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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2313733
Prompt: You find a magical cave. Describe what happens.
Lyka shivered, but not from the damp chill lingering in the air. The scent of old magic swirled around her as she followed the twisting path deeper into the heart of the Grimwood. These were old woods, untouched by the axes of men, where dappled sunlight painted fleeting patterns on mossy rocks and gnarled tree roots seemed to shift with hidden life. Here, stories grew as easily as wildflowers – myths of lost sorcerers, hidden treasures, and the echoes of wishes both granted and twisted.

"A hidden cave," she breathed, her fingertip tracing a worn symbol on a twisted oak. "Where wishes twist and twine... " It was a child's rhyme, the kind murmured before sleep, yet one that had lured her, step by step, to this precipice. Below, a fissure split the earth, a wound in the forest floor leading down to darkness. Then, something caught her eye: a gleam, soft and emerald, unlike any gemstone, pulsating beneath a tangle of luminous vines. It wasn't the promise of riches that filled her heart with such a strange mix of longing and unease, but something far more precious: hope.

The air thrummed with power as she descended onto a worn ledge overlooking the cave entrance. Its gaping maw shimmered with that eerie light, emanating outwards to bathe the surrounding stones in its glow. No ordinary darkness resided within, but a living radiance, the kind that sent shivers down her spine. It beckoned, whispering half-formed promises that resonated with her deepest desires.

Cautiously, heart pounding in her throat, she reached towards the pulsating green tendrils. The instant her skin touched the glowing leaves, she recoiled with a gasp. It wasn't a shock of pain, but a shock of recognition. For a fleeting, beautiful instant, her mind exploded with sights and sounds: a bustling marketplace with brightly dyed silks and aromas of spices she'd never smelled; children frolicking in sun-drenched meadows, their laughter ringing like tiny bells; and most vividly, her brother, his usually wan cheeks flush with health, his smile wide and untainted by the wasting sickness that consumed his body.

Overwhelmed, Lyka yanked her hand away, the visions flickering and fading. She stared at her trembling fingers, still infused with the residual glow. Had she glimpsed a possible future? A cure within reach? Or a mere illusion, fueled by desperation?

"What are you? What do you offer?" Lyka asked, her voice hoarse in the ancient silence of the cave. No voice answered, just a deepening pulse within the vines, a silent pressure upon her heart. This magic, she now understood, would not be freely given. Every gift whispered of a price, a bargain not fully disclosed. Her mother's warning echoed in her ears, a bitter counterpoint to the flicker of hope still alight within her: There's always a price, child. Always.

Suddenly, a counter-vision struck her – a twisting of the images she'd just seen. The bustling market choked with dust, the laughter morphing into screams, and her brother… his bright eyes clouding with a darkness deeper than anything his illness might inflict. She felt the seductive embrace of the cave replaced by a suffocating weight, a creeping coldness that seemed to emanate from the very stone, seeping into her soul.

"No," she choked out, a desperate sob bubbling in her throat. "My price is too high. I cannot trade my light for your shadow."

Turning her back on the mesmerizing glow and the promises it held, Lyka scrambled back toward the ledge. As she climbed, the pulse of the green light diminished, the oppressive energy fading. Emerging into the filtered sunlight of the Grimwood felt like a gasp of fresh air after nearly drowning. Behind her, the shimmering cave mouth lingered, a beautiful and treacherous memory. For even as she fled, she knew a fragment of that strange, verdant light lingered within her, a brand she could neither ignore nor truly understand.

WORD COUNT: 653 Words
WRITTEN FOR: "Weekly 1000 words or less
PROMPT: You find a magical cave. Describe what happens.
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