Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2306881-Legally-blonde-2001
by Mariha
Rated: E · Review · Reviewing · #2306881
A movie review
We crave for love, don't we? We change our whole personality to be loved by that significant one. But no matter how hard we try it's not enough for him or her. Well, the story is quite similar here.

Elle Woods, a Hawaiian tropical girl, is basically an IT girl. She loves a boy named Warner but he thinks Elle is not serious enough to be his future one. So he breaks up with her. Elle thought by going to Harvard Law School she can be the perfect girl for Warner. So she takes all the preparation for that even though she is a fashion major. Eventually she got in. Here it takes a troll on her life as she is quite different from other law students. But she worked hard to cope up with her new life and became the perfect law student. She graduated with honours and had her own personality and life.

This movie taught me that you have to have confidence no matter how different you are from others. And don't change yourself for someone who makes you feel low. It's okay to not have friends at first but get the real ones who actually support you.
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