Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312636-Winter-Kissed-Crown
Rated: E · Poetry · History · #2312636
A Poem tribute to Queen Victoria of Great Britain.
The wind, a dirge across the wintry Isle,
Whispered through bare boughs, mourning in its smile.
Victoria, a name etched on an era's brow,
Had yielded to the silence, cold as snow.

February dawned, a shroud of mourning gray,
On Windsor's ramparts, where a queen once held sway.
From distant realms, where crowns with diamonds gleamed,
A tide of royalty in sorrow streamed.

Emperors and kings, wardens of valor of might,
Marched shoulder-to-shoulder in the fading light.
Kaiser Wilhelm, stern and proud of face,
Beside his kin, found solace in this space.

The Union Jack, a flag of empire wide,
Muffled its drums, with somberness its guide.
Soldiers in scarlet, guardians of the land,
Escorted her, the monarch, hand in hand.

No public mourning, the Queen had so decreed,
Her final journey, private, as her heart had bleed.
Yet, millions gathered, hearts as one they beat,
To bid farewell, upon the London street.

A gun carriage rumbled, drawn by sailors bold,
Her casket draped in purple, rich and cold.
White lilies graced the bier, a symbol pure,
Of endless love, a love that would endure.

In St. George's Chapel, hallowed and serene,
Where whispers danced with memories unseen,
They laid her down, the empress of an age,
Her reign etched deep upon history's page.

As twilight fell, and candles flickered low,
A final hymn, a teardrop's gentle flow.
The crown, once vibrant, kissed by winter's chill,
Now lay beside her, silent and still.

But though the reign had ended, and the throne stood bare,
Her legacy, a beacon, bright and rare.
Victoria's spirit, in the land she'd known,
Would echo through the ages, never overthrown.

So let the wind sing lullabies of grace,
And whisper tales of a monarch's resting place.
For in the quiet hush, where history unfolds,
Queen Victoria's legend, forever holds.

Points of Information:

LINE COUNT: 40 Lines
WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "*Wink*Winner & New Prompt Due Wednesday, January 24"  
On February 2 (2/2) in 1901, the state funeral of Queen Victoria of Great Britain took place and was one of the largest gatherings of European royalty in history. Write a poem or story about this event. Use HISTORY as one of your genres.
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