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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2331650
Halfway to adulthood. Old enough to not know that she's the new target of an ugly bastard.
Iris sat up in her bed. Soaked in sweat she breathed heavily in the stale air of her room. The fresh stink of a heater turning on for the first time in months. It had to be a million degrees in her. That's what Iris believed. She sat up and took off her sweater she had been in. Her small breasts exposed to the world.

Looking over at the close curtain she sighed.

Earlier in the day, she had a rather boring birthday party. Only a handful of friends showed up. Her fourth-grade class wasn't exactly small but not large either. She herself wasn't the popular kid. Nor would she be a part of the outcast crew. In her school, that was the goths.

A shuffle in the corner of her room had her jump. Much to her chagrin both her parents worked the night shift tonight. The nurse and the firefighter.

"Hello?" She asked to the darkness.

Suddenly, the light turned on.

She squinted her eyes to see -

"Principal Daniels?" Iris gasped, seeing the principal to Anne Kellen's Academy K-8.

"I was hoping you wouldn't awake..." He said in a low raspy voice.

Realizing she was naked besides her panties, she wrapped herself in her blanket. "Could you leave?"

Iris's sleepy brain made her not realize just how much danger she really was in. The cat circling around its prey. The principal walked to the door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" Iris's heart started beating very fast.

"You know. I've seen you grow up from a little girl. One I could hold...right here." Daniels held up his hand and pointed at it. "You were so small then. Still kind of are..."

Iris was silent.

"You know why I'm here Iris?"

"You're a worried principal?" She hard swallowed.

"No." He shook his head with a nervous grin. "I knew your parents would be out of the picture. That I would be able to come in and care for you. Care for you like a man should."

"Man should what?"

"You remember last year...when you had your first boyfriend."


"Right. Good ol' Charles. I happened to see your first kiss."

"And??" Iris thought back to it. It was a spectacular kiss like she thought it would be. It wasn't magical like she imagined. It was...mess. Sloppy even.

"And...that's when I realized my feelings for you."

"Feelings for me..."

"I knew then, in that moment of watching your young body kiss a boy. You've had what now? Three boyfriends?"


"And what kind of stuff did you guys get into when you were alone?"

To be honest. Iris had seen porn with her second boyfriend. She sucked his dick, small as it was, to completion. She hated the taste and spit it out. Never again had she partaken in anything sexual.

"How about I teach you..." The principal offered to the silent girl in front of him.

For him, this was the culmination of months of planning. He started by getting close to the parents. All it took was a conversation about her potential. There wasn't much there academically. She wasn't the brightest, she wasn't the smartest, the fastest, the strongest. She by all means was a mid-child. No real friends. At least from his perspective. She wasn't much for school. But she was easily one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. He was determined to make her his own. By any means.

That’s when he went onto the dark web and found a potent aphrodisiac.


He had never used it. Never seen it in action. Never seen the things that it could accomplish. Tonight was the test run of the spray. A simple spray that begun it’s work as soon as she breathed it in. He felt the bottle press into his thigh.

He also felt his dick pressing up against his pants. He had already taken his ED aid. Being 45 had it complications. One of his wife was all too familiar with.

“Get out of my house…” She whispered more than commanded.

“What?” He grew angry. “What did you say to me?”

“Get…” She swallowed again. A flash of her swallowing her cum filled Principal Daniels’s mind. “Out.”

“No.” He pulled out the spray. “I’ll only get out on one condition.”

She grimaced and stared up at the 6’2” principal. Much, much taller and clearly stronger she knew she couldn’t run past him. In her mind, she was stuck. Stuck in a difficult situation. One she figured she might be able to talk her way out of.

“Fine.” She finally said after a long pause.

He walked up to her. Iris felt like running. In that moment she felt like screaming even.

It was too late.

Life wouldn’t be the same, her last chance escaped when he brought the spray up to her and squeezed. A cloud of mist filled around her face. She blinked and coughed.

The drug seeps into her system through the eyes, the nose and the mouth. She could taste the surprisingly sweet smell. It was quite tropical.

She blinks and her vision feels like it’s moving at half speed. She blinks and look up at her assailant. The feeling of dread, the feeling of fear slowly disappearing. With what she wasn’t quite sure.

She felt warmth in her lower stomach and eventually her panties began feeling a little tight. She shifted her weight and the small movement brushed the panties fabric against her privates. She squeezed her legs together trying to fight this feeling. A sudden feeling of euphoria. One she couldn’t fight.

Nor would she ever again.

Daniels stood above her and grinned. He ran a finger across her face. The sensation of his soft, paperwork hands. The touch sends shivers down her spine.

“You’re so beautiful.” He leans down, his breath stinks of alcohol.

With that statement he kisses Iris. His kiss is soft and unlike her previous boyfriends his tongue danced expertly in her mouth. It made her crotch feel even more on fire.

With a nimble hand Daniels pulled away the blanket. For a few moments he admired her. The curves of her small body. And lack thereof. She was a small, stick of a girl. Her breasts barely developed. Enough that her nipples stuck up, hardened by the drug. He went down got down onto his knees.

Pulling her legs out of the covers of her bed, Daniels brought her legs to the side of her bed. Iris let each of his actions happen. She felt like she was floating in clouds. He pushed her gently, allowing her to come onto her back.

She looked towards him, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. He wasn’t built like anything special. If anything, he had the saggy boobs of a slightly overweight man who never worked out a day in his life.

Didn’t matter.

He was having the time of his life. Daniels took a small foot into his hand. He looked down at it. She must have been barefoot for a while. It was slightly stained with dust from the ground. Still, her soft little left foot was too cute not to kiss. A light touch of his lips on the pedicured big toe.

He then kissed the arch of her foot. She watched and without thinking giggled as he moved up to the ankle.

She covered her mouth. The feeling of pleasure shooting up her body. Giving her goosebumps.

He then moved up to her calf. Kissing tenderly as he moved up and up until he was at her inner thigh. His heavy breath against her inner thigh sending her reeling. She felt lightheaded. She could almost feel her heartbeat in her growing bud. The small treasure that had been left untouched.

Untouched until Daniels spread Iris’s legs up and wide.

“What are you doing?” Iris begins to struggle.

But a quick kiss to her bud has her squirming not to get away. But out of pleasure. She squirms her ankles in his hands. He continues to pull her legs apart. Then with a quick motion he adjust himself. His arms pull at her thighs and her ankles go over his shoulders.

Her small frame a stark contrast to this behemoth of a man. She reaches down with her hand, grabbing a tuft of hair as he kisses her spot lightly. Through the cloth of her panties she is still getting waves of pleasure.

Then he pulls away quickly. Looking around he turns his head, waiting. Listening for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing.

Daniels then grins with mischief. He grabs her panties and pulls them off. Iris, much to her disbelief, is helping his take them off her ankles. He takes a deep breath into the cute pink panties. Her pussy and asshole could be smelt on the panties. He took it in with great pleasure.

Looking down at her privates, Iris gets self-conscious and tries to hid her shame.

Daniels shakes his head gently moves her hands away. He then positions her legs so the knees are up and feet planted on the edge of the bed.

Daniels stands tall and pulls down his own pants and underwear.

Iris’s eyes go wide as she sees the size of the beast. A cock easily nine inches long.

Grabbing her ankles he pulls something from his back pocket. A small bottle of lube, he grabs an ankle and pulls a foot up higher. One at a time he lubes up her feet.

He then adjusts her legs so they are wide with the feet meeting sole’s of the feet inward. He grabs her ankle and guides the cute, small feet to stroke his big dick. Her feet were easily smaller in length that his entire dick.

“Rub it like this.” He instructs.

Iris, who has never felt this much pleasure in her life, obliges.

She uses her feet to jack off an adult. An adult that was easily five times her age. His thick, experienced cock between two virgin feet. The glistening of those feet had his cock erect.

She stroked it slowly and even pushed it up against his belly with her right foot. Rubbing it up and down she looks him in the eye and his heart melts.

“I love you.” He says out loud. His eyes go wide as she stops.


“Doesn’t matter.” He shook his head. “I’m done waiting.”

Iris had seen enough porn to know what was coming.

“It won’t fit.”

“It will.” He grins as he grabs her ankles.

Pulling them wide, he rubbed his dick against her clit and small lips. Iris’s hand came shooting up as she covered her mouth. Moans of pleasure being pushed down. She didn’t want this. But she also felt so euphoric…she never wanted anything more in her life.

“This will hurt.” He warned.

Then he pushed his hard dick into her.

“Ouch!” She tried to squirm away.

But he kept her in that spot. Oddly, pain even felt good to her. She gasped as she was spread out. The cock slowly going in.

Despite being more experienced, Daniel was also impatient.

He thrust as far as he could without warning.

“AhhH!” Iris screamed out.

She pushed her feet against his body. He grabbed her ankles and forced her legs wide. She struggled against the stretch.

Daniel fucked Iris.

Pushed his dick as far as it could go in. First it only went in three inches. But it felt amazing. That small of a pussy wrapping around his dick. And it was twitching with every thrust.

He brought his dick back and slammed it down.

Soon, the struggle turned in the relaxation.

For Iris the first thrust hurt like hell. Then the second hurt like hell. Then the third screamed in even worse pain as her hymen broke. Her body was screaming at her to stop.

However, the drug was sending another signal:


She went limp as he kept thrusting.

Turning her head to the side tears streamed down her face as he kept thrusting.

Harder and harder he jammed his dick, deep inside this little girl. So small, he could see right below her belly button his cock imprint.

Fully mounting her, he rested the weight of his body on his elbows as he practically enveloped the entirety of her.

Her mind was going blank with each thrust. The immense pain as he stretched her out to the point four inches now fit inside of her.

He began to moan as he thrust faster and faster.

Head tilted to the side, should one have been there, they would’ve seen a girl with a blank expression on her face. Tears streaming down her cheeks. Numb to the active rape taking place.

“Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum.” The Principal of over 500 students moaned into Iris’s ear.

Then, hot liquid shot deep into her pussy. The warmth like a fire in her stomach.

“Mmmph.” Iris moaned out as the dick was finally pulled out of her.

Blood and semen coated the dick. Iris was breathing heavy and her pussy hole squeezed and loosened with each heave of a breath.

Daniels grinned as he put a pinky inside her. It was loose, fitting easily.

She flinched from the shock. Her tender pussy not ready for more.

Iris was a doll now. Limp against the man who raped her. He held her close and stroked her hair.

Out of her sight, he was rubbing his dick while he embraced the small girl. He kissed her on the cheek and sat down. Grabbing her, he placed her above his dick.

“No…” She pleaded.

“Yes.” He smiled.

His ED med was working to perfection as he guided his dick back into the fourth grader. His wildest fantasies couldn’t replicate how tight her pussy was. She was limp in his arms but sprang to life when the cock entered her pussy. Already red from abuse.

This time was different. Instead of shooting pain, this second insertion brought waves of pleasure.

“Oh…” She moaned out as she slid all the way down to five inches on his dick.”

Helping her onto her feet he put his hands on her ass. Her small little ass cheeks in his large hands. He helped her ride his dick.

She placed a gentle hand against his chest.

As if she was born to do it, she rode his dick.

Moaning loudly as she did. She couldn’t help herself. The pleasure just too great.

With a few thrusts she came. Her pussy tightening around the hard dick. This caused him to cum again. Shooting less than before hot liquid into the girl’s pussy.

He pulled out and tossed her to the side.

He looked down at his dick. It was growing flaccid.

“Give me a minute.” He breathed heavily.

Iris was left on her stomach. Her body twitching from her first orgasm. Her small frame on her childhood bed. She lay facedown before rolling onto her back. She felt her pussy. It felt different. More spacious as she fingered herself. She moaned as she did so. Rubbing her clit she spread her legs.

“More?” Daniels breathed heavy.

“Please.” She said through heavy breaths.

As if by magic his dick started growing with each heart beat it grew and grew until back to full strength. He grinned rolled her back to her stomach. Getting up and pulling her legs off the bed. Her legs shook as she tried to stand on tip toes.

Her asshole looking up at him. He lubed her hole’s entrance. The cold shocked her for a moment. Then he shoved his thumb into her ass.

“Ouch.” She breathed out for a moment. “Umph.” She moaned out when a cock entered her again. This one was much slower. A slow pace of in and out. Her face buried in the cloth and fists balling up her comforter.

She moaned and moaned as a dick was thrust into her slowly. This time six inches being forced deep into her. It felt like butterflies dancing her stomach as his large head spread her open more and more.

Soon, two thumbs were in her ass.

“Stop.” She moaned but he kept pulling them apart. Like ripping her asshole in two with lubed up thumbs. Then he pulled them out and then his dick out.

“How about I fuck your ass.”

“Please…” She moaned out. Unsure if she wanted him to stop or show her more.

He shoved his dick into her asshole. She let out a small shocked gasp.

There heart beats could be felt. Her asshole wrapped around his cock and his cock deep inside this little girl. This nine-year-old girl.

Suddenly, he came in a matter of ten thrusts. Hot semen shooting into the girl’s asshole. She moaned in pleasure as he pulled the dick out slowly.

“Shit…shit.” He looked down at the back of the little girl.

Little girl.

He had just raped a fourth grader…

What the hell was he doing?

Iris passed out, halfway on the bed and covered in semen.

Daniels snuck out of there, unsure of what he had just done.

Iris laid there for another five hours. Undisturbed.

It wasn’t until her father found her she was moved.

Moved into a better position…

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