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Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #2318194
Ben's attempt to reach his destination causes chaos for those beneath his feet.
"We've gotta get somewhere safe quick!" Julian screamed at John. They stood in the centre of Weymouth along the south coast of England. The afternoon sun was weakening by the minute yet this evening was not one that could be enjoyed as looming far overhead on the distant horizon was a figure of a man far larger than anything this country had ever seen.

He was young, athletic and his jawline was intensely chiseled yet his features were terrifying as he loomed closer by the second but his eyes not once glanced downwards towards the ground.

John and Julian, had like the rest of the population of this town been made aware of the encroaching figure when all news broadcasts had flared up with urgent warnings. Most people had decided the safest thing to do would be to get out of town, and as such every exit road to this town had become blocked so many people were attempting to escape on foot or by boat out into the channel but generally this seemed in vain.

"John, we've got to get out of here, or even to the police station they might be able to call someone in!" Julian was panicking as the figure grew ever closer, he was dragging John by the arm towards the local police station through the crowds of panicking civilians. People were climbing over each other trampling the slow and the weak in a primal attempt to get away in any direction.

John and Julian had only met a couple of times in person but they had chosen today as one of their rare physical meetups in a location close to John's home town. They had met online on a site that was well known for its fetishistic material, they simply started talking because of their shared likes. They were just friends but these friends had spent hours discussing their fantasies of giant celebrities, what they had not expected upon arranging this meetup was that their fantasies would become reality.

What was even less expected was that the giant that was slowly encroaching on their location was one that John had fawned over and written about online. A minor youtuber that produced science based content, yet John had edited him into a gigantic being many times and written about cities reduced to nothing beneath his feet. As a result Julian was finding it ever harder to pull John towards their destination as John had simply stopped talking and was staring helplessly at this gigantic crush of his finally filling the sky.

"Julian… just look at him… he's fucking huge, ive shown you edits of him before can believe this is happening" John was babbling his words stumbling over each other in a mixture of terror, awe and arousal.

"John! Snap out of it! Yes he's hot but we're in danger here we've at least got to get indoors." He could finally make out the entrance to the police station but in their way was a collection of crashed cars and screaming crowds. One woman was screaming out a name, clearly looking for her lost child who must have been caught up in the chaos. Seeing the chaos ahead Julian had a decision to make, if he had anychanxe of reaching the police station he had to abandon John here and now he was simply a dead weight slowing him down.

Glancing back to John, Julian watched him mouthing wordlessly as he craned his neck upwards as a shadow fell across the town, each street light turning on automatically in the sudden darkness that befell them.

"I'm sorry John" Julian murmured his eyes growing red in regret as he turned away. He had to run for it, barging through the crowd some falling face first others stopping in their tracks and turning towards the looming figure. It took mere seconds to barge through and into the nearby plain looking police station. Julian fell straight onto his arse as he stumbled through the automatic door into the surprisingly empty foyer, through the glass of the door he could see the crowd outside and on the far side of the road he could make out the figure of John.

Now, however, rather than a panicking stumbling crowd they had all stopped and stood frozen still staring at the darkening sky, some weeping and others with their mouths agape. Glancing upwards Julian saw what had drawn their attention, Ben had finally reached the town and seemingly hadn't even seen it.

Every citizen of this small port town stood stock still staring at the titanic figure looming overhead as yet again it began to shift, its long bare legs lifting powerfully into the sky followed soon by the vast foot at its base.

Julian stared along with everyone else at the titanic lean sole as it began to fill the sky, the soft looking toes replacing the clouds with their sweaty flesh. He had to admit if this was just a fantasy this would have been incredible, he had joined John in fantasising about this very giant online before reading the stories John had written and enjoying the edits that he had sent, but this was real… and this was horrifying.

Just as the sole filled Weymouth's airspace Julian had wondered if soon the end would come with a sudden drop of the immense object joining the other ruined towns and villages that currently dirtied the creases of Ben's soft foot flesh. However, something even more horrifying occured.

As the sole continued its journey overhead towards the sea a thunderous roar began to crescendo around Julians shelter. Ripping his gaze from the sole overhead he glanced twards the street and noticed the gathered crowd begin to get battered by an increasing gale. He could make out the figure of John in the distance, his clothes beginning to whip around his body as he covered his eyes from the dust that had started to be dragged up from the soil. The wind increased second upon second until finally Julian watched as one by one the gathered crowd began to tumble at first simply falling to the ground but soon being blown into the air entirely.

Body after body being blasted into the sky by the movement of air caused by the shifting of Ben's foot. It reminded Julian of the scene from Godzilla: King of the Monsters where Rodan flew over the city in Mexico whipping up gale force winds. Soon it wasn't just people being taken but vehicles and fixtures of the street, such as lampposts and bus stops. Julian glanced to where John had been but he was already gone, taken by the sole of Ben blasted into the sky and far from where he had once stood. The very police station Julian took shelter in was shaking violently in the wind the plaster cracking and light fixtures swinging aggressively. If he had glanced outside he'd have seen some smaller building already being reduced to rubble as the wind eroded their foundations and took their materials across town.

But then as suddenly as this wind had whipped up it had begun to subside. Julian gathered the confidence to poke his head through the door and was amazed to see sunlight begin to peek its way into the rubble covered landscape. Ben's sole had passed overhead completely, Julian could make out the shape of the titan's heel receding into the distance out to sea. However, any sense of hope for survival was soon ripped from any survivor's mind.

With immense force the heel came down out to sea, there was nothing in the immediate path of its descent besides those fools who had thought they could escape by sailing into the channel, who now found themselves reduced to atoms under the foot of this athletic nerd. But it wasn't the impact that threatened the landscape it was the immense volume of water that found itself suddenly and violently displaced.

Julian stared helplessly as a tidal wave grew larger on the horizon looming over any building left standing in the town. He could hear a few pathetic whimpers and wails of despair drift across the wind as any other survivors accepted their oncoming fate. Soon even these sounds were drowned out by the thunderous roar of tonnes of water thundering towards the coast.

Julian began to tremble helplessly as he watched this two hundred foot wall of water crashed against the land, street after street were wiped from existence with incalculable force. No building survived the torrents path as it carved the very landscape beneath its power, soon even the police station was washed away, the sheer force striking it reducing it to dust and Julian to a red mist that was soon washed away.

Ben hadn't even touched the town of Weymouth but just his sheer presence had reduced the area to an uninhabited brown smear on the south coast. He hadn't even noticed what had happened and the sheer level of death and destruction he had caused by moving his foot over the landscape, to him it was simply just another step on his single minded journey to Portsmouth. The reasoning for his step into the channel veing a mystery at first until yet again his voice thundered over the landscape.

"Mmm thats better, my feet were getting a bit dirty its nice to have clean feet. Its fascinating how clingy the landscape becomes at this size. When i figure out how this happened i'll have to write a paper about my experience." Ben chuckled to himself at the thought of how popular the aforementioned paper would probably be, failing to realise at the rate he was going there might not be anyone left to read it.

He had continued to stroll through the channel for a moment bringing him ever closer to his destination, each unaware step sending violent tsunamis inland wiping countless towns from existence. Stepping back on land Ben looked at his destination seeing the sprawling coastal city of Portsmouth what seemed like several feet away.

He quickened his pace as his goal was finally within reach, and possibly the answers to his predicament.

Suddenly Ben's pocket began to vibrate violently distracting him just long enough for him to lose track of his step and the suburbs of portsmouth found themselves helpless in the path of Ben's descending toes. Reduced to nothing and thousands dead in an instant beneath Ben's foot.

He reached deep into his cavernous pocket, feeling for the vast metal obelisk that was his phone. He glanced at the screen and a smile flashed across his face as he realised who was calling him. Swiping the button to answer he put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Eddie, how've you been? Sorry I didn't show up before. What're you up to?"

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