Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/596357-From-the-Heart-originaly-untitled
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by Lazu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #596357
i decided to use it for my eng so ive had to change it again FINISHED! rewrote end
From The Heart.

She laughed and flicked her short curly hair out of her eyes. Matt paid her no attention as he walked past. She wasn’t worth the mud he stood on because she was a scruff. Someone to look down on from the high perch of his life. Not his type at all. First of all her hair was blue, purple and red. Second she didn’t wear perfume or dresses. Her nails were all different lengths and black. She never wore pink and probably didn’t shave her legs. Her jewellery was chunky and in no way delicate and when ever some one bothered her she punched them. Most of all she swore. A lady didn’t swear. He moved his perfect hair out of his wonderful eyes with his wonderful, unspoilt, manicured fingers. And smoothed the creases out of his expensive trousers and walked over to the blonde bunny leaning on his locker and didn’t think about the girl he’d passed in the corridor for five years.

Rave watched the rich people in the lunch hall. What she wouldn’t give to have those dresses that they took for granted. One of those cost about the same as her whole wardrobe. No one knew how she felt. She covered up by buying baggie clothes. She liked them but she wouldn’t mind a dress to wear once in a while. Even if it was alone at home. She hit Tony round the head and started to flirt with him. He was the one every one flirted with. There was the usual argument over who was better at football between the boys and the usual comparing of blokes between the girls. Rave just sat there till the bell went.

Matt watched them mucking about in computer class. It was the same girl as had passed him in the corridor but he didn’t really notice. He turned back to his laptop,
“What did you do to my laptop Mike??? Its frozen!” he yelled to the boy next to him.
“Hey man! Don’t look at me!” said Mike.
“Now what am I gonna do?” he exclaimed staring at his laptop. “Buy a new one?!” said some one from the back.
“Look all you gotta do is hit these three buttons and it re-starts and finds the problem its self. Then it tells you what you gota do to fix it,” said Rave leaning over his shoulder. Matt was stunned that some one like her was smart-ish. And that she could smell so good. He knew straight away it wasn’t any perfume but her own private smell. Some what like soap and cinnamon. His computer re-loaded and MSN Messenger came up. She raise and eyebrow at him.
“I don’t go on it at school!” he said quickly. She straightened with a sparkle in her eyes.
“If you say so!” she replied.
Just then Matts’ friend Mike joined in. he argued with Rave for quite a while till Matt suddenly got over his shock of some one standing up to Mike to intervene.
“Now wait…” was as far as he got
“You stay out of this Matt! It’s between me and this junki…” he didn’t get any further because he was unconscious on the floor. Rave then turned back to Matt with a grin on her face.
“Goodbye…Matty,” she said walking back to her end of the room. You idiot!! You could have said something! Its not as if she’s drop dead gorgeous even if she did smell better than any girl you’ve ever been near. Matt thought to himself. The thing was she was gorgeous, in her own way.
“Hey man she called you Matty!” commented some one. Matt turned to tell her not to do that but she left as the bell went. It was strange Matt didn’t remember time passing.

She was hanging round the water fountain by her self so he went up to her. He asked her not to call him Matty because it gave him sad memories of his mother. She asked him why, if that were so, he didn’t have every one calling him Matty as she had had the same experience and made every one call her Rave.
“I must say I never thought of it that way,” he said.
“What are we gona do about you?” she asked.
“Pardon?” he asked.
“No.” she said. “You say huh? Or what? Or whe?” he looked blank.
“Meet me here at 3. 15. You’re too polite and we’re gonna sort it,” she said disappearing in to the crowd.
“WAIT!!” he yelled but she didn’t hear him.

She was late. He checked his watch. It said 3. 20. She came up to him and apologized for being late. She’d had a problem with her lit teacher. He told her he had one more lesson and that it was gym.
“You don’t need that!!” she told him squeezing his arm muscles as she dragged him out of the school doors. She asked where he’d like to go and he told her that he wanted to go to a salon and they made a deal they’d redo each other’s hair. He chose an expensive salon and she refused to go in because she couldn’t afford it. He told he would pay and she could pay him back with food. She agreed and they went in laughing.

Rave looked at her black and blue hair in the mirror.
“Kwel!” she stated. Matt smiled
“Mine looks like an anime…!” he started but was interrupted by his phone ringing.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Yea hi mate its me Jon.”
“What you want Jon?”
“Where were you in gym man?”
“I had to go to the dentist.”
“Yea right! What did you really do?”
“That would be telling.”
“Oh…she still there then?”
“Anyway. You coming tomoz?”
Matt covered the mouthpiece.
“Shall we finish this battle tomorrow or have you got plans?” he asked Rave.
“Lets think. Saturday. No. We can continue if you like,” she replied. Matt winked in reply.
“Matt?? Hey man where are you?”
“No Jon I’m not going tomoz.”
“But this golf trip has been scheduled for ages!!”
“I don’t care. I don’t like golf.”
And with that Matt hung up.

Rave watched him open-mouthed
“What?” he asked, “I don’t!” she giggled at him and he grinned liking the fact he’d made her laugh.
“You learn quickly!” she told him,
“Quick.” he corrected with another grin. Watching as the manicure lady came over and looked at Raves nails.
“We’re gona have to get extensions put on here!” she told her assistant.
“Now wait a minute!!! This wasn’t part of the deal!!!” Rave exclaimed as they removed the remains of her nail varnish. “You can get me back tomorrow,” said Matt spiking his hair. “Oooooh! I will!” said Rave as she settled back to plot.

“Do you know these…claws don’t come off!” said Rave the next day as she got in Matts car. He laughed.
“I wouldn’t because im a bloke so I never have ‘um on.” he replied. She grinned evilly at him and he got slightly worried.
“Where to today my lady?” he added, with a mock bow. She looked him up and down. “The mall laddy buck.” she told him slowly before hitting him on the arm playfully. He laughed and drove off.

He was thinking. He had that look. She’d only known him for a day and she knew him. He had changed and she could see he still was and he liked what he was becoming. She knew she had changed too. She wasn’t sure where she was headed but she liked it. Of course she did. It was taking her closer to Matty. She sat and plotted what she’d make him try on.

He was thinking how much he liked the way he was changing. He never would have thought he would have felt comfy the way he was headed but he knew how he had lived for the majority of his life wasn’t the way he was meant to be because he didn’t feel at home in posh houses wearing expensive clothes. He watched Rave out of the corner of his eyes and smiled. She was thinking. He could tell. He pulled up in a space at the mall.
He looked at her and laughed. Rave raised an eyebrow at him and got out of the car. Matt got out too. Rave grabbed his hand and dragged him to her favourite shop. She picked him out a complete outfit and told him he had to try it on.
He agreed and put them on, they were extremely warm and comfortable he came out and modelled for Rave. She had a weird look on her face.
“What?” he asked
“Oh…nothing…” she replied. They spent an hour in that shop and then Matt decided to take Rave into a posh shop and get her to try on a gown. He thought she’d come up with an excuse and wasn’t prepared to see her in the sexy, black, strapless, full length, tight dress he’d picked out for her.

Rave wasn’t sure about wearing the dress to let him see because it was the most reviling thing she had ever worn. But she decided he’d think her a chicken if she didn’t show him. The cute, look of surprise and need on his face was worth it. It was in that instant that Rave found herself falling head over heals in love with a guy she had known for no more that two days. She swore to her self that he would never, never know as she bought lunch. He gave his burger a weird look before he started to eat it and she laughed at him.

He loved the way she ate her burger…actually he loved everything about her. He’d fallen in love the first time he really saw her, in the computer room. He had hoped he’d not have to see her again because he knew it would lead to him loosing his heart. He also new she would never love him in return. It was a match made in hell besides what would their friends say? They’d laugh at the thought of some one like him going out with some one like her. Although the thought of never seeing her again twisted his guts in to a painful knot where as the thought of his friends shunning him didn’t.

She caught him watching her and her heart raced. To hide her racing heart she smiled and threw a chip at him.
“Hey!” he protested throwing one back. It went down her top and she laughed at him as he offered to get it for her. It was dark when they left and Rave told Matt she would see him on Monday. Since she worked Sundays.

Matt thought about Rave. He hadn’t been able to get back to sleep since six that morning when she had intruded on his dreams in her black dress. There was nothing to it. He was going to have to talk to her the next day at school. He got up to feed the meowing cat even though it was half an hour early. He suddenly stopped. He had only known her for two days!! By the time he spoke to her it would be four. You just didn’t do that; fall in love in two days. It just wasn’t something you did. Only he had and there was nothing he could do about it.

When she got to school Matt was waiting for her. She gave him a big hug and started to talk to him. Drummer came up to her and asked to talk to her alone. He wanted to know what she was doing with one of them. She told him to mind his own business and that Matt wasn’t like that. After a heated argument she hit him and he stopped. She told him she could do what ever she liked because she was old enough and he wasn’t her father so he couldn’t dictate to her. Also Matt was different from the others. Drummer just stormed off and Rave went back to Matt. He told her he was sorry she had argued with a friend and she told him that Drummer loved arguing and that it wasn’t anything major. They when to their classes vowing to meet up later.

They both had quite a few arguments with people that week. People who didn’t agree with their friendship. They ignored them and grew closer every minute they were together.

On Friday Rave was standing by the vending machine as Matt came up.
“Come on!!” he said grabbing her arm.
“But I got one more class!!!” she exclaimed.
“What?” he asked stopping
“Food Tech....” she replied. He laughed.
“You don’t need that!!!” he said continuing to his car.
Just then a tall boy-Tim-appeared and strode over to them.
“Oh Matt I thought you had more taste than hanging around with a junkie,” he said and Rave bristled. Matt informed him that Rave wasn’t a junkie and that he, Tim, was more so because he smoked. Tim stormed of and rave smiled at Matt. They got in the car and drove off till they came to a hill and stopped.
“I’ve gota tell you something...” he started
“So have I…” she said, “But you can go first!”
“Well…I know when you fall in love its meant to take a while. Well I’ve fallen in love and, well, I’ve only known her a week and…I’ve always loved her. That sounds so weird but its so true,” he said softly. “And I know you probably don’t feel the same but I had to…” he said no more as her lips stilled his. She only broke the kiss once to tell him:
“I love you too.”

They decided not to tell anyone they were together till the next party. Rave was going to one on Saturday and Matt was going to one that night. He went to buy Rave the black dress while she got acquainted with his sister. When he came back she had her hair up and was laughing with his sister what about he didn’t know because they wouldn’t tell him. He gave Rave the dress and she blushed. The girls than chased him out with a tube of lipstick so rave could get dressed. He went to his own wing of the house and put away the clothes he’d bought for the next day. He then proceeded to get ready.

She took his breath away in that dress and he was glad he had told her he loved her. The look of love on his face warmed her heart and she knew that this was the guy she wanted to be with forever. They arrived a little late to the party but they had wanted to do that. Mike came up and demanded to know where Matt had found such a pretty girl and Matt told him she was just lying around right under his nose. At this Mike laughed and wanted to know if there were any more where she had come from and Matt told him they were every where. He just had to look long and hard. Rave came back with the drinks she had gone to get and Mike was amazed that it was the same girl that matt had taken a liking to in the computer class a week ago. He rubbed his jaw remembering her punch and he started to like her against his better judgment.

“Hello.” said a blonde bunny slowly wrapping herself round Matt’s neck. “Im glad you left that awful girl behind. The one you’ve been hanging round with.”
“Um…err…” was the reply as he fruitlessly tried to untangle her.
“I was wondering…” started The Bunny as Rave walked up.
“Rave!” said Matt with a plea in his eyes. Rave raised an eyebrow at The Bunny. “What are YOU doing here? This is a private party get out!!” she screamed. Matt finally got her off of him and he started to walk off. She tried to get Matt to stay with her but he informed her that he was in love with Rave and he wasn’t going to go near her again because she was a petty, spoilt Daddy’s girl. He also told her she wasn’t going to get anywhere if she was nasty to people’s significant other halves.
Bunny then told him he wasn’t going to get anywhere with her so he shouldn’t try she turned to Mike and tried to seduce him. He didn’t like the look of her and exclaimed he didn’t like the look of that stone referring to what Matt had said before. Bunny sulked because she thought he was talking about her earrings and they were German rubies. He quickly followed after Rave and Matt. They were talking to an elegant girl with dark hair and bright eyes. She thought that the fact that Rave and Matt were from different clichés and yet they had fallen in love. Mike wondered if he could do the same out loud and blushed. Matt told him not to rush things and Rave patted his head and told him his time would come.

Saturday’s party was much the same only it was different people and a different setting. Many people congratulated him of getting Rave. Apparently there had been numerous attempts to date her but she’d had none of it. Matt left the party very happy and with a group of new friends.

On Monday Matt wore his shirt from Fridays party and his trousers from Saturdays. Rave wore a short black skirt and a holey, lace up top that Matt liked. He was waiting as she came up with a new friend,
“But I still don’t get how they do that!” said a brunette punk-who looked remarkably like the brunette from the party-called De-Via to Rave.
“Weeeell neither do I. They just do.” said Rave smiling at Matt. Mike came up.
“Well…hi” he said to De-Via who giggled and grinned at him.
“Do excuse me while I turn this rock!” he said to Matt walking off with her.
“What was that about?” asked Rave with a raised eyebrow.
“Nothing I can’t tell you later.” was the reply as he kissed her. She smiled up at him eyes full of love.
“Lets go find a dark corner of the cinema,” he suggested giving her a red rose and leading her out to the doors.
“Oh wait I have one more class! It’s Gym,” she said.
“You don’t need that!!” they said at the same time and laughed as they left the school. In the passengers side of his car was a little cat stuffed toy with a large heart in its arms. Or the heart was written. ‘From the heart, with love’ Rave smiled at Matt and he felt like the luckiest man alive.


© Copyright 2002 Lazu (vampirqueen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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