Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/522615-The-Good-Morning
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #522615
Diversions don't always work as planned...
CODE: T (set in the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storyline)

TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): The Trench Rats (in progress)

PAIRING: PFC Reseda Rat/Unnamed prostitute/Unnamed prostitute (M/F/F)

EXPLANATION: In The Trench Rats, PFC Reseda hates his commander, LC Silver, with a passion. At least he thinks he does. Turns out he's in love with him. Yikes. Reseda, REALLY not knowing how to handle this, sets off with Battleship Gray Rat to seek out some prostitutes and have a good time in what turns out to be a futile effort to get over these feelings. Reseda is so desperate that he even hires two of them. Well, the sex is okay, but his feelings remain unchanged...as seen here...

DISCLAIMERS: Don't think of Reseda as violent or a jerk by any means. The slap he gives one of the hookers for laughing at his preferences is the ONLY time he has ever done that, and even he is shocked by it. Face it, he's just recently realized that he's bisexual and he's in love with his rather hostile commander. How pleasant do you think you would feel? In terms of errors--do you notice how one minute Reseda's in the washroom, then the next he's apparently back on the bed? I only just noticed that myself. ^_^; Oops. And one part of the story makes it seem like Reseda went into this adventure on his own, while in truth, BG Rat kind of nudged him into it. AND I believe the term "commanding officer" is used loosely, considering that Silver isn't an officer--he's merely a lance corporal. Lastly, yeah, I knew this all along...but the only "clothes" that Reseda--and most Rats--wear are a cape and helmet! So I took artistic license with my own character!

* * * * *

The Good Morning

Reseda pushed himself up with a groan, hand going to his head. A lead weight rested in the pit of his stomach, and his eyelids felt as if they were made of sand. He rubbed them furiously, his head throbbing, glancing behind him.

The two women--the two he'd spent last night with--still lay sleeping where he'd left them, legs tangled in the sheets. Their hair was mussed, salt dried upon their skin from the previous night's activities. They didn't notice him rise; apparently they slept better than he did.

Immediately he winced in distaste and turned away, rubbing his forehead now. It wasn't that they repulsed him. He'd very much enjoyed all that they'd done. Rather, it was the fact that he had enjoyed it all, yet still bore the same thoughts as yesterday, that made him grimace. What was going on with him?

He dimly remembered meeting them in the city, at first virtually ignoring their friendly banter and joking, until they literally dragged him behind the building, pawing him as he should have been pawing them. Already drunk half out of his mind by then, he'd insisted that they at least find a room. Which apparently they'd done. He couldn't remember that particular part. The rest was a tingling heated blur. He remembered kissing them, for what seemed to be a good long time. Then they'd moved around him and pushed him toward and over the bed. He couldn't recall if he protested or not, though he felt that he hadn't. After that, everything mixed together; at one point he knew that he held one to him as his tongue moved over her wet opening, while one of them sucked at his testicles; at another point he could feel himself pushing into one from behind, dimly hearing her cry out, feeling the other one's hands upon him, caressing and squeezing his buttocks as he thrust. He didn't know how many times they'd coupled, but it had evidently been more than just twice. Looking back again he spied bruises upon the shoulders of one, and a pang of guilt struck him. Had he done that? How? Had he really gotten so vicious in his need?

My need. He scowled and got up, leaning against the bedframe and reeling. He bent over to catch his breath and stop the room from spinning. As soon as he did, he bumped back into the mattress, and for the briefest moment it was as if someone touched him as he bowed over. A jolt of electricity shot up his spine and immediately he stood straight, glancing back.

He let out his breath again. No one there.

With another scowl he stumbled toward the washroom. Reaching it, he turned on the cold water and stuck his hands under the tap, splashing it in his face several times. He looked up into the mirror and froze.

He didn't recognize himself at first. Some light lipstick smudged his mouth and with a retching sound he wiped it off. Only to notice...claw marks on his own shoulder. At first they drew his curiosity and he gingerly touched them, wondering when he'd acquired them. The where was obvious, but not the how. After a moment, disgusted by those as well, he turned his attention back to washing his face, cooling off the heated battle that still raged on inside him, that had been raging all night.

He thought of Silver.

He's my commander. I can't feel like this. Can I?

He quit splashing and looked up at himself, dripping wet, again. His eyes were bigger than he remembered.

He's a man, he thought, and so am I. Why am I feeling like this?

Every time he closed his eyes for too long, he saw him there. Giving Reseda a slight smile. His hand just barely brushing against his arm. Other things, such as feeling his touch against his neck, his mouth pressing lightly to his own. His heart rose up in his breast.

Someone touched his elbow and he jumped, whirling around. One of the women peered back at him with a bit of surprise before smiling and rolling over onto her back. She didn't let go of his elbow but only smiled again.

"Good morning," she said in English, her voice accented.

He blinked a few times and let out his breath in a rush, his heart hammering. He rubbed his eyes and tried not to scowl.

"Good morning..."

"You did sleep well? With us in the bed?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Slept well."

She grinned. "Good to hear. Thought sleep might come hard with three in the bed."

Oh, it came hard, all right.

He tried to shake the thought out of his head before he could say it. "No, it was...fine. Good. Whichever."

Her smile faded and she let go of his elbow. His arm drew back; he hadn't even realized that he'd been tugging to get away from her. "A bad morning you're having? You did not sleep well?"

"I slept fine. I just...think I had too much to drink last night." When she looked mildly confused he pantomimed holding a bottle to his mouth. "Guzzle guzzle. Too much." He made a face and she smiled again.

"Oh. Too much of the bottle. Understood. To give you a good morning?"


She rolled over back onto her stomach and got to her knees, giggling. She grabbed onto his elbow before he could protest and dragged him back toward her. The other one pushed herself up with a yawn and rubbed her eyes just as Reseda fell beside her, and the first one giggled louder. Flushing furiously, he realized that he'd put his hand out to break his fall and it had landed on the second woman's thigh. She blinked at it and then put her hand to her mouth, shaking a little.

"Sorry," Reseda said, and they both burst into laughter.

"Oh! My hand hurt you!" the second woman exclaimed, spotting his shoulder. She pouted and leaned forward to kiss the wound. He felt his cheeks grow hotter. She leaned back and smiled, patting his arm. "There. 'All better'!"

"Any other booboos?" the first one cooed, and they both put their arms around him. He resisted a little bit, but not much.

"I have to be getting back..."

"Oh, but the morning is still early! Not will be missed much, really? Stay a bit!"

"Paid well, get much," the other one added, and they giggled anew.

He stopped pulling away and stared at them as they smiled back. His resolve started to melt a little. Why was he so insistent on getting back early? Battleship Gray probably wasn't even awake yet. He had no idea where the other Rat was or who he was with. He had paid them well, considering what they must normally get. Plus they even seemed to like him a little.

His shoulders began to slump. "All...all right," he said, after a moment. "I can stay for a little bit...but then I have to go. No arguments..."

"No arguing here, do you see any?"

"No, none here; only the three of us and much agreement!"

Laughing softly, they drew him closer, both kissing him. He put his arms out to draw them to him and nuzzled at their necks. Their hands ran down his naked body and over his thighs; one of them lightly cupped him in front and his breath sped up. His fingers slipped beneath one, fingering her wetness; then slid to her backside, squeezing her buttock so abruptly that she squealed. He was devouring the mouth of one of them, which one he didn't know or care. All that he knew was the images that kept flying through his mind. Not the two beautiful women. But Silver. Always Silver.

He imagined Silver kissing him, his hands caressing lower, their bodies pressing close, legs parting, fingers feeling, spreading, opening, entering...

He growled softly, barely heard the responding giggle. His hand grasped someone's arm tightly. He brought them down to the bed, pressed on their back, caressed their neck and spine and hip. Someone else's fingers ran over his hardening shaft, tickling at the tip. His breath began to come faster as he swung his leg up and over, feeling softness against his groin as he straddled somebody; he heard one of them coo encouragingly, grasped the tender flesh before him, and pulled it apart. Fingers sought their opening even while someone licked him, moistening him, getting him ready. He imagined Silver's mouth doing this, Silver waiting for him to enter, kneeling and waiting. He arched his back and brought his hips upward, feeling his shaft slide slick and full inside, hearing a hoarse cry, hearing a laugh and feeling hands upon him as he let out his breath and let his head fall back. His hands clenched trembling hips. Before him, in his mind, he saw Silver.

He's my COMMANDER! I CAN'T feel like this!

Damn what he could and couldn't feel; he could feel this, and most exquisitely so. He bowed over, keeping his eyes shut, and started pushing hard and fast, grunting needfully. His testicles slapped against bare skin; someone reached between his legs to fondle them, making him groan. The laughter continued, soft and omnipresent. His thighs tightened as he moved even faster, driving himself deeply inside, dimly hearing his lover's responding cries. He imagined Silver crying out for him.

Someone touching his backside, fingers slipping between his buttocks, made him shiver wildly. A couple of fingers gently prodded inside him; he lurched and stiffened with a loud moan. A giggle met his ear--"You like this, really?"--and as he moved the motion continued, in, and out, in, and out. It wasn't much--but for some reason it set him on fire all over. With a sharp cry and a hard push he pulled himself out to spurt over the woman's back, his seed slickening her skin. She arched and moaned in return and her fluids flowed down her legs. The woman behind him smiled and kissed his cheek, and said something aloud to her partner. The first woman turned her head to blink at Reseda with a look of surprise; and then, again, the laughter. They covered their mouths and tears came to their eyes. Reseda's still-existing vision of Silver, now thrusting inside him, vanished and he felt the anger and humiliation seep up into his chest, making his ears burn. He couldn't be certain what the woman had said, but he was pretty sure that he'd understood the in-and-out motion she'd made with her hand. With a scowl he reached out and gave her a very light slap, not even enough to sting, but just enough to get her attention. She gasped and blinked, her laughter stopping immediately. The prone woman did the same.

He liked that they stopped laughing at him, but he still couldn't believe what he'd just done. He scowled again and pushed himself up, swinging his legs off of the bed. His penis felt sore from their rather frenzied activity, and his shame only grew. They'd been laughing at him because he'd just given himself away. He'd liked the strange motion inside his body, the thought of someone coupling with him. They found this funny.

They're right. I'm wrong. I can't feel like this. It's one or the other, not both. I like them, or I like HIM.

I CAN'T love him. I never could...

He ground his knuckles to his forehead and groaned as they looked on, he leaving the room. As much as he tried to convince himself that it was only the alcohol talking, the visions of what he wanted to do with his commanding officer were all too clear, and weren't fading away any. Even as he stumbled his way to find his clothes, another part of him lay tangled in someone else's sheets, spread out and moaning, shivering in rapture as someone else oh so slowly pushed inside and released. And the voice that whispered lovingly in his ear...was a man's voice. A familiar voice.

Silver's voice.

"I have to go," he mumbled, grabbing his clothes and putting them on hastily before leaving the room.

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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)

I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.

Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome.
© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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