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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Mystery · #2319879
In this bittersweet world, why is the human suicide rate so low at only 0.02%?
I - Interpretation

After Chen Dazhong sorted out the "Dalian Hospital" case information, he sent it to Bai Yulong's detective agency to let him review the case first.

After Bai Yulong read the information, he became interested in the case and invited Dazhong and Wanzhen to the detective agency to discuss it.

On April 26, Chen Dazhong took Liang Wanzhen to Bai Yulong's private detective agency to meet with Bai Yulong.

The office of Chen Dazhong's senior brother, the famous private detective Bai Yulong, was in Jardine House in Central. Currently, he mainly investigates commercial cases.

The detective agency was quite large, with more than 20 employees. Everyone was energetic and worked very energetically.

The detective agency had tight security. In addition to the guards guarding the reception area, there were also multiple security measures. Outsiders couldn't break in easily. After Chen Dazhong and Wanzhen were informed, senior staff member Li Boguang came out to guide the way.

There were also many high-tech computer types of equipment in the agency, which were responsible for collecting information from all parties and assisting in case investigations, just like a small national defence intelligence base.

Dazhong and Wanzhen, led by Li Boguang, arrived outside the office of President Bai Yulong.

"Haha, Dazhong, long time no see!" The door opened and a loud voice sounded.

An elegant, well-dressed middle-aged man with slight mobility difficulties walked out of the president's office. This man was the detective president - Bai Yulong!

Bai Yulong was nearly fifty years old, his face was like a crown jewel, and he looked much younger than he was. As expected, he lived up to his name, and with his noble clothing taste, he showed his extraordinary style.

Moreover, Bai Yulong spoke with a majestic voice, his eyes were like a torch, and his momentum was fierce, giving people a feeling of confidence.

Although Bai Yulong and Chen Dazhong had not seen each other for many years, they did not feel unfamiliar and embraced each other warmly.

"Senior Brother Bai, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you are even more elegant than before! I see that the detective agency you manage is so well-organized and as diverse as any other police force. It's amazing!" Dazhong looked around.

"Haha, Dazhong, you are good at joking. That's right, you have come to visit after so long. You must only be thinking about dating your lover and forgetting about me as your senior brother!" Bai Yulong smiled in response.

"Senior brother, don't make fun of me. Aren't you and I the same? We only focus on investigating the case and have no time to take care of other things, so we are still alone now." Dazhong shook his head.

"No, the beauty brought here today must be your close lover." Bai Yulong glanced at Liang Wanzhen, making her lower her head shyly.

"No, no, she is just a colleague of mine." Chen Dazhong hurriedly explained and introduced each other.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, they entered Bai Yulong's office and began to study the case.

"Dazhong, I received information about the case earlier, after studying and analyzing it with my assistant, I agree with your suspicion." Bai Yulong agreed with Dazhong's opinion.

"Yes, that 'Dalian Hospital' is indeed questionable!" Dazhong nodded.

"The behaviour of 'Dalian Hospital' is indeed unusual. It seems to have been carefully deployed, and with the professional cover of the hospital, it is indeed not easy to find evidence of the crime." Bai Yulong raised his eyebrows.

"Brother, if this were not the case, the police would have already intervened, so there is no need to trouble you to take action!" Dazhong took the opportunity to praise Bai Yulong.

"Haha, Dazhong, that's such a compliment. I'm not omnipotent, but I'm interested in this case. I want to know why the hospital makes patients commit suicide, especially what's the motive behind it... I can't figure it out. " Bai Yulong held his chin.

"Oh? Is there anything that makes senior brother confused?" Dazhong was curious.

"That's the suspected mastermind in the case, Tianwu Yingyang!" Bai Yulong pointed at Tianwu Yingyang’s file photo.

"Yes, I believe he is the mastermind behind the whole conspiracy." Dazhong also looked at Tianwu Yingyang's profile.

"Because of this, I wonder why he still does such criminal things when he is already an old man. For what reason?" Bai Yulong shook his head.

"Haha, that's exactly what I'm wondering about!" Dazhong also agreed.

"Well, the answer may be a shocking scandal in the medical community, or it may be a shocking conspiracy... No matter what, I will do my best to find the answer." Bai Yulong is full of expectations for the case.

"Excellent, with senior brother's sophisticated mind, we will be able to get to the bottom of it quickly." Dazhong was also very happy.

"This trick again?" Bai Yulong smiled.

"By the way, where do you plan to start, senior brother?" Dazhong wanted to know Bai Yulong's investigation strategy.

"Dazhong, the current information is not enough. More data is needed to assist in analysis and to determine an action plan." Bai Yulong, who had always been steady, was in no rush to take action.

"If you need anything, I will do my best to help." Dazhong nodded.

"Okay, Miss Liang, I know that you have been to the conference room of Dalian Hospital. Please describe in detail what you saw at that time." Bai Yulong turned to Liang Wanzhen to inquire.

Wanzhen then described everything she saw in Dalian Hospital that day to Bai Yulong in detail. Bai Yulong also listened carefully and questioned, and his assistant recorded every detail and key point of what Wanzhen said.

"Although the situation was chaotic and tense at the time, Ms. Liang was able to remember quite a lot. This kind of ability to stay calm in times of crisis is already rare. I believe she will become an outstanding talent in the police industry in the future." Bai Yulong praised Zhen politely.

"Mr. Bai, that's such an award. There's still a lot to learn." Wanzhen also acted modestly.

"Well, I want to know more about their methods. Can you please ask Mrs Zhou who committed suicide to give a testimony?" Bai Yulong looked at the file.

"Oh, she is my neighbour, so this matter is easy." Wanzhen readily agreed.

Wanzhen and Dazhong took Mrs Zhou to Bai Yulong's detective agency the next day.

After the last suicide incident, Mrs Zhou got to know her husband better, and the relationship between the couple became more harmonious. Mrs Zhou was extremely grateful to Wanzhen and was happy to agree to come here to give evidence.

Bai Yulong, Chen Dazhong and Liang Wanzhen went straight to the point and asked about Mrs Zhou's treatment at "Dalian Hospital".

"...I remember that my husband took me to the hospital for medical treatment. The doctor insisted that I had some kind of... schizophrenia, so he sent me back to the hospital for a detailed examination." Mrs Zhou recalled.

"Ah! Do you go to Room 131 on the B2 floor of the hospital for examination?" Wanzhen couldn't wait to receive her.

"Miss Liang, you're right, it's right there!" Mrs Zhou nodded.

"The same is true for my cousin, but I couldn't enter the room at that time. I wonder what they were doing inside?" Wanzhen also nodded.

"...I was very vague about the situation at that time. I only knew that several people were surrounding me, and most of them spoke Japanese...One of them, who knew Chinese, was named Ryu... Ryu, and he kept asking questions about mental illness..." Mrs Zhou continued.

"...Is it called 'Ryumoto Taro'?" Wanzhen prompted.

"Yes, it was Ryumoto Taro. Then they kept doing a series of examinations on me, and they also used many strange instruments that I didn't recognize..." Mrs Zhou remembered.

"I did wait outside the door for a long time," Wanzhen recalled.

"After they injected me into the back of my head, I started to feel dazed and confused throughout the entire process...I felt very tired afterwards and my head hurt a lot...Later, they said I was suffering from schizophrenia. A large amount of drugs was prescribed for me." Mrs Zhou raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm... I believe my cousin's situation is similar to yours. I guess they must have installed a micro brainwave transceiver chip in your brain. That Ryumoto is a bad guy!" Wanzhen held her chin.

"Ah! What...brainwave instrument chip?...Is it harmful?" Mrs Zhou asked.

"Mrs Zhou, we suspect that this chip is the reason why you committed suicide by taking so many drugs for no reason last time!" Wanzhen looked at Mrs Zhou.

"Miss Liang, Mr. Chen...what should I do? " Mrs Zhou looked panicked.

"Don't be too alarmed. It is estimated that after your suicide, the use value of the chip has been exhausted, and it should not cause any harm to you anymore." Wanzhen reassured.

"Shh...it turns out that a hospital is a place where people commit suicide. It's so horrible. I'm so lucky to be able to recover my life. You should arrest those bad guys quickly to prevent them from harming others again!" Mrs Zhou let out a cold breath.

"Mrs Zhou, we think so too, but we can't find any substantial evidence to prove that they committed such criminal acts. We are currently working hard to find clues. In the future, we may ask you to be a witness and help prosecute them!" Wanzhen clenched her fist.

"Okay! Miss Liang saved my life. If I can be useful in the future, just come to me!" Mrs Zhou patted her chest.

After everyone questioned Mrs Zhou, they discussed the next step.

"Hey! All the suicide victims are in the same situation as my cousin. They were all taken to the B2 ward for examination and implanted with a brainwave transceiver device chip. This chip is very likely to be related to the patient's suicide. As long as it can if we search this room, we will find evidence of the crime!" Wanzhen spoke out her analysis plausibly.

"Zhen, you must know that these are just assumptions. There is no real evidence to support it yet. It is impossible to apply for a warrant to search that room." Dazhong also had his analysis.

"I know this too." Wanzhen curled her lips.

"Besides, we don't understand why this chip can make people commit suicide. And what are their motives for making people commit suicide? These are all big questions!" Dazhong shook his head.

"Sergeant Chen, although we may not understand some things, we can't just let the situation continue. Otherwise, many people will lose their lives!" Wanzhen had another point of view.

"If your hypothesis is true, it is indeed very scary... We should find ways to find evidence to stop them. Senior brother, after reading all this information, what do you think?" Dazhong turned to Bai Yulong.

"Well, the incident is indeed not simple. After comprehensively analyzing the information at hand, I have come to a preliminary conclusion." Bai Yulong put down the information.

"Senior brother, what are your points?" Dazhong asked.

"...I believe that 'Dalian Hospital' has planned to make some patients commit suicide to achieve some ulterior motives." Bai Yulong looked at the two of them.

Dazhong and Wanzhen listened.

"The modus operandi is to first select patients with high-risk suicidal tendencies, implant a brainwave device chip, and then wait for an opportunity to use the chip to make them commit suicide. This approach can not only reduce external suspicion but also achieve the goal. It is a clever method." Bai Yulong expressed his opinion.

"Okay! Senior brother's analysis and inference are very clear and reasonable, much more systematic than ours." Dazhong couldn't help but nod.

"Dazhong, when did you become so sweet and smooth?" Bai Yulong smiled.

"Mr. Bai, if this is your inference, how can you find the evidence?" Wanzhen was the most anxious and rushed to ask questions.

"Ms Liang, based on the information, there should be three ways to obtain relevant evidence." Bai Yulong raised three fingers to Wanzhen.

"Really? Three ways are so many?" Wanzhen was so anxious that she leaned forward, looking full of anticipation.

"Junior sister is indeed an impatient person." Bai Yulong smiled again.

"Mr. Bai, I want to find evidence earlier and redress my cousin's injustice!" Wanzhen stared.

"Listen, first of all, they designed such a large-scale plan. I believe that the computer must contain detailed information records. If you get this information, you can grasp the evidence." Bai Yulong said a method.

"Yes, with this information, the evidence must be sufficient. What is the second method?" Wanzhen listened attentively.

"Second, they must hold meetings to discuss and review before and after their actions. Just like you accidentally broke into the conference room last time and crashed their meeting. As long as the contents of the meeting are released, it will also be extremely powerful evidence." Bai Yulong added another method.

"That's right. If I had a recording device when I crashed their meeting last time, I could have obtained the contents of the meeting... It's a pity that I was not prepared... how about the third way?" Wanzhen wanted to know eagerly.

"Third, we know that the reception range of the brainwave transceiver chip is within a hundred meters in diameter. If they want to use the chip to control the patient to commit suicide, they will have to send someone to operate the device near the suicide site." Bai Yulong then tells me about the third method.

"Yes!" Wanzhen nodded.

"Presumably those who participated in the operation must be high-level important figures in the hospital. Perhaps by monitoring the actions of those people and catching them during the operation, we can get the stolen goods!" Bai Yulong finished speaking in a leisurely manner.

"There are so many ways to find evidence. How could I not have thought of it? It seems that my experience in handling cases is too young." Wanzhen scratched her head.

After Bai Yulong and Chen Dazhong heard what Wanzhen said, they laughed at her innocence!

"Haha, Miss Liang, although these three methods are commonly used in investigating cases, they may seem ordinary, but to be able to find evidence, they must be used properly." Bai Yulong reminded.

"Brother, in your opinion, which of the three approaches should be taken first?" Dazhong asked for advice.

"There is a computer expert in the detective agency who is proficient in computer intrusion technology. He can try it first to see if he can successfully enter the computer system of "Dalian Hospital". This is the simplest and most effective method commonly used to handle cases." Bai Yulong suggested to the two of them.

"Brother, it's up to you!" Dazhong had no objection.

Bai Yulong immediately summoned his computer expert—Liu Michael!

Michael is only in his twenties, about the same age as Wanzhen. He is very interested in computers and has written many unique computer programs. He is especially good at hacking into other people's computers. He is considered a top talent in Hong Kong in this regard.

"Michael, I leave this to you." Bai Yulong instructed Liu Michael.

"Yes, boss!" Liu Michaelo nodded respectfully.

Everyone then sat next to Michael's special computer and watched him work.

Michael's special supercomputer is composed of the microprocessors of more than a hundred computers. After starting the special computer, the instruments in the entire computer room are also flashing.

Using skilled technical skills, Michael was able to connect to the main computer of "Dalian Hospital" within a short period.

"Wow! It's awesome to finish it so quickly!" Wanzhen admired...

Dazhong, who was beside him, was afraid that Wanzhen would harass Michael, so he signalled her to shut up.

"Boss, we have successfully connected to the console of Dalian Hospital's main computer and can control their main computer," Michael reported to Bai Yulong.

"Michael, good job! Find the information we need!" Bai Yulong motioned to continue.

So, Michael searched for information on the main computer of Dalian Hospital.

"Hmm... there are several files with Japanese names here, which may be the information we need." Michael, who is very familiar with computers, found the suspicious files quickly.

"Copy the file quickly!" Bai Yulong ordered.

"Wait a minute, these files turned out to have security passwords installed, it looks like we found the right one!" Michael wanted to copy the suspicious files but was asked to enter the password.

"Michael, crack the code immediately!" Bai Yulong gave the order again.

"Okay... the password cracking program has been started. If the other party's password is within sixteen digits, with this small supercomputer's speed of 1300 billion calculations per second, it can be cracked in just a few minutes!" Michael immediately started the password-cracking program.

"Excellent, I didn't expect to be able to find evidence of guilt so quickly." Wanzhen was excited when she saw success in sight.

However, as time passed, Wanzhen became a little disappointed and impatient.

"Hey! Michael, what's going on? It's been so long and it hasn't been done yet?..." Wanzhen couldn't help but speak.

"Hmm... It seems that the other party's password is quite complicated. It must be more than sixteen digits... If so, it will be a bit tricky." Michael explained.

"What? You are a computer expert, but you can't crack other people's passwords?" Wanzhen raised her eyebrows a little bit angrily.

"No, more complex passwords can also be cracked, but I don't know how long it will take," Michael explained to Wanzhen.

"Really?" Wanzhen had no idea.

"Most people will not use passwords with such a large number of values. The reason is that every time they open a file, they have to spend much time entering the password, which is very time-consuming... but this will make people more convinced of the importance of the file data!" Michael continued to explain.

"Alas! So what if we know there is important information inside? It's all in vain if we can't take it out." Wanzhen who didn't have much patience, wasn't very interested in listening.

"The password-cracking program will continue to operate until the password is successfully tested!" Michael believed that the password would be cracked sooner or later.

"But... aren't you afraid of being discovered by the other party when testing like this?" Wanzhen questioned.

"Ms. Liang, this computer has advanced encryption and transfer devices. The other party will not notice that there is an intrusion from an external computer!" Michael is still confident in his password-cracking program.

"Even that, we don't know how long we should wait?" Wanzhen was not interested.

"Miss Liang, don't worry!" Bai Yulong, who had been silent all this time, interrupted Wanzhen's conversation.

"Mr. Bai, do we...have any other things we could do?" Wanzhen flashed hope.

"Haha, Dazhong, your junior sister is motivated to do things!" Seeing Wanzhen's straightforward personality, Bai Yulong gave her a sense of humour.

"Oh, senior brother, I'm sorry, Wanzhen has a very anxious temper!" Dazhong spoke for Wanzhen.

"It doesn't matter...young people must be motivated to be decent!" Bai Yulong waved his hand.

Wanzhen knew that her personality was too aggressive and impulsive, so she made a face and apologised for her gaffe.

"Ms. Liang, you know that we can solve cases repeatedly. Besides relying on computer technology, what else can we rely on?" Bai Yulong looked at Wanzhen seriously.

"Mr. Bai, forgive my ignorance, please tell me!" Wanzhen was embarrassed.

"Michael, tell Miss Liang our strategy!" Bai Yulong glanced at Michael.

"Ms. Liang, in addition to computer technology, eavesdropping technology is also our speciality," Michael said.

"Are you talking about eavesdropping on their meeting and recording it as evidence?" Wanzhen recalled Bai Yulong's words just now.

"Exactly!" Michael nodded.

"But...the security there is tight...and I...accidentally broke into their meeting last time. I believe they will step up their precautions. This is not easy!" Wanzhen had another question.

"Haha, we are also professionals, doesn't Miss Liang have confidence in us?" Bai Yulong once again interrupted Wanzhen's conversation.

"No, Mr. Bai, I never meant this, I'm just afraid of it just in case..." Wanzhen spoke in a lower voice.

"Don't worry, I promise to give you good news within two days!" Bai Yulong patted her chest.

Wanzhen relaxed a little after receiving Bai Yulong's assurance.

Two days later...in the offices of Chen Dazhong and Liang Wanzhen at Cheung Sha Wan Police Station.

"Hey! Sergeant Chen, what did your senior brother do? He said he would give me good news within two days. Now that two days have passed, why haven't received any news at all?" Wanzhen urged again.

"Hey! Wanzhen, why can't you change your hasty temper?" Dazhong shook his head.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I only want to find evidence quickly and avenge my cousin." Wanzhen was reminded by Dazhong and calmed down a little.

"Don't worry, my senior brother will be able to do what he promised." Dazhong had great confidence in Bai Yulong.

"Do you have so much confidence in him? Didn't the last operation of using computers to collect evidence fail?" Wanzhen seemed to disagree.

"Don't be impatient. I have absolute confidence in my senior brother's ability. Please be patient and wait!" Dazhong reassured.

"Is your senior brother really that powerful? I hope you are not wrong in your estimation!" Wanzhen raised her lips again.

As expected, Chen Dazhong expected, the phone in the office rang, and it was Bai Yulong's call.

"Dazhong, I finally did not disappoint you and Miss Liang. We have successfully put the eavesdropping equipment into the conference room of Dalian Hospital!" Bai Yulong said what Wanzhen was thinking on the phone.

"Senior brother, this is amazing! How can you do it?" Dazhong praised.

"Haha, of course, there is a way!" Bai Yulong was relieved.

"Want to hear the details!" Dazhong listened with an open mind.

"Dazhong, don't you know that there must be telephones and other communication equipment in the conference room." Bai Yulong began to explain.

"Of course I know, so what?" Dazhong signaled.

"It was found that their phone was provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications Company." Bai Yulong started.

"What does this have to do with it? Most people in Hong Kong also use this company's phone system." Dazhong didn't understand.

"...If the phone in the conference room breaks down, they will naturally notify the "Telecommunications Company" to send someone to repair it, right?" Bai Yulong said again.

"Ah! I understand! You destroyed the phone line in the conference room, and then, under the guise of being an employee of the "Telecommunications Company" and repairing the phone, you openly entered the conference room and installed bugs, right?" Dazhong said what Bai Yulong wanted to say.

"You're very smart! The bug that was put in is advanced and sensitive. It can monitor the entire conference room. Its appearance is no different from an ordinary telephone. The power source is a telephone line from a "Telecommunications Company". It can operate for a long time without being detected by others." Bai Yulong continued to explain.

"Brother, you turned out to be so capable. No wonder the detective agency was able to run a great job. We found the right person this time." Dazhong praised again.

"Excuse me. Although my feet are inconvenient for action, my mind has not deteriorated yet!" Bai Yulong responded humbly.

"Of course, if it weren't for senior brother's shrewdness, how could he have repeatedly solved strange cases!" Dazhong couldn't stop praising him.

"Well, now we have successfully set up a hunting trap in the opponent's lair. All we have to do now is wait for them to step into the trap!" Bai Yulong explained the next step.

"Excellent, when you obtain the evidence, hand it over to me immediately. As long as there is this evidence, the police can formally intervene and launch a comprehensive investigation!" Dazhong actively cooperated.

"We have staff here on duty 24 hours a day. We can catch the opponent's actions at any time. I believe the fox's tail will be exposed soon." The Bai Yulong seems wisdom pearl in hand.

"Okay, let's wait for the good news from brother!" Dazhong hung up.

After Dazhong finished talking to Bai Yulong, he informed Wanzhen of the news, which made her very excited.

"Very good, cousin, I believe we can avenge you soon and bring the person who killed you to justice." Wanzhen clenched her fists and looked up.

Dazhong and Wanzhen have become more optimistic about the incident. Will things go as smoothly as they imagined?

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