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Rated: E · Article · Personal · #281780
this letter is my view on a relationship which can lead to a troubled free an happy life.
" A respectful relationship "

The words I will write here should be taken for granted. I just like to share with you what goes on in my mind about the way to treat any respected person. It is my strongest believe that these lines can create an ever lasting joyful relationship.

Walking through the dense jungle of an unpersonal and selfish society, we must force ourselves to live in every single day, there sometimes is a weak glimpse of sunshine shining on a person, making him or her the one you might have been waiting for all your life. In a world overclouded with dark and restless skies, you want to hold it, take care of that feeling in the best possible way and if you may, like to be part of the beauty that it brings to you. The burning innerglow, which has been gone for such a long time, start lightning up like it has never done before. Slowly, day by day a man or a woman should take the time to enter the mysterious mind of the sunshine they hope to take in their hearts.

In a community filled with anonymous individuals hoping to concur all their material hopes by bluffing, lying and exploding killing moves, they also see this unexplained wonder and want to take a large part of it in their war for innerglow. They want to have it, hold it for themselves, and not sharing it together with the persons that have so high hopes of the merciless killers. They will hunt for them like on a lost animal running through dark evil forest. Impress, impress and impress again hoping they can attract the light in a web of intrigues that will erase the baits hopes and dreams. The hunted will soon loose that first love and questions start to run around in that unharmed soul. You wonder what went wrong, now you don’t longer seem to be the first person in his heart, why did he turn in a road that is not the highway to your heart, while you know even that path is filled with rocks. Now all you are able to do is letting go of your feelings hoping you can start to fall in love with a person that is not really you.
But don’t worry to much, there is still hope inside you that will guide your heart through the dark days that lay in front of you. And that hope is a small cluster in your brain that has been formed in his/her unpersonal world, a hope that by becoming a person that he likes you to be, thinking how he wants you to think, after a while, and you don’t know how much time it will take, he will start to see you as how you wanna be, and might treat you like a respected person. If you do so, I hope that luck will be on your side and that faith will turn it’s tide and create a trouble free life filled with happiness. But be honest to yourself, maybe in a world of imagined TV-soaps it does happen, in real life, please tell me if you know then I might change my mind.
You are still an unexplained creation of life with all your hopes and dreams alive inside yourself. Every day there will be chances of being who you are, living your life as you want it to grow and walking the rough path of love before finally realizing that true love may be hidden where you never walked a road before. A person like yourself should not be having all these black thoughts and questions in your already twisted mind, take the time to look inside yourself and search for the feelings that are so important to you and maybe then you can find an answer to these difficult questions.

Maybe now you may start to know why I believe that it is realy important to take enough time searching for the secret dreams and desires hidden in that restless mind. Hoping one day to find the far away mysteries that run through her/his smooth dark red blood. Revealing these clues piece by piece they can start to form the puzzle of live, matching each others dreams, hopes and feelings, creating that vision you had in your soul as the ideal basis for a long and happy life together. For myself this is the only way to find true love and therefore the most important thing in a relationship should be talking without any obstacles that will lead you of the path of honesty. The extreme form of trust this puts in each others minds is big, as you may start for the first time, to reveal all your dark mysteries. For a young person these words may sound like an unimportant message, but what can be more satisfying than en evening with a nice dinner in front of an open fire with a good glass of wine, drowning in each others eyes searching for the innersole of the person that brings you so much happiness. Taking the time trying to understand your vision will reveal all her/his dreams and why then not go on a weekend to a place you both have been dreaming
about and do all the things you both like so much, watching the stars at night with that special person can give you an amazing innerglow !! Maybe I’m wrong but if these feelings keep on growing, you can almost feel his/her heartbeat through the thick walls that devide your hotelrooms opening a complete new world of innerbeauty.
For now start looking deep inside your hidden soul that lies in that lost heart of yours and try to believe again in the feelings you like so much and why not becoming happy slowly turning stone by stone before finally becoming the person you always dreamt of in your childhood. Or do you just want to be happy for a while finding yourself growing into a person you never wanted to be.

I do know that these words are no help for the problems that go around in your head but I do hope that some day, sooner or later, a small letter I wrote can help you in your search for through happiness
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