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The September 26th edition of the UnOfficial Christian Newsletter |
Hey everyone! This is Wes Roach, newest editor of the UCN. armyofnone I’m a 17 year old male from Pittsburgh, PA. I am a Christian, and proud of it! I’ve been here at Writing.Com for about 3/4 of a year now. I love this site, and when I found other Christians, it got better! And when I found this newsletter a while back, I was even happier. But then it sort of died off. But now, I’ve become an editor, and I plan to keep this newsletter running for as long as God enables me to. I really want to reach out to the other Christians on this site, and to the unsaved as well! And God can use this newsletter! I hope that this newsletter and the ones to follow will help you through the week. The way I have it set up is so there’s a small devotion set up for each day of the week. There’s a scripture and some comments I have for you. Then, If I have any other things to talk about, I’ll put in an essay or some paragraph and speak my mind to you all. But if not, then there’ll be the devotions. I’ll also include a song or CD of the week. I encourage you all to check out whatever song or CD I put in here, cus if it’s posted, then I’ve been touched by it, and I want you all to be ministered by it as well. First off, I have set up the next 7 days with at least one scripture and a small study or devotion. I hope that you will do one every day. For those who struggle with reading your Bible every day, here’s a good way to get started. All you have to do is go through each day for the next 7 days and read the scripture(s) for that day and what I have written...and guess what? You’ve read your Bible! For a whole week! It’s an easy way to get started reading the Word, which is a must-do for us. If we want to draw closer to God, we must stay in His Word. I encourage you to print out this list of devotions. That way, you have it with you, and you can refer to it instantly when you want to your devotion for the day. Print this 7-day devotional out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daily Devotional Day 1- (Jeremiah 24:7; Jeremiah 29:11-13) God is not distant. We think so sometimes, and we live our lives in despair because we think God is far far away! But He isn’t! He’s right beside you. And He’ll help you out. He’ll give you the strength. The peace. The hope. The stamina to endure. All you have to do is to seek His will for your life and just to seek His face. He’ll then, in return, give you a new heart, one that will know Him. He’ll set you straight. Just give your all to Him, and He’ll bless you for it. Day 2- (Psalm 120:1; Psalm 121) ‘I look unto the hills, from whence comes my help...’ What awesome words! Spoken by David, directed to God. David knew where his help was. He knew that if he looked up to god in his problems, God would hear him and answer his cry. And it’s no different for us! All you have to do is just go to God with your problems, no matter what they are, and give them to Him. Pray and cry out before Him and He’ll hear you. Day 3- (Matthew 11:28-30) This is a simple one. Go to god, all you who are going through and all who face difficulties, and GOD WILL GIVE YOU REST. He’ll help carry your burdens, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) Day 4- (Luke 8:15) Good seeds produce what? Good fruit. Does God want us to be good seeds? Yes. How? Well, you must read the Word. You must pray. You must live a life in honor of Him. When you live in the right, God will make your seed pure and healthy. That way, when you plant seeds in other’s lives by witnessing and testifying, they will have the pure, honest Word in them...planted by a pure planter. God wants us to be pure. And He also wants us to reach out to the world. And if we’re pure, and we plant pure seeds in the people around us, how could we go wrong? So, today, and from now on, try to live right and try to your best to live in honor of God. Be a good seed. Day 5- (Luke 9:25) Ahh...yes, the infamous scripture. The one all the people in Hollywood should read. How true this scripture is! Jesus warns us not to conform to the world, and when we do, we fall from Him. Materialism is a sin. We can’t let ourselves get caught up in possessions, but instead, the Creator. So what if you’re rich? Will it get you into Heaven? No. So what if you have nice clothes and have nice things? Will it save you? No. Sure, it’s nice to have those things, but we can’t let it get in between ourselves and God. God must be #1 in our lives. No matter what. And nothing can be allowed to squeeze in there. Day 6- (Psalm 46:1-3) Though the world is crashing down around us, God still stands. And if we hold onto God, we’ll stay above the mess too. The world is heading for Hell, and we need to stay close to God, careful not to get sucked into the world. Famines, earthquakes, terrorism, sickness, etc... It’s all over. The world is falling apart. And the only sure foundation is upon God. Will you stand on the Rock? Or the sinking sand? Day 7- (Nehemiah 9:17) We make mistakes. We screw up. We fall down. We sin. Face it...we’re human, and we are gong to fail God. God will not reject us. He loves us so much that He’ll forgive us, no matter what we’ve done and as long as our apologies are sincere. God is very forgiving. So when you mess up, don’t despair. God still forgives. ~~~~~~~~~~ Song of the week: ‘Spin’- Lifehouse http://www.lifehousemusic.com -click on ‘audio and video’. There is a link to the song ‘spin’. Click on it and listen away! ~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t plan on having a big article every week. But I’ll try. But you’re in luck! I have one for you. It’s in my portfolio, under the folder ‘Articles’. But I’ll paste it here so you can read it. It’s called ‘Back on Track.’
"Back on Track" by: Wes Roach We see how this country is going downhill. We see how perverse this nation is, and ultimately, the world. We know how Satan has gained a grasp upon America, and how he is warping the minds of men. We know what's happening. We see it. It's everywhere. So...why aren't we doing anything about it? In Luke 14:34, 35 it says: Salt is good; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land not for the dunghill, but men throw it out. Let who has ears to hear, let him hear! The salt in this scripture is referring to us. We are the salt of the earth. We have Christ in us, so we should spread the world with Him. Season the unsaved with the salt of Christ. That's our mission and purpose. We should be doing that. We should be witnessing. We should be taking a stand for our faith, especially now, in these darker times. But I see no evidence of too many Christians living, well, living Christian. What has happened? When did we become unseasoned? We need to take a look at our lives. Examine our hearts. What sin are you suffering from? What's holding you back? Fear? Rebellion? Anger? Sin? Whatever it is, we must overcome our problems and press on! We can't let these things hold us down and keep us from doing what God wants us to. Yes, Satan will try in every way he can to stop you, and at the moment, most of us will crumble at his attacks and give in to him and lose hope. We are filled with despair and we drop to our knees in submission. Why? Why do we do that? We are human, and we do make mistakes. It's our nature to sin and to be rebellious. It's our nature to be scared at times and to hold back, especially during harder times. And that's when Satan comes to us. When we are vulnerable. He'll plant doubt in our minds and fear in our hearts. And then we can't do what God wills, and we can't stand for our faith, because we are too afraid and we aren't even sure about our own faith!! It's time we stood up and not let Satan defeat us so easily. Fight!! Raise a fist. Throw a punch. Don't let the devil take you down so easily. He's done it for many millennia, and it's time we stood up to him. With Christ's help, we can rebuke him. Now, of course, if we do that, we'll still sin and stuff. We are not perfect. But if we rebuke him and ask for forgiveness from our failures, then we can gain strength enough to stand. We'll be able to live out loud for Christ. We'll be living our talk. And not a moment too soon. Right now, our country is going through some terrible times, as is the world. And it's going to get worse! It's time we get up and it's time we take a stand for our faith. Let's get our lives back on track, and get this country back on track as well. Christ is coming back soon, and we want as many as possible ready for His return. Let's do this. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Featured Items: This week, I have selected some items from various people that I think you’ll find very good!
And two of my own....
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well my friends, this is all for this week. I’ll keep you all in mind as we progress through the next 7 days. May God richly bless you and keep you under His protection. And may you all seek his face diligently. God bless, adios! Sincerely, Wes Roach 'One nation Under God' Light a candle for Rana No revival without change in the heart!