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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Novella · Fantasy · #414973
The Gods are fighting their own war and their world is left to fend for itself...
Hello, people.Welcome to Celisd(Se-list).The Gods have lost patience and are now fighting amongst each other.One god sits alone choosing people to bring sanity to the World.The races are:
Elves:Tall, fair, blah-blah-blah,purest of races
Dwarves:Miners,short,use axes for weapons,
Wizards:A little eccentric but very wise
Gnomes:Short people who are scientists and inventors.
If you accept please specify your:
If you want to add anything else, go ahead.Blow yourself away people.Keep it kind of European Dark Age-Middle Age-ish.No science fiction.
REMEMBER:The world is in CHAOS!!!
Thank you.
Weapon:Throwing Star and sword
Skills:Can use her weapons well and can cook good cherry pie
Personality:Funny,can be sarcastic,loves squirrels,not a leader, she'd rather take rear guard and goof off with others,Finds wizards hilarious,and loves to annoy gnomes
Appearance:Colorful socks,blond,blue-eyed,hair pulled up,
Quirks:Hates orcs and figs,likes to make maps, and isn't very good at it.Has pouches to collect things.LOVES WEIRD SOCKS!
Kate looked around,trying to map her way.
"Hmmmmm,"she said."So, the nice lilac tree was....there and the stone that looks like Uncle Frigmond was down here...mmmm...yes.I think that's
Kate rolled up the piece of parchment and stuck it into a pouch.She started off down the road and
looked happily at her new socks.They were blue and green striped.Her grandma had given them to her after she left home.
Kate stopped to think for a moment.She heard a rustling in the bushes.She turned and swallowed. Kate dug in her pack,looking for her throwing star.Another rustle came from the bushes.She took a step foward.
The bush was still for a moment and Kate began to turn when a weird Laughing noise came from behind her followed by a great,"Blast it!"
She felt herself knocked to the ground and something hit her.
"Confound it,I've got you now!"
A Non-Existent User
Race: Wizard
Name: Scrap
Age: 17
Weapon: Fireball gun.
Skills: Engineering, seige weaponry.
Personality: Thinks he's onto something.
Appearance: Repaired several times after
explosions, is now made of 30% post
consumer recycled goods.
Quirks: Repeated repairs have left him not
functioning optimally.

         "Aha, now I see," said Scrap. "Now I
         "What do you want, tin man?" said
Kate's attacker as the wizard wandered onto
the scene while he bound her hands and
pilfered through her belongings.
         "I'm onto you!" declared Scrap. "You'll
never destroy the seventh seal of Valience!"
         "The what now?" said the attacker,
perplexed. "I'm fairly sure there are only six..."
         "Die, feind!" said Scrap, leaping into
the air and bringing his foot down on the
attacker's face. He went down hard.
         "Hello!" said Kate. "I'm Kate! Wanna
come with me to the next city of wizards?
They're sure to have some interesting socks
         "Hmm," said Scrap, rubbing his chin.
"Yes, this sure will be a troublesome quest.
But it must be seen out! I shall accompany
you..." at this point he looked Kate right in the
eye and winked. "...Your majesty."
         Scrap whispered into her ear.
"Nothing gets past me."
         Kate liked the idea of pretending to be
a queen for a while, so she didn't say
anything. "So, what's your name? You havn't
told me yet."
         Scrap's eyes went wide. "You're right!
We must make haste!"
         He grabbed Kate's hand and towed
her the wrong way down the road as fast as
A Non-Existent User
Race: Elf
Name: Kerla
Age: 256,341 (21 in human years)
Weapon: Longsword (one of the only elves that does not use archery)
Skills: Longsword and a great singing voice that can be used as magic against pure evil (is that an oxymoron?)
Personality: Nice, not snobby like most elves, feminist, loves life
Appearance: Mid-back dark brown, straight; blue eyes that sometimes turn green (like mine hehe)
Quirks: Sometimes dances instead of walking. It can get kind of annoying. (like me again!! lol)

Kelra danced along the southern road while singing
"The Maid from Gwynt" in a loud, beautiful voice.
"The Fair Maid from Gwynt
Went down the road
And on the way
She met a toad
She met a toad!
She met a toad!
She met a toad!-"

Suddenly she stopped and scampered off the road. She looked out between two trees and drew her longsword. She could hear something coming. Presently two figures came along the road. One looked like a wizard. Or at least, sounded like a wizard.

"Come, make haste! We must hurry! I am onto whatever is happening! Something is happening down this road!" He stopped and thought for a moment. Then he started running again, pulling the other figure behind him. "O yes! I am onto it! The sale! The sale on sub sandwiches at the Pig's Behind Tavern and Inn is on! We must hurry or all the Itylen Beef will be gone!" All of a sudden he stopped at the tree she was hiding behind, poked his face in and said with his nose practically touching hers, "The Itylens are known for their beef sandwiches! Hurry, maiden, and procure your own before another claims your treasure!"

The girl behind him, with colorful socks and long blond hair, yanked her wrist away and started yelling some incoherent nonsense about mapping and Uncle Frigmond and fiends. Kelra stared and started backing slowly out of the scene when the wizard caught her and grabbed her sword. Without cutting his hands. Her eyes widened.

"Stay maiden! You musy help us on our quest!"

"What quest?"

"The Itylen Beef quest! We must restore these treasures to their rightful place in the world! Our stomachs!"

She stared and started laughing hilariously.

"Oh hahahahahahaha!! I love life! heeheeheehee!! The gods have truly abandoned us! Itylen beef, Uncle Frigmond hahaha! heeheehee! hahahahaha!"

Now it was Scrap and Kate's turn to stare.
Age: 26
Weapon: His favorite weapon is a sword that can cut through anything, but he usually carries around random experiments of his own.
Skills: A genius, can build anything destructive quickly, can use any type of lab equipment possible
Personality: Mad scientist character, girl crazy(slobbers all over elf women especially....it's their genetic make-up he finds so interesting....), but is generally a nice guy....(snicker....cackle....laugh...muwahahahahaha!)
Appearance: White skin, working clothes (clothes he can stain, burn, and otherwise mutilate), with scruffy brown hair and dark brown eyes. about 3'2.
Quirks: Can never actually fixs things....finds great ways to break them...but cannot fix anything.
(add me in if you want.....I'm too tired to continue!)
Name: Elurale
Age: 17 (in human years)
Weapon: Shortsword and Bow
Skills: Can dual wield swords, very good at close up fighting, master at archey.
Personality: He is very kind and brave, protective and loyal.
Appearance: Short and spiked brown hair, beautiful green eyes like emeralds. Very tall and toned body. Skin is tanned.
Quirks: He feels like his purpose is to live a journey of epic proportions; very much into the 'hero' role. Carries around scrolls to record his adventures in hopes his tales will live on for eternity.

Elurale dusted the dirt off of his green vest, its beautiful material gleaming with light and then dulling in the shade of the great tree he stood under. His brown pants were etched with threads of gold and verdant, creating a beautiful pattern down the side of his pants that ran down to his large, brown boots that were planted firmly in the earth.

He carefully studied the area, his green eyes scanning the softer green land. He had a bow across his shoulder, a backpack and quiver over his shoulder, and two swords, one on each side of his legs tucked in the sheaths hanging from his woven belt. It was clear he was a ranger, and quite a fine example of one. He had a very earthen look to him.

There was a rustle in the road behind the tree, and grabbing his bow in his hand set with an arrow, he jumped onto the path and stopped the coming of noise. The movement and sound was from a party of three; an elf, a wizard, and a man(female though). The two females were lovely, shining beautifully in the light. The wizard man was strange looking, an appearance Elurale never saw before.

"What dares walk in these woods?" Elurale asked the party. He pointed the bow at the man. "Do you dare hold these fair ladies as captives? If you say 'aye', then I shall have no choice but to put my arrow through your cold heart."

"Uh," the wizard began, "dude, no one speaks like that any more."

"What foolish words of evil do you speak Dark Sorcerer?" Elurale responded. He raised his bow more towrards the man's heart.

"It's all right, kind sir," Kate said as she walked towards the elf and gestured his bow down. "We are all friends here. My name is Kate, and this is Scrap and Kerla," she added, pointing to the figures in respect.

"Lovely socks," Elurale commented. Kate blushed a bit.

"We are on a quest," Kate said when she was done blushing.

"Yes," Scrap chimed in with a glimmer in his eyes. "It is a very important quest, and it will be a long one, very hard, and quite gruesome at times, maybe even tiresome, or boring, but exciting too, and scary, and happy, and smiling, and a journey of epic..."

"Epic!" Elurale said with a smile. He pulled out a scroll and writing utensil and jotted down some words. He wrote: 'Today I embark on an epic quest with my friends, Kate, Scrap, and Kerla. They seem really cool. They will need my strength and weaponry to complete the quest. Note that today, my epic has begun!' He put it away and said to the guys, "Well let's go." Before they could start up, he saw a small figure walking towards them, obviously a gnome. "What comes this way in such a small and strange order? Greetings friend!" he called to the gnome.
A young woman reared in witchcraft watched the whole group as they journied. "what the heck was going on?" she wondered. Whatever it was, it looked like fun. She dropped from the trees, standing in front of them.

"Hello, i am Ersicala. I am a witch. Fear me for iwish to take your underpants!"

The group stared at her?

"What?" asked Scrap.

"Sorry she said, my little sister wrote my entrance. What i mean is i am heading to the city of wizards. I too like socks, but not half as much as feathers. May i join you? I can make quiche."
KATE(Make sure you include a description of your character,Ersicala)
Kate sneezed as a stout little figure ran up to them speaking very quickly.
"Silence!"said Elurale boldly."He scribbled on a piece of parchment,This day,I vanquished a mad gnome who threatened our existance with very dangerous gnomish weapons.
"Hey!"said the gnome."I never did any of that.I just waant to join you on your quest."
Kate and Scrap stepped forward."We are the leaders of this quest and will accept ou gladly if you agree to come with us to the city of wizards at which we shall receive information on what has happened to our world and how we can stop whatever is happening."
The gnome grabbed them all and started yanking the whole group behind him."HURRYHURRYHURRY!"he yelled excitedly."We must get there quickly!We have soooo many objects to take apart and analyze!Things to invent!HURRYHURRYHURRY!"
In the chaos that followed as Tristan(as the gnome introduced himself)dragged them along,Kate smiled at Scrap.
"I guess we're in for a great adventure."
Scrap waved around his gnarly staff and yelled,"Onward!Like the stag,I say!"
Kate didn't ask,she liked the strange wizard, heck,she liked them all.
A Non-Existent User
         Scrap secretly wished that her majesty
Kate the Third and a Half would not associate
with these miscreants, especially that gnome,
who was obviously attempting to kill them all
and sell their hair folicles on the black market.
         Kelra began to sing her song again.
"The Fair Maid from Gwynt
Went down the road
And on the way
She met a toad
She met a toad!
She met a toad!-"

         "Gwynt?" said Scrap. "Where have I
heard that name before...."
         "So, what be'est this epic quest on
which we boldly partake?" asked Elurale
         "I'm absolutely CERTAIN I've heard
that name before..." said Scrap.
         "I'm going to find socks!" said Kate.
         "How's it spelled? G-W-Y? Or is it an
I? Oh, where have I heard that before...."
         "And there was something threating
the entire land for some reason,
which I forgot."
         "BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!" bellowed a
horrible laugh. A great red dragon appeared
before them. "And you will NEVER
REMEMBER, for I shall be the LAST THING
         The dragon attacked.
A Non-Existent User
Kerla jumped out in front of everyone and started to sing.

"Stab a dragon
And drink a flagon
Cut off it's ears
And have a few beers
Cut off its tail
And quaff an ale..."
(*?I made that up by myself on the spot. I'm very proud hehehe :) )

Suddenly the dragon covered its ears and turned around and flew off. Kerla faced them and said with some satisfaction, "They hate that song."
Tristan studied the people in front of him, shaking his head yes as he murmured, "Yes....." Suddenly he jumped up and ran down the halls, yelling, "Follow me! Follow me! I will show them all! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA (this is a nice moment for me....I finally get to use evil laughter in a plot *tear*) The others shrugged and followed the demented scientist to his secret lab.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Tristan's Secret Lab of Doom~~~~~~~~~~
"YES! THAT'S THE ANSWER!!!!!!!" Tristan declared as he studied the vial.
"What's the answer?" Kate asked in confusion as she leaned against a counter.
Tristan lowered the glass and gave her a prim look, "I need 1 drop of elf blood to make the perfect poison." He turned to Kerla and drooled slightly before he asked, "Do you mind?"
Elurale stood against the wall and wrote onto his scroll, recording the events of the day. 'Today,' he began, 'was indeed a strange day. This beast of a monster so called the Dragon of the Red Scales interrupted our quest. Luckily, with my mighty blade in hand and eye locked to its own, I was able to scare the dragon away... also, Kate didn't change her lucky socks so they were starting to smell, and Kerla is off key too much. I really need to buy her singing lessons. After the dragon had fled, we wandered more into the forest until we found a small town, or city, I am not sure, where the gnome led us to this grand building.'

He paused for a second, studied the surroundings, and continued. 'There is a darkness hidden in this building, but the others don't seem to notice. I, being such the warrior with keen senses, have stumbled upon it, though I am not sure what evil causes it. I am not sure if it's the dead wolf on the wall...' He paused and studied its teary eyes and clumpy fur coated with some soft oil. 'It maye be the stacks of skulls along the counter side.'

Then Elurale caught hold of the cause of the evil. 'I have found it! It is the collection of Troll dolls on the shelf. Those Troll dolls are quite scary, their beady little eyes studying my every move. I ought to crush them under my boot and put them out of their misery.'

"What evil doth thou keep in such shadows that it dare touch its wicked glare upon our sight?" Elurale asked the gnome.

"Eh?" the gnome asked back.

"He asked," Kerla said, "'What's with the troll dolls?'."
"Nothing, I just....okay, i'm addicted! There I said it, are you happy!!!!!!!??????!!!!"

Off she went crying.

Ersicala, the five foot four, witch, pushed her strawberry blonde hair back from her slightly hollow looking face.

"Well, that seems...strange. Who wants dinner? Anyone up for snake" She asked, pointing her finger and frying a reptile not far from Elurale's feet.
Name: Flint Axestone
Race: Dwarf
Age: 227
Weapon: Double-Bladed Battle Axe
Skills: handy with his axe and can bake fig pies
Personality: grumpy, but is actually very friendly and extremely loyal to his friends
Appearance: rotund belly, long brown hair that matches that long brown beard that reaches down to his feet.
Quirks: talks to himself all the time, even when no one is listening, constantly tripping over his beard
Suddenly the entire group became very quiet. And in the silence they heard a soft mumbling. It soon began to grow and the members of the group could make out words "I don't know what I'm going to do. I've lost my friends and all I have is my axe. Perhaps I can make some fig pies. There then came a loud crash followed by an "Oof Ump Ouch." And falling down the stairs next to the troll dolls (the stairs that no one quite noticed until now) was a dwarf.
Kate blinked,one sock in her hand.She was rolling her white socks(which she had just changed)down into her shoes.Her pale blue skirt hung around her toes as she stood and pulled the dwarf to his feet.
"Are you alright?"she said as the dwarf dusted himself off and fluffed his beard pompously.
"Thank you."he said."Where are you going?Can I come with you?"
"We're on a quest to the wizard city."said Scrap.
Dwarves were usually trustworthy enough.He might be a good bodyguard for the queen Kate,he thought.
"Come with us."Scrap said.
"Yes,why don't we leave now?"said Kate,who had picked up her pack again and was now staring uneasily at her surroundings.
"Well,I'm going with Kate,"said Scrap and dashed out the door after her.
"I'm following them,"said Kerla and danced out.
A chorus of "yeahs,"followed from Elurale and Flint.They ran out and slammed the door behind them leaving only Tristan and Eriscala in the lab.
"Hey!Wait for me!"said Eriscala.
Tristan sighed and ran as quickly after the quickly disappearing group to the wizard city as his short legs could take him.
A Non-Existent User
A Non-Existent User
**So not creative right now**
okay........bye now! I loves you all!
The group had wandered a bit before it became night time. They decided to make camp on the side of the road, that way they didn't get lost. Before going to bed, Elurale grabbed a scroll and began to write. Kate was counting her socks and Scrap was planning out the journey ahead.

There was a rustle in the bushes nearby, which sent shivers down their spines. They reached for their weapons, slowly got to their feet, when suddenly three werewolves jumped out at them.
Scrap threw a burning torch into the air and yelled,
"Begone,you evil fiends!"
There was a whining noise and the werewolves caught flame.They scampered off.
"WOW!"said Kate."That was amazing! Scrap---Scrap?"
Scrap had fallen asleep.
A Non-Existent User
         "He fell asleep!" Elurale said. "There
is some dark magic at work here..."
         "No, I think he was just tired," said
         "You'll never be an epic with that
attitude. Quick! We must make haste!"
         "I don't know. Call it in the air..."
Tristan stood there....extremely confused. He shrugged and jumped three feet into the air, singing loudly, "YANKEE DOODLE WENT TO TOWN!!!!!!"
Kate gave Tristan an awkward look, "Are you okay?"
Tristan smiled up at her, "Did it hurt?"
"Did what hurt?" Kate asked, eyebrows furrowing together.
Tristan clutched her hand, looking up at her earnestly, "When you fell from heaven."
AHHH!! Run away!!! Hey why isn't anyone posting??? I must intrigue you sleepy heads into great joyousness and adventure. That or I can give you a swift kick up the-^^

Kate brushed Tristan off by kicking him with one foot in a blue and neon green striped sock. Tristan fell off her. Scrap hummed in his sleep and stroked the ground while all the other characters whose name I can't remember except for Elistan, caused general chaos. Something had to be done! Someone had to bring this adventure to order and it was----
(Why me? Kate whined and the narrator poked her. BECAUSE I SAY SO! Oh, fine, she mumbled)
Kate awakened Scrap who quickly sorted everything out because all of Lady Arwen's creativity was out and had nothing to talk about and so the next person could make everything interesting. ^^
A Non-Existent User
         "You know what we should do?" said
Scrap, mostly to himself. "We should go to the
wizard city!"
         "You're a genius, Scrap," said Kate.
         "What about me?" said Tristan. "That
pick up line of mine deserves something!"
         "At best, that thing deserved
forgiveness," said Kate.
         "What was the implication behind that,
anyway?" asked Elurale. "That she's some
sort of fallen angel fit to be banished from
heaven, presumably because she's evil?"
         "Shut up."
         "I want money," said Scrap.
         And thus the crew continued on their
path. Nothing much interesting happened for
a while, so they passed the time with a chorus
or two of the "We're Running out of Oxygen"
song. Then, they reached the frikkin' city, for
cryin' out loud.
"So this is the mighty city!" Scrap said in a cheerful voice.
"No, idiot," Kerla said with a cold grin, "this is a pile of rocks. That," she said as she turned Scrap around, "is the city."
"Wow..." Scrap said as his eyes took in the sight.
"Now what?" Tristan asked.
Elurale wrote in his scroll. "We have come to the mighty city of the wizards. The towers gleam with a golden hue, and the windows of the buildings shine with crystals and azurean lights. There is the sweet smell of flowers and baked goods in the air, and the streets..."
"I think I just stepped in something. EW!" Kate interrupted.
"And the streats," Elurale continued, "are covered in the essence of city life."
"Nice touch," Scrap said to the elf.
"Thank you," Elurale grinned. "Let us make our way to the dark corners of the social life where the smell of ale and smoke fill the air and the talk of strangers mingles with the conversations of friends and all make merry and dance until the morning light." With that, Elurale started to walk down the street.
"Huh?" Tristan asked.
"What?" Scrap questioned with a confused look.
"He means," Kate translated, "TO THE TAVERN!"
A Non-Existent User
Weapon:Fire staff but genrally changes his staffs at the next local wizardry stop or he just conjers up somthing from his "BOOK'O'WEAPONS".
Skills:can speak over 3000 languages,great for a laughhe specialises in ccapturing spells.
Personality:very lovable,very happy go lucky,when in a serious matter he makes the most out of it,he is loved by all females and all males respect him(most of tha time).
Appearence:5 foot 7 inchs(very short for a wizard of his staure)long robes ranging in all colours (it cahnges depending on his mood)short blondey brown hair(also another trate that differs from most wizards)blue eyes fairly attractive.
Quirks:he laughs a long time after a joke is told,very emotinal and has out bursts that makes every one laugh.

Where are the gnomes? For crying out loud, WHERE ARE KENDERR??? Sombody join and be a kender! Kender welcome! What is a chaos story without kender!? ;)

Kate had become rather tired as they traveled on to the tavern. (By the way, Evil Wiccan, next time you can pop up! Surprise us BRING CHAOS! MAY KENDER FALL FROM THE SKYYY!!!How many people know who kender are out of curiousity?)Kate began to curl up in a nice corner when they came to a cross roads. Tavern this way, one sign read pointing to the right. Tavern THIS way said another. And the third said, THE BLOODY TAVERN IS BLOODY THIS WAY!!!
"Which way?"said Scrap.
"I don't like taverns," said Kate and Kerla. "Oh dear," said one of the characters traveling with them. And Mumbly Joe popped up, but Scrap tossed him aside because he was from a different story in Kelendria Lyfbow's portfolio. And then Scrap said...
(Don't hate me!)
A Non-Existent User
         "I want money!"
         The preceeding statement was
intended to portray Scraps apparent desire to
have as much currency and/or other wealth in
the form of goods and services as he could
possibly obtain by announcing as such.
Henseforth, we can conclude that money is
being wanted, and that the thing that is wanted
is being money. Money comes in many forms.
There are "liquid assets", or the cash on hand
that comes in the form of coins and paper
bills, and "nonliquid assest", which comes in
the form of stocks, bonds, bank notes, and,
um, gift certificates, probably. These are
called "nonliquid" because they are not
liquids, in as they are solids. Something is in
a liquid state when the energy level of the
material in question equals or surpasses the
material's melting point. Thereafter the said
material can be converted to a gas by meeting
its boiling point, and, as we all know, the
shortest distance between point A and point B
is a straight line, or a teleportation spell. The
two givin points will always lie on the same
line, but should a third point be added to the
equation, this would not necessaily be so.
However, all three points would always share
a common plane, much like the Wright
Brother's first plane, the Kitty Hawk. Hawks
tend to eat kittys, not to mention squirrls, rats,
moles, voles, and other small, pointless
mamalia. Speaking of which, a gnome
walked in...
Alright, Alright Alright! I can take a hint.....sometimes......:)

The gnome gave them all a cross-eyed look, "Do you know the muffin man?"
"Wrong story bro," Tristan stage-whispered to the lost gnome.
"Sorry," The gnome replied and grumbled as it kicked it's feet and left this story forever.
"WE WANTED THE GNOME!" EVeryone yelled at Tristan.
Tristan looked upa t them wide-eyed, "Well, I wasn't here apparently, so how was Isupposed to know that?"
While the others seemed to be bickering over the gnome, Elurale read over his latest entry to his epic story. He paused, looked at the others, and yelled," All right.... Who's been writing Dr Seuss in my story? Green eggs and ham... hop on pop... my god people, can't you control yourselves?"

"No," they replied in unison.

"Oh k," Elurale said as he wrote more in his story. "And suddenly a huge beast approached the band of travelers, its fangs dripping with saliva, its eyes glaring with the heat of many flames..."

"That didn't happen, Elurale!" Kate yelled to him. Then the group heard a mighty growl behind them and they slowly turned around...
A Non-Existent User
What the hell is going on here will everyone pipe down and make sense...ha ha he he (laughing at all th puzzel faces)
This isn't supposed to make sense I think..I don't even know what's happening and I created the story! WHY ARE WE AT A WIZARD CITY? Am soo confused!;)
And they found a mouse growling at them. AHHHH! screamed Scrap and he fell over on his face. "Don't kill me!"
"Uh, Scrap?" Kate said. "It's just a mouse."
He stood up and brushed his robes off. "Ah. I knew that. I wanted to be...sarcastic."
Elurale was about to pull out his story and make another addition when the gnome came up again and ripped the paper from his hand, tearing it to shreds. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!!!???" he shrieked, looking at his 'epic' lying in shreds on the road. "The audience was bored. Write a new one. Besides you haven't done anything yet worthy of an epic."
Elurale thought and nodded. "True."
A Non-Existent User
         Unbeknownest to any of them, this was the turf of the goblin mafia, who was getting really peeved at them and decided to "wack" them on charges of disturbacne of the peace. Then something else happened.
Tristan fell asleep while leering at a particularly attractive goblin(he's very estranged.....he considers it attractive, okay!?). So, the goblins got offended and took him to kill him. THe others began to formulate a plan to rescue him....but they forgot about him (for the time being) as they were distracted by the dancing cheese.
NONO! I said chaos but I did not mean mass panic where there is no coherent storyline!
Kate, looking rather peeved, kicked the dancing cheese off the cliff, thus freeing her companions from its evil enchantment. "Now then, we must save Tristan*Exaggerated Sigh of Annoyance*, get to this wizard city to do whatever we need to do there, and get everyone home which means we are going to be on quite a lengthy journey, and last but not least, I Must change my socks to the proper green with ADVENTURE AND MAGIC printed on stripes around them in black, blue, white and grey. LET'S GO!"
And with that, having changed her socks, Kate stormed off. The others, shocked, followed after her in mild shock.
A Non-Existent User
         The don of the goblin Mafia was named Bruce Gwakawani, a notoriously fat and ruthless gangster. He sat in his chamber lighting up a pipe, flanked by his two swordsmen ruffians, "Bugs" and "Bullhorn".
         "Nobody kicks my dancing cheese and gets away wit it," said Bruce. "Have the boys send them a horse's head. We'll give them da real Gwakawani experience."
         "Godfather!" called another goblin, running in breathless. "They've arrived at the gates, and looking ready for a rumble!"
         "Have no fear, little one. They'll never make it past the clobberhounds..."
"Clobberhounds?" Kate asked. She quickly picked up a bone from the ground and threw it into the distance, luring the beasts away. "Really, you will have to do better than that!"

"Oh k," the goblin said.

"Really? Did you HAVE to say that, Kate?" Scrap asked as he placed his head in his hand and shook it back and forth.

"Um... yes?" she replied back.

"Elite guards!" the goblin yelled, "Finish them off!" Soon five goblins dressed in iron armer with huge maces, swords, and one with a slingshot appeared from the dark shadows and surrounded the group.

"Let us fight!" Elurale yelled as he drew his blade and the others did the same.
A Non-Existent User
i will fight anyone!!!! my mighty magicks will defeat u all

(sorry if it dnt make sense i havent written here for a while and well the rest dnt make sense.)
Hm. Trouble in the land of campfires as usual.

"Have at ye!" Scrap yelled somewhere in the background. He then promptly fell asleep.
"Hmph," said Kate pulling out her trusty sword and brandishing her vicious throwing star.
"Hiii-yah!" shrieked Kerla.
"Grr, arghhh," Tristan growled in his most fearsome manner, pulling some very frightening potato-peeling inventions from his pockets.
"In defense of all that is good and beautiful and lovely and fair, I challenge thee!" Elurale yelled, waving his shortsword distractedly in one hand, whilst trying to scribble his noble challenge on a paper with the other.
"Fear me and my feathers, the Tickling Implements of DOOM!" Ersicala shouted, twitching her feathers around in a threatening manner.
"Hmm, won't make fig pies for them, they're not nice at all, at any rate, prepare to die evil goblins! Too melodramatic? No..." Flint mumbled to his toes, gripping his axe tightly.
And last, but not least, Central chanted, "Fire, fire burn, burn burn, kill all the enemies, and cook them to a...erm...turn?"
The goblins were bored immensely by their list of challenges and responses and flung themselves over the cliff to escape the noise.
Elurale dropped his sword and started scribbling at a rapid pace.
"Elurale the Brave and Mighty vanquished the goblin horde without even swinging a blade. In his face was such purity and holiness and valiance, that the cruel and cowardly goblins cast themselves over the cliff, rather than face the terrible ELurale the Magnificent."
"No, I think they might have just tripped," said Kerla in a sing-song, silly manner.
And Scrap slept in his corner.

The End!

© Copyright 2002 Lady Arwen, xx-xx, xx-xx, da_ddq, Sage, Jax: Not here., Romantic Idealist, x-w fan, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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