Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2329556-Tips-for-relaxing-face-muscles
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Educational · #2329556
A story on childhood memories and games which still are beneficial face relaxers.
Whenever i remember my childhood memories,i laugh my ribs out at how naive we were.Most of the adults had deep furrows on their foreheads which to us was a wonder to behold.We associated them with beauty and wisdom.We often wished that we would sleep and wake up as adults with a thousand and one glabelar lines on our foreheads .We eagerly waited for our old age in order for us to be in a position to acquire those 'coveted ,'forehead furrows.In my community there is a saying which goes' ndia ithekaa inyia ayituaa'(A fool laughs at its diarrhearing mother) Little did we know that these forehead furrows were as a result of fear, anxiety,stress,and worry.Our dear parents kept their internal melees to themselves.What wisdom!
I remember many times,we would raise our eye brows so high that the eyes were almost popping out of their sockets in an attempt to create the furrows on the foreheads but in vain.I remember,we even went to the extent of requesting our colleagues to squeeze the forehead as much as possible in order to create a few furrows but we did not know that by repeatedly raising the eyes brows and squeezing the forehead,we were indirectly massaging the forehead,relaxing the muscles and the furrows stood no chance with us.
At some point,we would push or pull the mouth outwards as much as possible and we would try to see whose mouth was the longest.After identfying the winner we would start running after each other snorting like pigs.Little did we know that by so doing we ended up relaxing our face muscles.
I remember very clearly,whenever we were hurt by our colleagues we would twist the mouth to the left or right,glare at the offender with eyes turned in the same direction as the mouth and this way,we believed that we were even.What a peaceful way of solving differences!.We would twist the mouth,right left,right left,right left until we were satisfied.Another facial relaxer.
Other times,we would try to identify the ugliest amongst us by tightly closing the eyes and tightly clenching the teeth.After identify ing the ugliest amongst us We would do this repeatedly and we would end up relaxing our face muscles though unknowingly.
We would now try our level best to out do him or her. I call it natures way if helping us to relax and keep ourselves busy because most if the time we were left home ALONE as our parents were bus chasing the elusive shillings 24/7.Call some body ugly today and you would find yourself before a judge!
During our free time we would crack jokes and reward whoever laughed till their ribs ached and tears streamed down their chubby cheeks.We often laughed kike maniacs.When was the last time you visited the hidden child inside you and laughed carelessly kike a six months old?Many adults today suffer from a disease called,"what will others say when they see me doing this?No wonder many are sickly ,wear grumpy faces and have furroows as thick as tarraces on their foreheads.
I don't know who cast the spirit of competition on us but ours was health competition.To us winning and losing was a way of life.
Could some of the furrows on people's foreheads be attributed to unhealthy and unnecelssary competition s?How many people out their are suffering stress and depression because of impulsively securing a loan in an attempt to be like their colleagues or to beat them?How many have compromised their healthy due to peer pressure?how many have ended their lives because they were rejected by a highly desired circle?I call it Forced Cliquey Fittings! Unhealthy abd unnecessary competitions also lead to dippression and jealousy.I dont need to point out the evil things that many have committed to their relatives and colleagues dues to jealousy.The good book tells us clearly that jealous leads to death' you desire as you do not have so so you kill ' and 'every perfect gift comes from above' but we must work,work,work.
If teeth in one mouth are not equal,how then can human beings expect to be equal.We are fearfully and wonderfully made abd our creator has created us fully equipped with the resources to last us for a a lifetime.The task is very simple,relax,focus deep down your heart, identify what you are good at and work on it to perfection.Start today,if you can.
As we engaged in Our childhood games abd endeavours,we indirectly practiced Jacobsons relaxation techniques or progress muscle relaxation (PMR)which helps to alleviate the physical symptoms of stress,prevents hypertension, migraines and addresses sleep issues.
As much as we want to relax our muscles we should focus on addressing the stressor.Stress is a thought and the sooner we overcome stressful thoughts the better.Robins Sharma,in his book ,the monk who sold his ferrari advises that we should treat every thought that comes into our mind like a guest.Just the same way that we dont allow all the guests into our sitting rooms,we should never allow any negative thoughts in our minds .We should always sent them away without looking at their direction.
Let's focus on More lively thoughts and ignore the negative mood dampening thoughts.
Wishing you a furrows free forehead.

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