Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311649-The-Antique-Mirror
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2311649
The Mirror dimension and everything is backward

Scarlett had always been obsessed with her grandmother's antique mirror. Its tarnished silver frame whispered forgotten secrets, and its warped glass held a shimmering world just beyond reach. One rainy afternoon, curiosity overwhelmed her. Stepping closer, she touched the cool surface, a jolt of energy igniting in her fingertips. The world dissolved into liquid silver, and Scarlett tumbled through.

She landed on soft, dew-kissed grass, the sky above bruised purple. The sun blazed in the west, casting long shadows from the trees, whose leaves unfurled with each gust of wind. Birdsong was a melody played in reverse, a haunting echo of something familiar. Even the rain climbed skyward, defying gravity.

Scarlett's heart hammered as she stumbled to her feet. This was the Mirror dimension, where time ran backward and logic took a holiday. A house in the distance, seemingly built of whispers and cobwebs, beckoned. Inside, an old woman, a younger version of her own grandmother, brewed tea in a pot that steamed from the bottom.

The woman smiled, her eyes a reflection of Scarlett's own, yet filled with the wisdom of years yet to come. "Lost, are we, little traveler?" she asked, her voice a melody in reverse.

Scarlett, tongue tied, simply nodded.

"Fear not," the woman soothed, pouring tea into cups that hung in mid-air, "the Mirror remembers, and it yearns to show you."

With each sip of bitter-sweet tea, Scarlett saw flashes of her future, moments that unraveled in rewind. She saw herself making choices, uttering words, yet the consequences played out in reverse, revealing the butterfly effect of each action. She saw laughter turn to tears, triumphs fade into doubt, and the path not taken bloom into vibrant possibility.

As the last dregs of tea swirled in the cup, the woman smiled. "The Mirror holds no answers, only reflections. The choices, dear child, are yours."

Scarlett, forever changed, stepped back into the shimmering surface. The rain fell normally, the sun crawled east, and yet, everything felt different. The weight of her future, while still unseen, now sat lighter on her shoulders. She understood that choices weren't etched in stone, but brushstrokes on a canvas waiting to be reimagined.

From then on, Scarlett saw her reflection not as a fixed image, but as a glimpse of possibilities, a canvas ever ready for a splash of daring color. And on stormy nights, when the wind whispered through the trees, she'd catch a glimpse of a purple sunset and a woman with eyes full of ancient wisdom, a reminder that even in our own world, time isn't always linear, and even the seemingly backwards steps can lead us to a brighter tomorrow.

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