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by Twiga
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Animal · #2328868
Uplifted Animals fight to discover why they were created
OK People I’m going to try something I tried before but with a twist so I’m not fussy when people do thing differently from my established canon since I’ve long since given up on putting my Humanimal stories on WDC since I’ve revised canon so much and put so much heart and soul into them...So basically what I’m doing is making the ‘Store Brand’ version of my Humanimals stories and instead of Planet Mizzer the planet we’ll be starting off with is called ‘New America’ (In this context we’re kind of saying the quiet part out loud that if you’ve read those stories you’ll understand the joke)

Plot: This is an RP Fanfic where we’ll be playing one of the ‘Humanimals’ on the Planet New America seems 100 years ago shortly after the end of the 20th Century...Something...The humans won’t say what and the New Animals dutifully believe it’s not their place to know decided to leave Earth and ‘Like the Pilgrims’ find a new planet in search of a better life...Using a wormhole shortcut they found a very Earth-like Planet on the other side of the Milky Way with one yellow sun, one silver moon, the planet did seem to have less land on it than earth, currently only the ‘Western Continent’ has been colonized in the first 100 years since the Earthlings landed and mostly the Northern Half which has lush green meadows and forests with trees as tall as skyscrapers, south of the Equator is terrifying jungle where exploration has been put on hold because every expedition has never come back to alive

Rules: 1 Humanimal Player Character per Writer for this team (Sorry for bringing this up again I just feel the need to play it safe)
2: The Only Animal Species allowed are Modern Day Animals no mythical creatures like dragons and no extinct creatures like dinosaurs or dodos only species that would have been around in the 20th Century and among them two exceptions brainless faceless animals like sponges and jellyfish and ‘hive mind’ insects like bees and ants (Because the Anthropomorphism Process can’t give individuality to a single bee or ant anymore than it can to a single human skin call)
3 Non Anthro Animals do exist both to provide food for carnivore species and they exist in zoos as a kind of (Back up supply) In case any species of New Animal for any reason goes extinct in New America they have regular Non-Anthro versions they can make new one Anthros from the Native Animals of New America also exist a lot of them seem vaguely Saurian from the ‘Long Necked Sapsuckers’ who are like Sauropods with Anteater snouts who suck sugary sap from the giant trees to ‘Wandering Howlers’ who seem like the reptilian version of big cats with floppy frills like ears and droopy snoots like a Moose their name comes from their piercing cry that seems to stun their prey they seem to find New Animals much more palatable than their Native Prey
Name: Henrietta Pigsy
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Species: Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) Breed: Large White
Occupation: Student
Personality: Bright and spirited Henrietta has grown bored with her life in the small town of Green Meadows and yearns for adventures, lately inspired by Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo Cartoons she's been thinking of trying to become an amateur detective!
Likes: Chocolate Bon Bons, Truffles (The fugus not chocolate truffles), Ballet Dancing, Reading Books and Romantic Daydreams
Dislikes: Saurkraught, Hot Weather, (She sunburns easily) Rap Music, People assuming she's crass because she's a Pig

Henrietta sat in math class watching the clock waiting for the day to end, while she was a good student she had become bored with everyday life in this small town of Green Meadows...Like a Disney Princess 'She wanted adventure in the great wide somewhere' the only real excitement lately was getting ready for Halloween but that was two weeks away, and she was ten years old she would soon get too old for trick or treating...And she wasn't sure she wanted to go to a typical teenage Halloween party she heard those things got kind of rowdy...And things worse than rowdy...
Name: George White

Age: 12 years

Sex: Male

Species: Artic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)

Occupation: Student

Personality: Flighty. - his family tends to travel the world.

Likes: To look up different flight plans, and far away locations.

Dislikes: Staying in one place for too long.

George was looking at a map of the known world. He wanted to travel to the unknown and little-explored sections. He wondered what was out there. But, he was too young, yet, to go that far on his own.
Just remember we're not on Planet Earth we're on Planet New America and not all the planet has been colonized yet just one continent so traveling can be dangerous of course if you're planning to make them explorers that is pretty cool in this context

After the school bell rang Henrietta grabbed her backpack and started walking home, her friend George an Arctic Tern joined her

"So...Any plans for Halloween?" The Bird asked

"I don't know..." Henrietta said, "...I feel I'm getting too old for Trick or Treating..."

"But you get candy," Said George "and I know you love candy!"

"There's more to this life than chocolate despite how delicious it is!" The Piglet snapped then she sighed "I don't know George...I just feel so bored in this middle-of-nowhere town! I wish something interesting would happen!"

"Depends on the route," said George. "Take a safe path - smooth sailing. Take a dangerous one, you get blown of course, and end up stranded on an island that isn't very friendly."
Just then as they were walking the Autumn breeze blew a piece of paper that landed at Henrietta's trotters...She picked it up and as she read it she couldn't believe what was reading!

"At last..." She said "...I may finally learn the secret of the mystery I've been searching the answer to all my life! The secret of how and why we Humanimals were created! Tonight I shall go down to the abandoned factory near the swamp to photograph those I believe are responsible for this conspiracy!"
"Sounds like something of a crackpot talking, or something for the police to deal with," said George.
Henrietta didn't listen instead she sniffed the note to try to discern the species of the author...

"I smell the scent of Housefly!" She exclaimed, "One of the Bug People wrote this!" Like most Vertebrate Cubs Henrietta knew very little about the Bug Humanimals often they forgot they even existed until they saw one
George decided to keep his opinion to himself. While a strange note didn't interest him much, keeping his friend safe did.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" he asked. "This sounds like something for an adult, maybe even the police."
Henrietta tucked the note into her pocket.

"I'll...Show this to my folks when I get home..." But secretly she was planning to go to the abandoned factory to investigate.
"Just be careful," said George.
But when Henrietta got home she did not show the note to her parents instead she went to her room and prepared a backpack with her detective supplies.
George had a funny feeling. As a result, he got a bag ready, and snuck out the window.
Henrietta made her way to the abandoned factory dressed in a trenchcoat and fedora to conceal herself

She had to climb over the fence to get inside...Once she was there she heard voices...She heard them saying things like "You'll never get away with this!" and then "We already have, we just have to tie up all the loose ends, like you"

Peeking behind a doorway she gasped! She saw two bugs, a Fly and a Beetle, and a Rabbit dressed as a cop tied up and there were four humans standing around them.

"You'll be our first experiments to test the new process!" Said one of the humans "To see if we can extract the 'magical energy' from Humanimals and use it to advance our evolution to Godhood."
"Well, as my partner used to say, you're going to burn in Hell," the rabbit said. "Besides, I've already sent photos of you lot to him. Even if he doesn't find out who you are, you won't be able to leave this city, especially since I told him that if he doesn't hear me talking the next time I'm supposed to contact him, in ten minutes, to assume that someone is pretending to be me."

"Do you think that scares me?" the human, who had a wolf-headed cane, asked. "I can buy cops."

"Not this one," said the rabbit. "He's the kinda cop that, once he learns that you killed me, he'll make sure that you won't be able to breath for much longer, especially with an extra big hole in your head."
Thinking there wasn't going to be a lot of time until the hostages were killed Henrietta picked up a pebble and through it into the room, she was intending to hit one of the villains but instead it just bounced on the hard floor and made a lot of noise.

"Who did that?!" Said the man with the wolf-headed cane "Someone else is here!"

Henrietta quickly ran away
George soon found himself near the factory district. "Where could she be?" he muttered.
Henrietta was running as fast as she could unfortunately the sound of her hooves against hard pavement was a clear giveaway.

For the three Humanimals tied up all the men leaving the room to chase whoever might be out there was a golden opportunity!

"Help me chew on these ropes..." Frank said "...With any luck we should be freed!"

"Okay," said Frank. "I should be able to gnaw through one person's topes, and they can set me free, and the third takes watch, until one of us frees them."
"Free me first..." Buster said "...Gordy is too much of a flight risk."

Meanwhile, Henrietta was just turning a corner of one of the buildings when she heard a voice say "It's a Pig Humanimal! Oh shit, it's just a kid, a piglet!"

"I don't care if they're a child!" Said a great booming voice "We can't leave any loose ends!"
That was when a tin can was thrown.
"George!" Henrietta exclaimed

"I knew it..." The Tern-Boy said as he flew overhead "..I knew you would try something stupid!"

And George knew they were in a real pickle because the Piglet was too heavy for him to pick up and fly out
"Listen," he said. "You keep going, and I'll throw stuff at them."
"Aw frick!" One of the Goons said "A Bird Humanimal!"

"Shoot at him!" Said the man with the wolf-headed cane.

Meanwhile Franke had chewed through Buster's ropes and when they heard the gunshots they decided to leave Gordy still tied up because he was still too much of a flight risk and because they heard the Humanimals the human cultists were chasing were cubs, Frank grabbed his gun the cultists had confiscated and went out the pursue the cultists.

Frank then passed his phone to Buster. "Press the Emergency Call button, and you tell them that there's a Code 9274 at this location. You got it? Code 9274."

"What does that mean?" Buster asked.

"Off-duty officer involved shooting, multiple armed hostiles, with civilians in danger from said hostiles," said Frank. "Now, you keep safe, and I'll go on ahead, and try to deal with these guys long enough for back-up to get here."
"Use the tranquilizers..." The man with the wolf-headed cane "...If we can get both of the cubs alive we'll have more Humanimals we can harvest magic from..."

Meanwhile Henrietta came to an area full of empty crates and so she decided to hide in one of them
Frank saw one of the abductors. He aimed his gun at the man's foot, and fired.
"Ow!" The cultist exclaimed, "#*(% That Bastard Rabbit got his gun back!"

Henrietta heard the gunshot in her crate and shivered wishing she could be like a turtle or snail and hide in a shell.

Meanwhile Buster was calling the police telling exactly what Frank had told him to say

George found another can, and threw it at one of the armed humans, from the relative safety of the rooftops.
And that's when they heard the blare of the police sirens...

© Copyright 2024 Twiga, BIG BAD WOLF is Howling, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2328868-Conspiracy-of-New-America