sort of adorable.

Arching his hold allowed Josie to kick blindly in helpless defiance of her form. He savored the little fear filled grunts as she swung her foot wildly. He simply pushed the legs down and worked her thin brown belt open with just a couple fingers. Pants open, they slide off easily for him. Josie whimpered, "Oh no no!" at his accomplishment.

"Oh yes yes." He snickered. Her legs were not long, he knew they wouldn't be since she was a short girl. But her legs were fine. Shapely and toned. He wondered if the freckled girl jogged to make them so delightful. Her womanhood was now guarded only by sensible plain white cotton panties. He rolled them her squirming legs admiring her little trimmed patch. Drapes match the carpet as Mr. Humpfree used to joke when lady teachers were not in the lounge.

He rolled his hand to pin her bottom half. Pinning her hips to the table with a couple fingers. "Ah ow." She whined then seeing his other hand descending she wrapped her arms around her chest to hold her sweater tight. Josie cried out, "No Mr. Grossman. You can't. Stop please."

His fingers pushed those arms out of his way and pinned them back. Then with a roll of his hand pushed the sweater up and off Josie's torso. "Seems I can Josie." He taunted admiring how her blouse wrapped her chest. The wonderful struggling had pulled the plain white button up shirt tight across her bosom. Teasing him.

Now he had an issue. The buttons on Josie's blouse were tiny. So tiny he seen them basically as dots really. Then he remember Mr. Marino included a generous mini person clothes budget. Most wouldn't be keeping the clothes they wore today anyways. So he grabbed the upper flap of the shirt and tore it open with a quick jerk. He wondered about what it meant for him that Josie's helpless cry of pain aroused him.

His finger stroked her now exposed smooth cleavage. Playfully freckled like her sweet face. Yeah these should have been on display. He was certain she was actually slightly bustier than her tan skinned lover. Well, they might not be lovers currently. But at some point for his watching amusement they soon would be.

Josie was making such thrilling pitiful sounds as he stroked the tops of her breasts. A simple white bra had the honor of holding her well formed pair. Then he switched to rolling a touch over one cup then another. Purring in cruel sexual delight from Josie's new whimpers. He wanted to see the last of his favorite female students so he flipped her easily and pinned her as she started to try to crawl away. She rattled no as he simply pinched the back strap of her bra and unhooked it.

Pinning her limbs out in an X shape with fingers. His first view of her wonderfully round rump. He sighed as that too had the speckled effect across their firm nicely arched cheeks. Josie kept singing those engaging sounds as he took a moment to massage that tight ass. Brains and body, why did she show one and hid the other? Didn't matter now, he was no longer her teacher and she was now his plaything.

He now pushed the bra up her arm. Josie made a gasping sound as it popped out from under her firm breasts. All their powerless sounds aroused him. Well, all of Josie and Karla's whimpers and cries. Others might annoy him. Well still more he didn't care to discover. He would keep a harem. Pamper his good lads. Sell some over stock. And enjoy disposing of the rest. He looked forward to that almost as much as his current fun.

Bra gone, he flipped Josie. Nice sized bullseyes capped her plump sturdy pair. Not that his favorite redhead allowed them to be viewed long. Covering them with her arm. He let her hide her nudity for the moment.

He grabbed a bottle of what he hoped was an expensive rum and popped the stopper. Then poured the amber brown fluid all over the trapped Latina in his glass. Yep, he liked the sounds Karla made while getting soaked in booze as well. Then he placed the bottle on the table beside his seat. Returning he brushed Josie's clothes into the female trunk. Josie must have been incredibly scared as she had made no effort to retrieve her clothes that whole time.

He lifted his glass of rum soaked Latina. Then grabbed the legs of his cutely freckled redhead. Then walked over and added them to his table. He then quickly exposed himself to them. The stripping play had made his manhood painfully stiff in his jeans and this was more for relief than to torment his first playthings. Still the frightened shrieks did make his freed length jump with joy.

He sat and set his timer. He figured by this point he had about two hours and a few minutes before the pilots would warn of their landing approach and he wanted to be finished and have his toys put back away before that happened.

Now he was ready. He grabbed Josie and hooked her under his erect penis. The angle made the crimson topped beauty cling tight to his aroused manhood. He leaned back with his legs spread. He sighed as Josie trembled hugging his shaft tight. He never seen her being talked up by any of the boys. He wondered if this was her first experience with a phallic. He was certain it was her first man cock. He grabbed her and gave her a tour. Stroking her wiggling body up and down his length. Rolling that formerly hidden young body over his tip repeatedly. He hummed as she made wonderful forlorn grunting and gasping sounds. He left her hooked just above his balls. "Lick my cock Josie." He commanded.

A fearful, "Yes Mr. Grossman.” from Josie made his cock jump so hard he almost flicked Josie off her scrotum perch. She recovered and he sighed as a little mouth started tasting his shaft. She had to be so frightened. It would have been pitiful if she didn't feel so good worshiping his giant cock.

Now to torment the sexy number sweetening his drink. He lifted the glass and Karla gasped fearfully. He put the glass to his lips and tilted it to sip the golden amber fluid from it. This made the Latina plaything slip with a startled yelp to press against his upper lip. Playfully he quickly nabbed Karla's top half into his mouth. His tongue pressed and tasted the caramel flavor off those perky tan shaded breasts. He liked the frantic whimpering inside his mouth while shapely legs kicked wildly in the pool of liquid in the glass.

He let the sexy teen go and righted the glass. Karla fell into the alcoholic liquid and crawled back in terror taking no effort to hide her womanly nudity. He taunted her happily, "Hmm. That tasted so good."

He hadn't thought much about Karla's accent while she was a girl student. Now that she was a sexy toy however it was an additional erotic bonus to his fun. She begged perfectly, "Please Mr. Grossman don't eat me." He didn't reply. Just swirled the fluids making his Latina plaything tumble, soaking her in the surprisingly sweetish caramel liquid all over her tan sensual skin.

Karla hadn't righted herself when he pulled her from the glass. "Oh no please." Made his mouth water as he slid her inside. She gasped scared sounds as he slipped her past his lips. The expensive liquor tasted sweet, but the flavor off her smooth skin was electric. He rolled his tongue against her and forced her back flat against the roof of his mouth. His tongue happily explored those undefended breasts and curves. Teasing her nipples and grinding her groin. Better than the sensations of silky skin and sweet caramel flavor was the almost frightened aroused sound panting from the Latina.

He put the glass to his lips and poured more liquid in under those delectable breasts. Lips closed and he swooshed the liquor about that sensual body before sucking on that shapely body once more. He had only let her little head and hands peeking out from his mouth. Her hair tickled his upper lip. His lips held tight about her wrists and neck. She was rambling, "Oh, oh my." As his tongue played about her restrained form.

Mr. Grossman sat there nursing his drink around the gorgeous Latina teen in his mouth while his tongue played with her body. She moaned and gasped, unable to resist the sensation he was savoring into her. The whole while the smartest little redhead in the school was hugging and tasting his hard cock. From time to time his free hand reached down and stroked his manhood with that surprisingly shapely body. When he did that she would grunt arousingly. Her form had to submit as she couldn't dream of resisting his might. He especially liked rolling her sexpot freckled body slowly over his tip. Her firm tits felt particularly good on his swollen top.

When he had to refill his glass he slowly pulled Karla through his tight pressed lips. Her every curve tickled along his lips as she whimpered wonderfully. Then he placed her in the glass. He thought she might be about to beg him when he tilted the bottle and washed the liquor over her arousing form. She was still coughing as he pulled her from the glass and sucked her naked sensual young body back in his mouth. By time Karla had caught her breath again he had already had her helplessly gasping in forced arousal again.

Back to savoring his drink. Whimpering teen girl sounds were as pleasing as music. The sensations of Josie's body along the shaft of his penis delighted him eroticly. Karla's sensually shaped body cupped in his tongue tasted perfect to his aroused mind. Years of teaching nubile young bodies and working not to see them as the sexual things his loins told him they were. Now he could have his way with these two and more. His playthings now. He planned to savor his youthful pets over and over again.

His alarm went off and he sighed. He sucked the saliva off Karla's deliciously erotic body as he pulled her from between his lips. He added her against his erection then wrapped both girls in his grip. Sliding the pair along his cock. He purred at the sensations of their teen bodies pleasuring a man. Their whole bodies were his playthings. Thrilled greatly at their whimpered helpless grunting.

The grand culmination of his plans reached its peak. He pulled the girls from his cock to point the tip at them as it began spitting semen. They would just be the first to have their faces soaked in his cum. Even now they made such great sounds. Whimpered grumbling wordless complaints of digestion. He loved the look of his spent pleasure oozing down both their lovely young faces.

He took them to the washroom and rinsed them off and patted them dry before returning them with his other female playthings. Then closed the lid and locked it. He freshened up then put his glass near the bar and put the liquor away. He was just sitting down when the pilot advised, "Mr. Freeman we’ll be landing soon. Could you please sit down and buckle up."

Mr. Grossman shook his head. It'll take him a while to get used to his new travel name. He sat and buckled up. Sighing happily. He was going to enjoy his new life. Good pay, a warm private home literally just off a white sandy beach. Oh and the benefits. So many benefits.

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