Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312595-A-Writers-Haunting-Quest
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2312595
A story about a haunted manor.
The old Dreamwood Manor loomed against the bruised twilight, a skeletal silhouette gnawing on the fading light. Rain pattered a mournful rhythm on the warped shingles, whispering secrets to the wind that snaked through the overgrown garden.

Elaine crouched on the creaking porch steps, clutching a battered thermos of lukewarm coffee. She had scoffed at the rumors of Dreamwood being haunted, a writer chasing thrills for her next novel. But now, hunched in the face of the house's oppressive silence, a prickle of doubt danced on her skin.

"Serene, isn't it?" a voice purred from behind. Elaine flinched, spilling coffee down her hand. An old woman stood there, gnarled and crooked as the ancient oaks flanking the house. Her eyes, bright and unsettlingly knowing, gleamed in the dusk.

"Who are you?" Elaine stammered, clutching the thermos tighter.

"Just a friend of the books," the woman chuckled, her voice like dry leaves rustling. "You wouldn't want to be alone in a haunted house, would you, dear?"

A shiver ran down Elaine's spine. "Haunted?" she scoffed, trying to force a laugh. "This is just an old house, full of stories waiting to be told."

The woman's smile deepened, revealing an unnerving gap where some teeth should have been. "Stories," she echoed, her voice dripping with honeyed malice. "Yes, Dreamwood has plenty of those. But some stories, dear, have teeth."

Suddenly, a book materialized in the woman's hand, its cracked leather cover pulsing with an eerie, red glow. "Care to hear one?" she offered, the pages whispering like the dead.

Elaine stared at the book, fear churning in her stomach. The coffee thermos slipped from her trembling hand, shattering on the porch steps. The serene silence fractured, replaced by a chorus of whispers that swelled from within the house, drawing her closer, towards the secrets Dreamwood whispered on the wind.

"I suppose," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "a writer should never turn down a good story."

The woman stepped aside, opening the creaking door. As Elaine took her first tentative step into the darkness, the pages of the book fluttered, revealing a single line in blood-red ink: "Welcome, dear writer. We've been expecting you."

The whispers drowned out her scream, the shadows in the Dreamwood Manor eager to share their stories, one chilling page at a time. The once serene house, now a haven for nightmares, claimed its newest resident, the line between fiction and reality forever blurred in the ink-stained heart of its walls.

WORD COUNT: 413 Words
WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "WINNER and NEW PROMPT - due Tuesday, 1/23"  
PROMPT: Write a story or poem using these prompt words: haunted house, books, coffee, alone, serene
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312595-A-Writers-Haunting-Quest