Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312514-The-defendant-has-a-tracker-in-her
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2312514
The major has seen the judicary high council of the Nato allaince, what the armour showed/
The defendant has a tracker on her

Major Jacob his function is to act as a hand of the judiciary council
High Counci judge jeratesl Mira he is the strongest arm of the US and the galatic council
Judge Rena Adonus olive skinned, Greece
Judge Black man Carkos KInda
Sargaent July Jen her function is to act as a council for the military

Corporal Bends techinicain on the armour of the enemy.


Major Jacob said, as he was leaving, “We should be able to find her?”

“We know that you can do this. If I may ask, how are you able to do this?” the chief of the High Council asked. In the deep shadows of the room where they were. It was huge having twelve members of the high council watched as he touched the door knob.

“We have put it inside her body. So we will know where she has gone/” Jacob said as he looked at the chief.

“I hope you will not fail in this task before you,” Mira said as he glared at him.

Jacob got into his car to drive back to the HQ. He was concerned about what he said, it was true that it had a tag to identify where she has gone.However it did have a range of only 8 miles. So, they would have to be within 8 miles from the woman to find her.

:He said, over his link, “We have to find the defendant. She has a signal generator on her, but we still have to be 8 miles from her to find her!”

“We forgot about her. Didn’t we?” Sargent Jen said as she looked at a machine that would tel her where the defendant was. It did not indicate anything yet. If she got this attached to the satellite link it would clue her in. She went to work, she found the signal. She smiled as she did this;

“It was where the middle east was. They would have to go there to get her. She disliked the middle east or their people. They dabbled in dark sciences along with the beings whom they have been given powers to.help them. Plants that could effect their minds. The region was a desolute waste land of dust and radiated earth, the people there were corrupted portions of human kind. This was due to war that was waged there long ago. Between the religions that had been there when there was on OPEC and a isreal that was with support from the west.

“We are not welcome there, you know what they have done to others of our people. Their bodies were found with their necks slit, but we know how they feel about us. Don’t we? We will have to send our soldiers there without weapons. On a shuttle to the middle east,” Jen said as she talked with Jacob.


The troops where the rail had stopped, were currently occupied checking out what they could learn about the beings dressed in this armout. They were untouched by the soldiers who tried to stop them from doing this.

They could not imagine what the beings’ armour was able to enhance their bodies from what it was. The armour that the soldiers wore was able to stop them from using too much strength and endurance to move. This armour that the enemy wore looked larger than theirs, the facemask covered its nose and mouth, the technician thought that the tube supplied them with adrenaline with which to have their skills to be heightened when the wore the armor.

The soldiers own did not do this, but it did supply water and food with which to live for a time of twenty days and air to breath for the same time frame. He was amazed at what he found in the three tubes in the mask. The place where their eyes should be, was stained with salin. There was some DNA there that he did not recognise, it looked like it ws an alien life form perhaps from the group that the middle east country had made with their friends in space,

He reported this to the people speaking with Judicary council. He was fearful of what he was to say, but he knew he must tell them what he has learned from the enemy’s armour.

He was afraid of what will come from them. They would have to keep their eyes open, to remain safe. He remembered a new article, about the race who support the beings from the middle east. He did not trust them. They offered their support to them.

The other races who occupy space, suggested that they should watch them carefully, Don’t trust them if you wish to stay alive. They will steal your children and sell them to other spacefarers. ESpecaily those who show esp promise that we know.

Jacob heard the link open, Hello.:

“Hello, It is Corporal Bends. Major.”

“What is it that you have to tell us, about.”

“The armour was worn by the off worlders of the east, That is where the armour has come from, the armour is able to enhance their endurance and strength and possibly the same with dexterity.”

“I see, we can not go into the high council of the planet of earth with only suspicions and beliefs that this has happened? We can’t very well have the people believe that the east is the danger that has fallen.”

“Who should we send there?”

“I don’t know, but they must be the very best you have to offer. They must stop the felon from leaving the planet before she poisons the blood of the others.”

“What have you done?”

“I speak of truth, we must have the others to believe in what you say as truth,”

“I know, my son.”

“Choose them wisely with the judicial council advice explain to them what must be done.”

“What you speak of could mean their death and ours was well.”

“We must provide truth to have the council of nations to understand what we are saying as truth.”

“We don;t know how many there are of these soldiers in the east. We must capture one of them to show us the number that is theirs.”
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