How can we not know He cares? |
Heavenly Embrace By Marilyn Mackenzie March 29, 2002 The birds they sang in unison In one accord today. Today our God, He smiled in Heav’n "The birds have learned," He said. Animals bowed low and prayed In one accord they bowed. Today our God, He smiled in Heav’n "Creatures have learned," He smiled. "But what of man, so much like me? When will the lesson be learned, That each is precious in my sight, That I hug each one in turn?" When will we grasp God’s love for us? Is it enough to know He sent His Son to die for us We're all his friends, not foe. Can't we learn from the birds that sing? Animals know Him too. His arms want to embrace us all Waiting for me and you. Jesus sits at God’s right hand side To welcome us in Heaven. For us Christ suffered oh so much He died and rose again. And while we walk upon this earth Jesus will bear our loads. If we just ask our lives will be So blessed with Him as Lord. The sun is shining brightly, Squirrels scurry from tree to tree, As ever these remind us, Of God’s love for you and me. Singing birds remind us too As do the lovely flowers That God knows where we are now He cares about us each hour. If He cares about the birds, How can we not know His love, Extends to us, His people. He embraces us from above. |