Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2316873-Magical-Mishaps
by _H_
Rated: GC · Interactive · Erotica · #2316873
A Gnome's tiny adventure in a magical, giant college. Based off the game by JJ-Psychotic!

A Gnome's tiny adventure in a magical, giant college. Based off the game by JJ-Psychotic!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
[This interactive and the things it references will contain NSFW content, specifically of the GTS kind. Turn back now if you aren't comfortable with that.]

Based off the game/universe created by JJ-Psychotic! You can check out the game for free here (as well as his patreon if you wish to support): https://jj-psychotic.itch.io/magical-mishaps-vn
You can also check out his Deviantart page here, for other unrelated stories/characters: https://www.deviantart.com/jj-psychotic
Some of the summary here will be based off the one he has written, with some modifications here and there.


Caelum University: A well respected school for training young adults in the ways of magic. They've just opened their doors to smaller fantasy races such as Fairies, and even Gnomes such as yourself! Luckily for you, you've been accepted to study at the prestigious college among the giants and chase your dreams of becoming a powerful wizard. Additionally, the university used to be a girls-only establishment, as the majority of giants were female. With this new program, they hope to expand their populace to include male mages as well (albeit, relatively tiny ones).

However, the school is less than equipped to actually handle the influx of new tiny students. There are some measures in place for their safety, but the regulations and accommodations regarding it are still in development. As a result, there have been a number of... accidents... all around the school. Not to mention that the university has an infestation of equally tiny goblins, often making it difficult for the giant students to differentiate the new tiny students apart from goblins. Of course, this makes university life even more dangerous for a tiny student like you.

But it'd all be worth it to learn magic, and maybe even get to know some of the giant students! That is, assuming you don't end up getting accidentally stepped on first, or worse.

Note, for this interactive I'll mainly be focusing on the school portion of everything, not really the goblin side plot (and everything associated with it). In this, they're just normal vermin.

Main Characters

You are an aspiring mage from the Gnome race. Gnomes look incredibly similar to what a normal human looks like, except for one stark difference. They're only 1 inch tall! Generally they're safe in their own small villages (save for the occasional beast or giant passing by), but the danger escalates dramatically once in the presence of giants. One misstep and boom! Squished underneath the foot of a passing giant, one who probably didn't even notice your presence. Regardless, you think it's worth the risk. You might not have any particular skills or magic ability yet, but that's what the point of learning is, right?


A very extroverted girl. Loves to party around and organize events, but doesn't slack in her studies while doing so. Additionally, she even wants to get to know all the tiny new students. Even be friends with them! On the surface, she's basically a perfect person. Warm personality, pretty, eager to "accommodate" you and other tiny students. But she also has a tendency to call the tiny students "cuties", and can get very forward with some. Does she really want to get to know them, or does she just want something to play with?
Well, probably not anything to worry about.


Part of the bunny people race. Most bunny people only focus on their athletics (as they are naturally weaker than other races, save for the tiny ones), but Brooke was one of the few to be interested in magic. Her goal is simply to become stronger, with supportive magic being the tool she'll use to bridge the gap. She somewhat empathizes with Gnomes, due to them both being naturally weaker than giants. But more so the physical aspect, as Brooke loves to try and train Gnomes, often a little too hard. She has a much different understanding of physical limits than the normal person would. She has somewhat of a reputation among the tiny students, with many of the tiny students that approach her or catch her eye often not coming back. Personality-wise Brooke is very tomboyish and blunt, seeing most Gnomes as potential training partners, rather than people. Due to this most of them stay away from her, much to her chagrin. She's not a bad person, just a little too... energetic.


An very forward and energetic girl, often doing things without waiting for a response or confirmation from the other party. Tends to be somewhat nerdy. She loves to experiment with magic, or really anything that happens to catch her eye. And unfortunately, that interesting new thing would be Gnomes. She's not a bad person, but she can often be pretty disregarding of Gnome's opinions when she's interested in learning about something. In particular, she's very interested in what knowledge Gnomes could give her, such as special magic or... more physical aspects. Regardless, as long as you have something interesting to offer her, you can keep her attention.


An Elf. Like most Elves, she tends to be pretty stuck up, acting as though she's better than everyone else. And in some areas, she's not wrong. Thanks to her Elven heritage, she has a high proficiency for magic, and good looks to match. She also enjoys messing with and making fun of tiny students, seeing as how Elves often kept Gnomes as slaves back home. However, due to her rich-girl personality and Elven heritage, it also means she doesn't have many... friends. And despite all her teasing, she never takes things too far. Who knows, maybe deep down she's actually a softie?
Well, that doesn't mean too much considering how many abusive and haughty layers you'd need to pass through first.


A goth girl. A pretty nice giant overall, often being careful around Gnomes and being somewhat respectful of them (at least by giant standards). However, she's also a bit of a rebel, often disregarding the rules, and encouraging others to do so. She passes this enthusiasm on to the Gnomes as well, believing they should just do whatever they want instead of following any stupid "safety precautions". She also tends to be a bit of a slacker when it comes to classes. Despite her intentions, her rebellious attitude can often have some dangerous implications for Gnomes she influences or sticks around.


An introverted, timid girl. She's usually too shy to comfortably speak to or interact with people of your size. She tends to be very worried about potentially hurting any of the new tiny students, and tries to watch what she does. Of course, this only applies to when she's paying attention. More often than not, she can get careless and unaware of her surroundings. But regardless of what she might unknowingly do, she's a pretty nice girl at heart. She's well-versed in magic, but she's also oddly experienced in demonic magic. Surely that won't be a problem!

Ms. Oleandar:

Your homeroom professor. She teaches a mixed-size class for magic, and has a very low tolerance for any slackers (whether it be intentional or not). She is extremely proficient at magic, and often uses it to punish students who slack off too much. Although she can have a very intimidating personality, she really does want people to do well in her class. Even if it takes some extra... encouragement to do so. As long as you pay attention and do well in class, you should be fine! Though considering the gigantic size difference in the classrooms, that might be a bit tough.

Other Characters

Obviously there's more characters that can be in the story. This includes any of the guest appearance characters in the game, or even other characters that JJ-Psychotic has worked with! I consider it to all be the same universe, so anyone is free to use (as long as they're properly introduced).
Feel free to also introduce your own OCs, as long as they follow the rules.

1. Try to keep characters at least somewhat in-character. Don't suddenly have them suddenly get super mean for no reason or have other unwarranted personality changes over the course of a single chapter.
2. I shouldn't have to say, but no underage characters. They must be at least 18.
3. At least 300 words per chapter.
4. No scat, fart or similar stuff.
5. Preferably, no stuff like tiny transformation into objects.

Willing to give out GP for any good additions!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2316873-Magical-Mishaps