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by Paul Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Poetry · Activity · #2323511
Something new perhaps last

No Shelly nor Keats


Grant me this one, final moment…
For your exquisite time, I will offer
tempered eloquence in all these wandering thoughts
From sweetly scented meadows of found beauty, ‘til
heaven’s vast mountain heights do find you heady -
I’ll draw on oils and pastels, if all is stealing
craft dreams and visions to match your feeling
Refrain from skirting digressions, omitting omissions
Here…hear all truths be true
Sincerity shall be left for none but you…for
I confess my faith in you is true,
In you it is true…
In this moment of honest clarity, I am alone
a tangled spider’s web of wanted emotions, a
heart ensnared, this soul you deftly captured
thoughts of you are all enraptured…
I fumble for fitting words
a tumbler’s tongue tripping on awkward speech,
a fledgling child’s first tentative steps, arms outstretched
craving tenderness of touch
But I am to weak…
I am weak…
How my being yearns for times of action, to
seize opportunities, create distractions…shout out aloud my admittance
proof of my existence, alas all is just imagination, and
scenes of love and bliss are found forsaken, unsaved, yet sorely craved
Replaced unto inactivity, alas ‘tis but to fuel frustration
All thoughts are left unknown, by love that lacks perception

2. Fractured
See how laden become those wintered boughs
heaving heavily under, pure virgin snow
untouched by stark warming hands
creaking from wearied weight their lonely moans echo softly
Sombre calls carrying quiet unrest through still empty air, without reply…
Softened by fall’s cold failing light, pale grey breaths of
cool steam rise against a distant horizon, creating
outlines of vanishing graceful ghosts, sprite playful sirens -
slight silhouettes swaying and dancing before a late clear sky
out focussed and blurring they twist and turn in slowed motion
until all are lost to darkness and sight…
I sense each stifling icy breeze taint my fragile skin ‘to shades akin to
winter’s blues, hues that cause all faint bones to brace and shiver…luring myself nearer
closer to encounter abject destruction, before
turning away to counter reaction, that
unforgiving cruelty of severe animated wilderness
Agony is found within desolation, where lies great beauty and solemn singularity
apparent oneness of life in death…creation for all - abounding
freckled light falls blend with forms in twisting attachments
fractured shadows merge and bend refraction…
Existence stands seemingly motionless and calmness passes over, time -
slows to a heartbeat, breath is eased and noticed…
This bounteous land portrays acceptance in reality
Grace understands mortalities necessities…survival…
How those roughened, haggard hands of our better’s, are so fettered
Prey lays low in all cold eyes of this land’s hunters
Bring on the wringing of depravities’ hands
Where all betrayals of worth must finally land
Deep staining of blood could ‘err be washed of its hood
Before our heavens all thy righteous and villains are stood

3. The Fool on the Hill
Before shadows brake, embrace my serenity, less I yearn spirituality
Imprison my darkened thoughts
No lies nor truths be spoken
Sirens arise and are now all awoken
Enchantresses of this underworld, wings be full unfurled
I am to long bound, so less here soug
Allow me thy sanctuary for I am naught

Jasmine’s fragranced perfumes drift through my open window, sweetly enticing
Daringly inviting…claiming calmness and clarity…

Weave thy ever magic into all hallows shaded fabric
Mirror bright spells by sparkling waterfalls, let their
Lights skip over sunken, fallen rocks, playfully
Jarring sleeping pebbles ‘to roused
Subdued chatter of misheard conversations
Those souls lost are thy bewitched spirits, banished to ever
Journeys, adventures awaiting all illusions darkened discoveries

Silken petals fall in all slowed motions, finding no rest, as though in recess
Bright and deep in all their colours, I have discovered satisfaction, benevolence
Seasons provide sheltered protection for all man’s fated actions

Pleasured awakenings be thy voice through love’s tendering cries
Hearing lasting moans as deepened ecstasy carries
‘Fore blindness of senses, fingers touch finds you wanting
‘Tis seductions moist lips I hear now so gasping
Writhing appendages render to fevered attraction
Searching rites in release for emotions distraction
Heights be felt and surpassed by thy cravings
Bodies find heat for sweat becalms all thy savings

Afire be this high raging sky, aflamed for taming innocent clouds without remorse
Draining life unto distanced perspectives, such destitute deceptions lie at days end
‘Tis an intoxicated perception in thought’s dazed reactions
Inconceivable reckonings, for late age nullifies reasonings
Comforting be those crisp tones of dried leaves, lifted high on autumn’s cooling breeze
Held aloft by false storms that beg and plead for more, some lessened, inconsequential
Injustice discovered by those who persecute thy weakened meek and mild
Soon returns winter’s iced infection, surrendering all flesh to harder resolve
Immunities are faltered by unquestioning loyalties, idioms of passion
Rites of passage afford me no quarter, for I am not without sins
Graffiti’s confessions generate all too many enemy’s affections
My heart cannot hold back those memories of obscurity
What now remains is all I have left

4. In Bloom
Show me compassionate words that tell of such feelings that suit
Etch meticulously on paper all my wasted emotions, refute
My sympathies to mild appeal, if it be your measure
Concede time and chance, and I will repent

‘Tis time I told you I’m truly sorry
I know mere words are simply not enough
Snowflakes, light in flight can’t say it for me
Sweet flower’s scents, steal sense, so wouldn’t touch
I lend, to extend one lone olive branch
A sole perception my heart stole from you
Self-confidence suggests I stand no chance
To be brave, one just needs to try to do
Yes…sorry seems to be the hardest word
Overused and alas so sorely feigned
In deepest faith, please trust in this you’ve heard
My only aim was to find love again…
I hold no time left for my ignorance
My sentence is this life of recompense

With effortless ease I confess to utter naivety
I wear all noted traits of childhood foolishness proudly
An open heart exposed upon my waning sleeve, an easy target
For I know not which language would appease

Mine heart doth grieve for eyes no longer see
Rhythm stalls in craving thy splendour, for
Your being exudes such wondrous beauty
A blessed Angel missed from Heaven’s arbour
All feelings amass for sorrows to plead
Tears of sadness are shed for a lifetime
Must one dwell on loss as death to be freed
‘Tis deemed unkind to tell of love by rhyme
Heartache hath shattered all spirits ‘to parts
As broken will befalls desolation
Happiness ‘tis all but a dream in start
Fate be just, unknowing at creation
Life…in all acceptance is an arduous task
Honesty and mercy, be sort and asked

Thy obedient wayfarer at heart am I, left bereft of sanctuary’s intimacies
Traversing fellowman’s troubled highways, selecting all feared insecurities
In true light, form provides meaningful coincidence, entrusting of dulcet voice
By drawn darkness, passion’s imprisoned sense satisfies arousal ‘to voids of emptiness

Lasting is this season of displeasure
Cruel winter chills know nor want ailed resent
So hounded, less than bones of man endure
Failing circumstance, I bought and rent
‘Ere I languish in steep fields of remorse
Ever turning my thoughts of owned unworth
Could time and tide provide alternate course
‘Fore precious kindness due, do so bring forth
Within my principality of mind
Loaned hope finds mellow rest and consonance
Chance abides love’s fruitless fool to find
Lost pathways to thine heart of sweet romance
Conflict and battles are so oft’ unfair
Devotion to patience will be mine air

When time dictates my end I will relent, place all my thoughts to rust
Before light fails to rise and warm, so will my heart be duly hushed
Rocks and stones will ne’er be moved, as wilt lay my dreams of you
By evening’s end I’ll fall into abyss, all I was you’ll ever miss

See, there Is nothing left here of my being
No obsessing, consciously confessing
Has all man’s knowing ever been so blinding
Perception of truth is ever binding
Accept bouquets of sweet summer flowers
Born be faint fragranced scent of thy soft skin
Only fools would know not of their powers
Instinctive gentleness holds love within
Can’t we go dancing beneath bright moonlight
Wake as lovers, fencing morning’s warm sunrise
Fall ‘to arms that will carry and hold tight
Like all lost hearts in love’s fires we’ll both rise
Isn’t this that dream we hoped and prayed for
Hopeless romantics often so crave more

5. Science of Fake Beauty
I have wasted much valued time within life’s relentless machine
Endured long years of everlasting servitude, faced emotional segregation –
Chased beliefs for shattered liberation, whilst soundly bound by
Chains that restrained my spirit to perpetual obedience –
To knowing place and station…
Undertaking subjugation against duteous burdens of sheer will…finding
No favouring, benevolent slap on the back, less it be to taste the strap…
For humbled humilities abide, seemingly fitting of such in kind, I am
In acceptance, placid of all good grace for which I am part
I have no want to be in grandeur’s art, my eyes
Lower in reverenced approval…such
Harsh lessons are learnt from pain in guidance
Flesh and spirit fall weak with my growing in age, as I am duly stripped of rage…
Sustained on all cravings of soul by scraps of lonely affection
Through entropy and blindness, sparing all senses, of
Wanting…to needing, such are all my yearnings of love, a chanced
Warmed affection of kindness, a gentle hand of consolation for comfort
lest all emotions are meant for forfeit – albeit
If freedom’s thoughts be granted by those in charge above…
I possess no bloodied pictures of freedom or revolution
No heart-warming tales from softened chairs, cold calls of valour’s salvation
Only thoughts of abandonment remain in my keep, those
Missing gears and sheared cogs, that fog life’s memories
Entangled adventures, of arduous stricken strife
Actions left secluded to waste and fade, to diminish within darkened hallways, years after
Spinning and turning in abject silence, ‘tis unseen science how
Time is lost as though left helpless…in seeming peaceful tranquillity, softly
In whispered defiance of obedience, and yet all to swiftly…to swiftly…
We are all succumbed to dust…

6. Ribbons and Bows
Stirring…quietly roused by morning’s first bird song
shrill tones gently pulling and drawing me from long fast slumbers
Afar I rest…through echoes of saddened wails, catching all risen attentions, before
drifting away swiftly to unconsciousness, from those
lingering, resonant melodies alluding all who know too well of bitter sweet
intended sorrow and abject loneliness, free falling against sheer
deafening silence and profound solitude
Flown be spring’s short flighted romance, tender affection
carried away on harsh rushing winds to fall, I know not where
to break way for all lasting freedoms, ‘til cleansed and
purified in sacred showers that rid those lost of all transgressions
How blessed are those kindred ones who suffer…
Dull days cultivate such diminished states to offer no response
significant implications, reasons and instigations
Is life ever without hope
Expectant existence plays out in all wasted haste, how
Ingratiated become those dreams of domination, feigned morality - so
misplaced is our hollowed thrill of that ingratiated chase where
beneath our heavens all hunters become then hunted, here
even by victorious revelry we all must stand naked
Colours emblazon Autumn’s early vistas, brightly glowing
sunbursts, adopt new-born wretched paint falls
coppers and ochres saturate pallets attention to failing life, as
blood seeps from nature’s gaping wounds that cease to heal
all too needy is our fresh fated reality
earnestly requiring aid and relief from grief
there seemingly lies little left for all to keep, to revere
How bright and glistening now is that cherished lilly we guild, a single emotion that
blinds all conscience and disables ones intelligence to lame integrity
Misplaced sweet swollen fruits of a stolen summer, lay fallen
hidden by sharpened blades, drenched by fallen dew
away from all prying eyes that satiate their hunger on falsities
severing cuts for all unholy and unworthy
pilgrims so unguided by barren corridors of poor interventions
How I crave winter’s haw frosts to bend and change my will…for
each burning breath so imbued to subdue my soul, to
release greed’s choking, strangling hold
Impassioned was summer’s timely theft, foregoing gaping emptiness
unfolding expanding peacefulness, for stillness of loss, ‘til all was lost
Slay love’s messenger and hang romance’s courier
none would wish to walk within their shoes, nor shadow all their footfalls
Indian givers of counterfeit happiness, fake love – false hope
I have little wish to wrap heartache up in ribbons and bows
glamorised by that sleek silken touch of love’s desperation, portraying it’s
attractive demeanour and seductive destruction, and yet
all who saw would know…
it’s time to let go…

© Copyright 2024 Paul (paulredfern at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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