Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326637-Unicorns-and-Luck
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2326637
A rabbit is tasked with finding a unicorn to restore magic to the forest
Skip's birthday party was interrupted by a knock on his door. He had been summoned by the Council of Rabbits. It wasn't a big surprise that the council had called an emergency session. This had been happening more frequently these days. The Winter storm had every rabbit on edge. A typical winter in Bunny Burrow usually lasted 3-4 month however this one had been going on for over a year and it showed no sign of stopping any time soon.

What did surprise Skip was that the council wanted to see him. The council was made of senior rabbits and only adult rabbits were usually called before them. Skip was still in his adolescence. He was still too young to really have any interactions with the council. His grandmother "Jo" however worked with them a lot. It was her who guided him into the council chamber.

The Council leader Old Hopper addressed him as he came inside. "Hi Skip... your grandmother informed me that it was your birthday today" The leader extended his paw. "Happy Birthday lad."

"Thank you." Skip said shaking his paw politely.

The council leader touched his shoulder. "Skip we need your help," He said. "I'm sure you're aware of the weather issues that have been going on lately...This extended winter we've been having."

Skip nodded.

"We think there is only one way to end this. Our land is going through Magical withdrawal. We need a Unicorn to bless it."

"A Unicorn?" Skip asked.

"Yes" Hopper explained. "Our burrow is supported by magic but it needs maintenance from time to time. We don't have anyone who was present when this happened before but legends say a Unicorn blesses our burrow every century."

"I didn't know that Unicorns were real" Skip admitted.

"Therein lies the problem. Unicorns are increasingly rare now," Hopper told him. "The last recorded time a rabbit from our burrow encountered one was 24 years ago. They can be encountered in the Great Meadow of the Green forest outside of our burrow however the meadow is enchanted to keep visitors out. This is where you come in. The meadow can be entered with a Birthday wish... we need you to go inside and find a Unicorn to help us."

Skip wanted to help his burrow. "I'll do it," He agreed.

The older bunny handed Skip a silver horseshoe. "Take this with you. All of us have placed our remaining luck into it. When given to the Unicorn it will enhance his abilities."

With that Skip started his journey.


In the Green forest, Skip followed Old Hopper's instructions using his Birthday wish to enter the Great meadow. He lit a birthday candle and made his wish. As he blew the candle out the forest around him began to glow and the trees around him moved, clearing a path. The rabbit was able to see the meadow in front of him. It was a beautiful green field.

It was in the Great Meadow that Skip encountered Troy. Troy was a beautiful looking stallion with white fur. He was drinking water from a stream when the rabbit came across him. When Skip saw the horse in front of him at first he thought his quest was over but when Troy lifted his head out of the water, the bunny could see that there was no horn visible in the center of the horse's head.

Troy noticed the disappointed rabbit. "What is wrong little bunny?" He asked.

"I was hoping to find a Unicorn in this meadow." Skip explained.

Troy smiled. "Then you are in luck." He gestured to himself. "You've found one."

The rabbit looked at him in disbelief. "You seem to be missing a critical feature" He said.

Troy blinked. "You can't see my horn?"

Skip shook his head.

The stallion smiled. "Similar to rabbits, we unicorns can adjust our appearance to blend in," he said.

Skip was still doubtful "Prove it!'

Troy closed his eyes. For the briefest of seconds Skip thought he saw the glint of a horn in the horse's forehead but it seemed like it was his imagination because the horse unchanged.

Troy frowned. "I don't look any different?" he asked.

The bunny nodded.

"My magic hasn't been working well lately" Troy admitted.

"Bunny Burrow is having the same problem. We were hoping you could bless it."

The horse sighed. "I would love to little bunny but as you can see I can barely dispel an illusion in my current state. I'm a long way from being able to restore the magic of an entire burrow."

Skip lifted up the Silver horseshoe. "Would this help?" The rabbit asked.

Troy lifted his hoof allowing the rabbit to attach it. His mane and tail began to shine taking on a rainbow tone to it. Sure enough a silver horn appeared in the middle of his forehead. "That will work!"

The Unicorn lifted the bunny onto his back. Skip guided the Unicorn to the burrow.


In the time that Skip had taken to find the Unicorn the snowstorm had gotten worse. Troy tried to gallop into the burrow but the winds were too strong preventing the two of them from entering into it. The Unicorn was thrown back landing on his side and Skip was thrown off of him. The bunny landed hard against a tree beside them.

"Ugn" Skip groaned

Troy stood up. He attempted to charge into the burrow again leaping into it but the winds acted as a barrier knocking him back. "It's no good" he said. "I'm putting all my magic into it but it is not working."

Skip panicked. "What can we do?... the other bunnies will be trapped inside."

"Something is still off" Troy told him.

Skip looked dejected. "I guess the rabbit's horseshoe didn't have enough magic needed."

"It is not your fault" Troy told him. "The horseshoe you gave me made my magic as strong as ever but a blessing like this requires a little extra luck."

"Where can we get that?" Skip asked.

Troy considered a bit then nodded. "I think we need a Leprechaun." he said.

"That sounds even harder than finding a Unicorn," Skip said frowning. "At least the Rabbit council told me where I could find you."

"I know where to find one." Troy said. "You can find a Leprechaun's gold at the end of the rainbow and one would surely be there to protect it."

"That's true but how are we supposed to find a rainbow?" Skip asked.

Troy smiled. "For Unicorns creating Rainbows is one of our specialties." He stomped his hoof and a rainbow trail appeared. The two of them followed it eventually coming to what looked like a jug full of gold. At first it seemed like the gold was unguarded but as Skip reached for one of gold coins. He felt a pain in his paw and a miniature man dressed in green appeared in front of him holding a wooden stick.


"What do ye think ye be doing Rrrabbit?" The small man demanded. He attempted to push the jug out of the rabbit's reach but it seemed to be too heavy for him to move. Finally he leaned against the the jug exhausted "This gold belongs to me."

"We don't want your gold, Leprechaun!" Troy told him.

That seemed to cause the Leprechaun to relax a bit. "It's Liam" he said. "So tell me. If not me gold what do ye want?"

It didn't take long for Troy and Skip to tell the Leprechaun their story.

The leprechaun smiled when they finished. "Ah so ye want a want a wee bit of Leprechaun luck do ye?"

The two nodded.

"What will it cost ye?"

"My family is in danger" Skip said sadly. "Can't you just help them out?"

Liam seemed amused. "All the more reason it should be expensive."

Troy sighed but then a spark of an idea came to mind. "I couldn't help but notice you weren't able to move the gold on your own. What would happen if told others where it was located?"

"Ye wouldn't" The Leprechaun said.

"Try us."

Liam snapped his fingers and threw his hat on the ground angrily "Drat!"

"Is it normal for you not to be able to carry that jug on your own" Skip asked

The Leprechaun frowned "No me magic has been on the fritz lately" he admitted. "Usually it enhances me strength."

"It is the same with Bunny burrow," the rabbit told him, We both want the same thing. If the Unicorn can bless the area it will restore everyone's magic to normal"

Liam considered then nodded. "Well if it will help everything get back to normal. I'll give ye a bit of me luck." he gestured to the coin that Skip had tried to touch earlier. "Take it!" he said. "It has me luck in it"

Skip picked it up nervously a little bit scared that he would get hit with the stick again.

Luckily, the Leprechaun made no moves to do that.

"Thank you" Skip told him.

"Just get me magic working proper" The Leprechaun said.

Skip looked over to his Unicorn friend. "It is up to you now Troy."

Troy nodded. Skip climbed on Troy's back and the two of them headed back to Bunny burrow.


Once again the pair were faced with the harsh winds as they approached the burrow but this time as Troy galloped towards it, the coin Skip was holding began to glow. The two felt a warm aura around them and Troy was able to gallop across the burrow. Everywhere he stepped, winter seemed to end around him and the warmth began to spread, restoring magic across the forest.

The other rabbits who were huddled together deep inside their homes for warmth came out to witness the return of spring thanking the pair who had brought it to them.

Word Count 1636 Words

Author's note: This was written for " Unicorn, Bunny Writing Contest Closed
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